Archived changing OPU hold locations

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Mar 20, 2018
is there a way to change hold locations with OPU wacos? these are for orders that already have been scanned into the waco with the zebra. I was told there is a way to do it with the pda but nobody seems to know the exact process to do so at my store.
From the flex thread:
mobilelady said:
Right now there are no plans to bring back the relocate items in hold functionality. If it becomes a huge pain though for many stores, we'll look at bringing it back but based on the usage reports we ran before we turned it off, most stores rarely or never use it.
They didn’t want to bother with it anymore since it was only used very occasionally... Which is ridiculous because the whole point was to be able to fix a mistake that occurs only very occasionally.
Plus, once the Move era started, nobody wanted to go get a PDA just to fix that mistake when leaving a note worked too.
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