Archived Can two Team Leaders family members work at the same store?

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Aug 23, 2014
Isn't it against policy? My store has a lit of favoritism going on, one of them is a Sr.TL and the other one is a market TL (these two people are siblings) , also there's a another blood relative working there in groceries, but isn't this a against policies? Conflict of interest?
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It’s not allowed but if your store is willing to overlook it, there isn’t much that can be done. You could call the hotline but I don’t see that having much effect in this scenario.
my store has virtually entire families working, including TL siblings and even ETLs with family members working beneath them. its very bizarre and creates a lot of issues and tension.
We have TMs that are family members and generally it doesn't cause any issues though admittedly we don't have any TLs that are related to one another.
15 years ago in a store far far away-

Husband ETL LOG
Son Backroom
Son MMB specialist
Daughter ad prep operator

Same store
Half of the store had no idea they were all related since we don't use last names
True story
Would never happen today
Knew a Sr TL (salesfloor) Mom and PPTL daughter, an ETL sister whose brother ended up at the same location and chose to switch to being Tech/Mobile/whatever marketsource is calling itself now so that there wouldn’t be a conflict of interest out of respect for his sister’s ambitions. There was an Electronics Sr TL in the early days of my store who had a brother on flow team. There’s a mom, her two kids, and a couple of their other close relatives that all work front end and hilariously one of the kids is a GSTL so he gets to boss his mom around. Think that one got cleared cause the kid is away at school most of the year. They could practically stage a store revolt if they wanted to. Used to have twins working on the salesfloor one in softlines the other in hardlines but there wasn’t an issue there because neither had to answer to each other. Had a brother sister pair where the brother worked hardlines and the sister worked softlines, we may see another sibling yet from that family early next year once they’re old enough. There’s a running joke at my store that there’s a couple families for which Target is practically the family business.
Former GSTL had three family members at my store - a sister and a niece in SL and another family member whose relation I can't recall in HBA. When she was working, none of those family members could come up to back up the lanes because it would mean they were a direct report to a relative.
We had a mom who was a cashier. When her DD was hired, she had to work in a different area. This was just for TMs, not even leadership.
At one point years ago almost the entirety of my pog team were all family (mom + three of her offspring and a couple of cousins iirc) save for the team leader. I do remember at one point it was made abundantly clear that if any of them wanted to promote they had to transfer.

I actually miss them, they were very quick and got shit done.
As long as they don't work together while the Sr. is on an LOD shift I don't really see the issue.
There is also the perception issue. Every time the team member gets a preferred shift, gets time off, doesn't work a weeekend, is seen as getting away with something, the perception is that it is because Mom is a TL.
They can’t do a ncns. With getting a beating about:). Family will find you.

That's part of the reason it works most of the time as long as it's not a conflict of interest between admin and a subordinate. We had one family that nearly every kid was hired due to mom's work ethic. Fortunately it passed on to her kids and they were a hard working bunch. But then we had another mom whose kid started working there and even though mom was known to be a hard worker, the kid was dumping part of her workload in other areas for other people to deal with. -_- Most of the time when our store hires family members, they're not working in the same area. We did have two, however, in one area that came in as TMs and kid ended up promoting to TL and got to be mom's boss. It worked though because they kept it professional at work. Noobs had no clue they were even related. I get, however, why that would be against company policy though. It is a gamble to hire someone based on their family member's track record but then I suppose it's just as much a gamble to hire anyone really.
I’ve seen a married couple who were both TLs in the same store. One was backroom and the other GSTL.

And in my current store we have a TPS whose mother works in softlines. We have a large AP team, so it isn’t much of an issue. Plus TPS generally doesn’t deal much with internals.
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