Check your privilege.
Damn it 😂Nice try, but we can only request 6 months in advance. Mark your calendar for June 24th. 😉
What a bunch of corporate shills y’all are.
No, we just have common sense.What a bunch of corporate shills y’all are.
No, we just have common sense.
We also just like the bread and want more of it.
Oh Lordy. This makes you incredibly annoying.
Sheesh. I'm so over progressives.
As we've already mentioned... if you requested it early you'd get it. Especially this year with so many hour cuts.
Don't blame target for your time management. I understand anger is one of the stages of grief, but please get counseling and don't screw over people who did nothing wrong.
I worked my normal shift, but I've volunteered to close for the past six years. They didn't ask this year.
We progressives have hearts.
I didn't bring this up, but I have an opinion.
Progressives have hearts .... unless it belongs to an unborn baby. Thennnnnn .... not so much.