Archived Can Backroom Leads Interfere?

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we backstock most of them. most times the electronics one just sit around the ele. br until we neeed em. i dont understand why the company cant get it right with those... its backstocked as an assortment.. should pull for the pog that it goes on not just randomly*which is why i think most stores hate bs'ing them*
When I was signing my flow TL would always complain about my space allocation and whatnot and that someone would throw it away... Well I would just remind them that they are taking away the tools I need to perform my job and the best team survey asks about that 😉

At my store the signing TM is only responsible for overheads, operational signing, fact tags, displays and 3X5's. I would spend 3 days on signing and 2 days on pog. And this isn't technically best practice but what made sense for my store.
Probably 10% of the time, flow will stock the product out of a shipper and then bale the shipper. I have had to go around to TMs multiple times to tell them to read the gigantic stickers plaster on most shippers that say "Place on XXX ec" or "For such and such set date: DO NOT TOSS." I wouldn't mind so much if it was just newbies, but I see people who shoudl know better tossing brand new shippers into the baler. Target seriously needs to figure out a way to keep shippers from pulling. I get that the shipper might be the only place we have a specific battery DPCI or whatever, but it's a shipper for an upcoming set.

Signing in my store used to have two pallet spaces in receiving, but post remodel they have to work out of the smaller than average signing room. The signing pallet gets left on the truck after unload and then my signing tm immediately breaks it down and sorts. We have a little bit of storage outside the signing/fixture room for the extra large boxes.
i dunno i think i misunderstood. we just backstock our shippers so they get pulled when the pog is set

We keep ours off location. Too often the shipper has been pulled with a regular autofill because there is no other product on location, and someone ends up tossing the shipper when the pull is ran.
I think that the nice thing is we have some seasoned BR guys who know if the shipper is pulling with the morning autos they shouldnt pull it.. If i happen to be walking by and see someone trying to push a shipper for an endcap i explain to them about the label on the box.. set date etc.. its just one of those things that i think the company doesnt really worry about fixing
Sorry for the delay in reply (OP here)..

Hadn't read any of the replies until today, still figuring out 'watching' threads (got it down, now)

Without getting too detailed, backroom bully managed to pull me aside and raise the bar on how much of a dick he really is, to the point I got very shaken and nearly called the Integrity Hotline on him. My Pres.TL, whose authority to prevent him from doing so has been completely disregarded despite her verbal insistence that he stop, even said I should call it when I texted her I was thinking about it, because of her frustration with him. I instead wrote a the Store TL a lengthy feeling-bullied email about how it has been critically disrupting signing and asked whether others had been bullied by him. Store TL discovered thru pull-aside chats of others that bully had a strong reputation for being a total dick, and now bully is no longer allowed to jack with my stuff and isn't speaking to me. /drama

Hardlinesmaster said:
Ok. Are you with Plano team or back room team?
I am neither POG nor backroom. I'm strictly signing.. My TL is over Plano, Signing and Price and generally considers me my own third team. I work with Plano a lot as far as doing specifically signing elements. We currently have it set up so that I work 3 days during the week to doing misc projects and assist Plano, but then work Saturday mornings solo so I can focus on bigger fish and not be pulled 30 directions at once =)

commiecorvus said:
I'm guessing the main issue is lost signage so I'd start writing up a list of everything you have to order to replace what he threw out.
I currently keep a check-in log of all signing-sticker descriptions when I first tear in to the pallet, as before when I had initially begun I had trouble remembering whether we had or had not in fact even received xyz backer paper. I've got a manifest of everything I've checked in, at least.. In some cases, he opened boxes and pulled everything out and threw out the box and the instructions inside, so all I had left were random pieces he couldn't figure out what were for and just left them loose and mixed together with other opened boxes.

ZombieGurl said:
As the PTL in my store we do not keep anything if it scans discontinued not on pog.
That was kind of bully's rationale, but I would say perhaps 40% of my work involves things that are not even governed by the PDA. I rarely even check out a PDA for that reason.. I also store the refresh/etc fixtures that go with certain resets along with them, which naturally most wouldn't even have barcodes to scan, and all of those were gone. I generally cluster everything POG needs for a reset (recently Sporting Goods, for instance) on a tub for them to draw from, and then on Saturdays come in for a day when POG is absent to audit everything they left behind after the reset is completed.

Going thru my signing mishmash with the intent to scan-audit tossables is a sure-fire way to get the stinkeye from me =) Whoever stacks our ISM pallets is renowned for not being familiar with the laws of physics, so many of my things end up being crushed and we have a tendency to keep older projects' items like generic backers to use in case they send us a crushed backer the week that we are resetting (not uncommon), but bully threw all of those out, also.


I think the drama is by-and-large done, but we're still popping up with did-we-get-it-was-it-tossed? moments as a result, but at least bully is out of my hair =P
I currently keep a check-in log of all signing-sticker descriptions when I first tear in to the pallet, as before when I had initially begun I had trouble remembering whether we had or had not in fact even received xyz backer paper. I've got a manifest of everything I've checked in, at least..
In some cases, he opened boxes and pulled everything out and threw out the box and the instructions inside, so all I had left were random pieces he couldn't figure out what were for and just left them loose and mixed together with other opened boxes.

I wouldn't drop a pallet of water on him him.
I'd pin him to the wall with the crown and pour acid on him.
That is not cleaning up, that is being a dick on purpose.
You don't do that without careful planning.

Keeping fixtures for future sets is SOP and to throw them out is unacceptable even if it's a little more understandable.

I'm glad to hear they made him back off.
I hope you can keep him at arms length so there isn't any payback.
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ive had so much stuff thrown out my etl's and tl's that they finally listen to me.. one year they thought they should recycle all my extra 18inch shelves.. i was like.. seriously.. you do realize we use those during holidays when theres candy everywhere and a wall of christmas lights and dont forget the risers that we aren't supposed to have but do have.. after having to not set things because we had no shelves they finally started listening to me. i was like.. seriously i dont like clutter i dont want extra if i need it i need it its not because i want to make your life miserable.
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