Cash office

I do the cash office 5 days a week. I love doing it after my lane shift. Way less stressful especially if the recycler decides to do tricks or breaks.
It takes me two hours tops, and I’m only scheduled in there about every other week. The only time I spent longer was one day when the machine lost its mind and I had to call tech support.

We do ours in the afternoon, too, which I prefer, because you know you’re going to have your person in their other work center for X hours. If any surprises come up, it doesn’t throw everything else off.
We have 15 registers, 4 SCO’s and 4 service desk registers. It takes about 45-50 minutes to deposit and withdraw. And then about 15-20 minutes to prepare checks, collect coupons and enter everything in COA. I’m usually finished and out of there in 75-80 minutes.
24 registers, 12 SCOs, and 5 guest service takes me a little over 3 hours. I’m still fairly new to the cash office, but I’ve been trying to brainstorm and try out ways to be faster. I was trained by someone who went much longer than me, so I had to break a lot of habits that she had. We don’t have the recycler, yet.
Sooo....when you were first learning, how long did you take? I took much longer than my trainer and still needed assistance (first time by myself). I know I can do's just a lot of steps.

Is the Target guide helpful? I was using my trainer's and it doesn't seem as complete as it could be.
Sooo....when you were first learning, how long did you take? I took much longer than my trainer and still needed assistance (first time by myself). I know I can do's just a lot of steps.

Is the Target guide helpful? I was using my trainer's and it doesn't seem as complete as it could be.
I think the first time I did it alone it took me about 2 hours and 15 minutes. The more I did it the faster I got. The guide is not complete because a lot of it pertains to the cash machine and does not figure in the other things you need to do the get the bags and bins ready.

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