Archived Cash office

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thanks for the tips guys.. I have honestly tried all of these with her. She's been retrained with two other people besides myself, sent to another store, and still just cannot get it after 3 months of consistently being scheduled in there 3-4 times a week. I'm at my wits end....
thanks for the tips guys.. I have honestly tried all of these with her. She's been retrained with two other people besides myself, sent to another store, and still just cannot get it after 3 months of consistently being scheduled in there 3-4 times a week. I'm at my wits end....
I know the feeling. I trained 2 "older" ladies a few years ago and I could just tell right away they weren't going to get it. You can tell if someone's is going to be able to pick up the routine after about 2 days. lol I can't tell you how many phone calls I got from one of them, still needing help.
I think one is still at her store...somehow. I think it takes her forever but's not my store.
its just a procedure. our gsa's are around 2 hours 50. i'm about 1:30 if i don't need to fill trays/ order money/figure out where people screwed up. how quick you can strap really determines the pace. it took me awhile, i literally shaved half the time with experience.
It really becomes just something to count.

Although one Black Saturday (counting Black Friday money) I did have to stop and stare a moment. I was in a room with $100,000 cash. It was kinda cool to know what $100.000 looks like!
When I worked on xmas eve I think I ended up sending mmmm around 32 grand to the bank. I thought to myself "so this is what 32 grand looks like bundeled and bagged up. cool" it really so not all that glamorous.
After black friday one yr, I sent 75K+ to the bank.
Had to use the BIG deposit bags (only day of the yr they're used, it seems).
@thetargetman, 30k is about average for my store on weekend days and close to it on other days. I haven't done cash office since before Black Friday because we have been so short handed on the floor, but the cash I have been pulling out of the self checkouts is astronomical.. Sort of glad I didn't have to sort it all and count it out. It probably would have taken me forever to do..
I'm back in there tomorrow..I'm sure the speed I was just starting to build up will take me time to build up again.. But at least I know what I'm doing this time.
@thetargetman, 30k is about average for my store on weekend days and close to it on other days. I haven't done cash office since before Black Friday because we have been so short handed on the floor, but the cash I have been pulling out of the self checkouts is astronomical.. Sort of glad I didn't have to sort it all and count it out. It probably would have taken me forever to do..
I'm back in there tomorrow..I'm sure the speed I was just starting to build up will take me time to build up again.. But at least I know what I'm doing this time.
Good luck! yea I am in CO about once a week but I very much enjoy it. now that the store is sending out the extra funds I now have a good system to help the other CO members and the LOD if need be. I bundle the extra funds in groups like we normally do but I mark them with the code number for the guest service registers. Also in the Safe count sheets I put what the advance funds are for the next person doing CO since they do not change until further notice from the ETL-GE.
@thetargetman, Also in the Safe count sheets I put what the advance funds are for the next person doing CO since they do not change until further notice from the ETL-GE.

We have one sheet we just copy all the time. It has the advance funds written on it and the CO TMs names as well. We just circle our name.
neat. my "cheat" sheet has all my notes from training to help me remember numbers but I just keep it with me so I can put the bags in the right order but I am sure I will have the memorized someday too!
Our cheat sheets (safe count & adv worksheet) have the advance levels written in too.
We just fill in the date & who prepped. 🙂
nice. it is kind of funny how it all becomes second nature. The lady who trained me has been doing it for 3yrs now and like me was always using "cheat" sheets. 🙂
I would think there'd be a rule against it more for liability. Minors are much harder to get charges to stick to (and trust me, you try and walk out the CO with $100,000 and they will sue your ass off).
I would also think Target would not want to put that kind of responsibility on a kid. But I am much more sure it is because they do not want to deal with the liability!
Cash office was pretty difficult for me at first. I only had one training day with my gstl, and that was it. So most of it I've had to figure out how to do on my own. I've gotten better with a little bit of time and practice, but unfortunately my store didn't really want to give me time. I would only have one shift a week, and when I asked for more to get more practice, I didn't get any shifts for two weeks.
I had a hard time with CO for the first few weeks too. I think the second day by myself, I mistyped some numbers somewhere and it made me a few thousand off. I FREAKED. It totally killed my confidence and I dreaded going in there for a while. When it came to the transfer to safe step, I about had a heart attack every time until I saw that little white check mark. Never has a check mark looked so beautiful, lol. I finally got my routine down, and I can relax a little and enjoy my cash office shifts!! I promise, with more practice, it does get easier.

I also did this once and was off by about $6000. I ended up saving and left the CO crying. I went told my AP about my mistake and he kind of brushed it off and said it would be okay. But it definitely made me scared to go in there for a while. 🙁
Thing to remember when you don't balance: CSA gets all the data & does the number crunching. They can see every step of every trans, they can usually figure out your mistakes, where things went off track & even if someone is stealing (with AP's help).
Some trainees would call me in for a second look & sometimes I could point it out. It was usually after some point of no return but we could pinpoint it & turn it into a teachable moment. They'd tell the GSTL who would send an email to CSA outlining the situation.
The other day I was getting my Advance funds out for the opening GSTL and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw my Advance coins were all missing. I didn't panic but I was thinking "I am going to have to tell the LOD if I cant find these coins" well it turned out the LOD from the night before when putting the money away for the night had mixed up the coins.

I can top that LOD mistake. Over a year ago, myself and the other person who counts in the CO needed a personal day during the week. It was no problem, they had a TM from another store come to count. I come in the day after to a total cluster f*ck. The person who was going to count had to do their store first and didn't get to ours until 3 hours after opening. Normally that would be fine, but the LOD had no idea what to do! Despite the careful labeling in the safe and the orderly way we organize the ADV money, the LOD grabbed random hanfuls of cash to stock the ADV drawer and GS funds. So by the time the TM from the other store got there, it was already messed up. I could tell by going through what they "prepared" for me that the TM just gave up. The safe obviously didn't balance for them and I went through the bags/bundles and a good chunk was incorrect. I had to fix what was going out before I could do anything else. Obviously I didn't balance on opening, but wouldn't you know it, I did for closing! ;-) The kicker to this story was that I had my first day of training a noob in the CO that very morning. I told the trainee that it was a good learning experience!
Last Sunday when I was counting my last bags I found 7 counterfeit 100 dollar bills all in the same bag, I called in the LOD over the walkie and I was shocked after I told her they were fake she said "oh we know" but she did say over the walkie "team I want to recognize "thetargetman" for his diligence in finding fraudulent bills!"
Last Sunday when I was counting my last bags I found 7 counterfeit 100 dollar bills all in the same bag, I called in the LOD over the walkie and I was shocked after I told her they were fake she said "oh we know" but she did say over the walkie "team I want to recognize "thetargetman" for his diligence in finding fraudulent bills!"

Email AP and your auditor.
I don't know the email for the auditor.. I suppose I could find it on workbench, but the person who trained me doesn't email them ever.. I have asked her for the address and she said, don't do that, tell ap.. But ap doesn't know answers to most of the questions I have.. Plus if I told ap and they sent a note to the auditor, info would not be relayed correctly..
I don't know, it seems like things are done screwy in the store I am in..
Back in the day, we used to email or call our sales audit person all the time. She was a great lady. Then things got shifted to India. They are no help at all. After that we quit trying to relay info to sales audit. Now whatever happens I just figure it'll all work itself out. We're not off very often all and usually it's easy to tell where the discrepancy is. No one ever questions anything so I guess they just "fix" it and we're all good.
Ah, ok.
The times we had the most counterfeit bills, they were always from electronics.
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