Archived Can I use recorded conversations on my phone on things as proof that I'm being harassed, p

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Aug 23, 2014
So there's a nasty TM that has been insulting me and other stuff has made other TMs done the same thing by turned them against me.

I confronted her, and I was prepared; I set my phone to voice recorder and well she said a lot of nasty stuff. I did talked to ETL and TL, not really helpful. I want to proceed to call the integrity hotline and give them use the audio as proof. I'm asking this because other thread someone said that Recording stuff can't get you fired, if so how on earth will I have proof or evidence about what I'm saying?
What state are you in? Because different states have different laws on recording conversations. I don't know if that would affect things because I'm not a legal professional.
What state are you in? Because different states have different laws on recording conversations. I don't know if that would affect things because I'm not a legal professional.

Depends on what state you live in. Where I live, it is legal to record someone in a face to face conversation without informing them and without their consent.
Accordingly to this site: Taped Conversation - Can I use it in court? it is.

Establishing a Foundation for the Recorded Conversation

Federal law and several states require only that one party to the conversation consent to the recording. If you are a party to the conversation that you are recording, then your consent is sufficient. New York, Louisiana, and Texas adhere to this requirement.
How do we know those nasty words are not true?

Get her fired and the other TMs will just get nastier.

Oh Target High School drama!
According to this website, you CAN record without the other person's permission
Be careful. From the same website:
However, even if the recording is the type of evidence that is admissible, you still may not be able to introduce the tape in court due to a lack of predicate. Predicate refers to the foundation that you must establish to ensure the evidence is reliable. For example, until you establish that the voice on the tape is actually belongs to the person you are claiming it does, the recorded conversation is hearsay and will not be admitted.

Read more: Taped Conversation - Can I use it in court?
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Yeah, I read that. But just seems like @Joel wants to prove to leadership what is happening and fix the problem.
We do not have all facts on this matter, like the other side of the story. They need to document all events & stay away from that tm. Their mgt needs a chance to review & investigate the alleged events. They may not give the accuser any info, either.
Talk to your TL and ETL again. The fact that you have told them numerous times forces them to investigate the situation. If you feel nothing is being done to resolve the situation, go to your ETL HR. You shouldn't have the need to record anyone to prove your side of the story. Best way to get through it is to repeat "this is not work related, goodbye(please leave, I have work to do)." and get away if you can. That TM is just looking for reactions and reasons to pick on you, if you have the same reaction it'll have two outcomes: they attack you and get fired or leave you alone. I happen to speak from experience with a guy(my supervisor) and crazy stalker type chick that fell in love with him.
The STL at my store would have been fired if I had recorded him when he and other ETLs ganged up, bullied, and threatened me in the HR office. Oh well. He can't stand Trump so if Trump wins it will be a big fuck you to the STL. That will make me happy.
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