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My store has a PA, a CTl and 3 market Tms that where hired specifically for market.

On truck days, the PA does his stuff until c&s shows up. One market tm comes in to push the autofills that flow pulled. When the truck comes, the other two 2 Tms plus the CTl and PA all blitz the truck. When a few pallets are done, the PA breaks off to backstock which is usually somewhat quick since the coolers are smaller than the backroom. Usually only freezer is left and the two of the market Tms will backstock it while the other cleans up.

Backroom isn't supposed to stop back stocking or do anything that would set flow back since that's the most important process in the store. If a tm calls out, the will finish the backstock on a no c&s day.

It would be hell to pay if backroom backstocked market instead of setting the line or missing flexes of guest calls because they are in the freezer
At my store in the cooler/freezer the pulls, backstock etc are all done by me. The days that I am not there ( two days a week or more when I am on vacation) the pulls for the freezer and cooler don't get pulled tms just burn them. If they do pull them they will just throw it on the floor and not push it . So, when I come back after a day off or days off...I have to push what I pull plus what they may have pulled ( if they didn't burn the batches). I am not given time to bs the grocery I have to wait till the day of a truck to bs the previous truck. The only reason I am allowed to do that is because there wouldn't be green racks for the bs for the new truck. EVERY DAY that I am in the building when I pull in the freezer and cooler I have to do mini purges ...meaning I will locu three or four wacos per day and push them out. Why ? because If I don't there is no room to bs the new product. I have talked to my srtl log and etl log about giving me a set amount of time per week dedicated to the cooler /freezer bsing, updating etc. min purges etc. I am always told that sounds like a great idea and they will look into it ...yet it never happens. When, I was allowed to bs the grocery truck the day it arrived ...things worked so much better. There wasn't clutter in the cooler and freezer you could get in there and pull without having to risk your life etc.
The flow team at my store helps with the truck push...but don't get me started on that . They will send back the cooler and freezer items on same rack...or they will send back a whole rack and when I go and check a couple of random items they are empty on the the team literally will just move some thing off the push pallet and onto the bs rack without even checking. THREE times since Thanksgiving the people who are pushing the grocery truck have pushed the frozen bs into the cooler and left it ...where it has sat until I come in the next morning and by then it has to be qmosed.

I have been to the leaders in the building and they kinda act like Oh well...just clean it up. So frustrating !
Wow @tgtguy there's some serious crap going on at your store. Absolutely no regard for food safety, let alone any common sense efficiency. Kudos to you for trying to keep a handle on it. Does your STL or DTL ever look in the coolers/freezers?

One of these days a guest is going to get seriously sick from one of the multitude of Target stores that mishandle food and then suddenly leaders will care. It could be a PR nightmare. Remember investgative reporting? If a journalist did an undercover story on Spots food practices......yikes.
Wow @tgtguy there's some serious crap going on at your store. Absolutely no regard for food safety, let alone any common sense efficiency. Kudos to you for trying to keep a handle on it. Does your STL or DTL ever look in the coolers/freezers?

One of these days a guest is going to get seriously sick from one of the multitude of Target stores that mishandle food and then suddenly leaders will care. It could be a PR nightmare. Remember investgative reporting? If a journalist did an undercover story on Spots food practices......yikes.
The last time the frozen food was left in the cooler ( the day before and I saw it the following morning ) the stl was the only leader in the building . When I saw it I told her...all she said is Oh, well it will have to be qmosed. Really? Duh! that was her only reaction. Our dtl isn't as hands on as our previous dtl. The prior dtl would pick a random aisle in the backroom have a etl get a pda and would check random things to make sure they were located etc. Current dtl literally just walks through the backroom and that's it .
Your DTL walks through the backroom? Ours walks into receiving, looks down the line, turns around, and walks out.
We purge all the wacos in the dairy cooler every truck day. Ensures we aren't keeping expired product in the back and that older product gets pushed before new cases are opened. All backstock is done same day by 2 tms. They tag team dairy, one does produce, and the other does freezer. If one area is heavier they will both knock it out. Come clean everyday.

One of those tms breaks down pallets and basically runs the whole pfresh push process, while the other one gets a head start on backstock asap.

The only issue we have is coming in in the morning to start the process and there's caf's that weren't pushed or backstocked from the day before. And without fail its all piled onto carts/racks in disarray. A nightmare to push. Morning autofills are always pushed and backstocked.
You must not get too much dairy product if you have the time actually purge on a regular basis. We have had to double the amount of backstock racks in the dairy cooler over the past year because the stupid auto ordering system keeps thinking we need to have 8 cases of every single flavor of yogurt on hand.

Oh, they just QMOS'd 10 cases of a single DPCI? BETTER REPLENISH IT!!!
You must not get too much dairy product if you have the time actually purge on a regular basis. We have had to double the amount of backstock racks in the dairy cooler over the past year because the stupid auto ordering system keeps thinking we need to have 8 cases of every single flavor of yogurt on hand.

Oh, they just QMOS'd 10 cases of a single DPCI? BETTER REPLENISH IT!!!
Oh we have been having space issues when it comes to case stock. Due to some "system error" we received a TON of yogurt. We usually get by with one extra moving rack of located cases, we have 3 right now, had 5 at one point. Seems to be coming down but we'll probably build it right back up with tomorrow's trucks. Our shelves are packed! We purge yogurt as we can to get it down.
today was a very bad day ... we received 1230 piece truck 12 pallets that is normal for a Thursday .
We only had 5 TMs total , 1 PA, 3 TMs to push truck and 1 TM to back stock. When we normally have 2 more TMs to push truck.
We had 3 dairy pallets, 5 produce pallets, 1 meat pallet, 3 freezer pallets, for 5 TMs 2 of which were only scheduled 5.5 hrs.

Well to make a long story short we pushed and pushed and pushed some more, mostly that lovely yogurt that keeps coming in along with eggs lots and lots of eggs.

Guess what there are still 3 freezer pallets waiting in the cooler for NOOOOOOO one to work on and we get a truck on Saturday and Sunday.

I was told that hours were curt across the board and we will just have to deal with it.
The new schedule that just came out toady for Feb. 14 thru 20th they cut my hours even more I'm down to only 30 hours.
I can hardly wait till that week to see how much they cut to pfresh team maybe only 2 TMs to push the truck.

OUR TRUCKS are the same size as during Thanksgiving and Christmas so we still need the same amount of hours to get them completed and all the work done.

YOU CANNOT CUT HOURS ON THE PFRESH TEAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last week in the dairy cooler and freezer there was a total of 10 3-tiers, 5 metros and other random vehicles of backstock.
Last week in the dairy cooler and freezer there was a total of 10 3-tiers, 5 metros and other random vehicles of backstock.
thats all, right now in dairy we have 4 red tubs and 4 metros of back stock.
in the freezer we have 4 metros of back stock.
I wish we had a TM : product ratio that made it possible to purge wacos in dairy on a regular basis. Even just once a week. Just dairy. Everything else is usually manageable. Not enough TMs, way too much product. We also receive way too much meat sometimes. I QMOS'd 4 pretty full cases of various things in the last 2 days.
I do hardlines & found 100 plus of ribs in the backroom. & none on the floor. I did ask the pa person to put some out & make sure it was full from this point on.
I do hardlines & found 100 plus of ribs in the backroom. & none on the floor. I did ask the pa person to put some out & make sure it was full from this point on.
we have ribs in the bunker right now and have 3 boxes in the back and will put more out on Friday.
I do hardlines & found 100 plus of ribs in the backroom. & none on the floor. I did ask the pa person to put some out & make sure it was full from this point on.

Yup, two of the cases I had to throw out today were those big cases of ribs and pork that often don't get located.
In the meat cooler, I started circling anything with an expiration date in the next 5 days or so, just so it draws attention and we're not backstocking it on expiration day.
we have ribs in the bunker right now and have 3 boxes in the back and will put more out on Friday.
We have several issues, currently in pfresh. I am training the closing folks currently on what to look for & research items. We have over 100 ribs now.
In the meat cooler, I started circling anything with an expiration date in the next 5 days or so, just so it draws attention and we're not backstocking it on expiration day.
it should be on the floor with a meat coupon 2 days before it expires, that's what we do, meat always sells once you put a $ 4 or $ 5 coupon on it.
Yup, two of the cases I had to throw out today were those big cases of ribs and pork that often don't get located.
I will tagged them with a sda. I do hardlines, not pfresh. But, my stl wants things to happen everywhere, I will do it. Because I know way too much. It does drive sales. More hours for my team🙂
it should be on the floor with a meat coupon 2 days before it expires, that's what we do, meat always sells once you put a $ 4 or $ 5 coupon on it.
Way too many cases to look for expiration dates. But, I did tell them that we need to get them all out without delay.
while i still have hours this week and next week.... time to toss 1 cart of dairy and eggs everyday at a time into the compactor !!
the week of February 14th to 20th is gonna be brutal cause I only have 27.5 hours !!
At my store in the cooler/freezer the pulls, backstock etc are all done by me. The days that I am not there ( two days a week or more when I am on vacation) the pulls for the freezer and cooler don't get pulled tms just burn them. If they do pull them they will just throw it on the floor and not push it .......So frustrating !

You sir, have MAJOR PROBLEMS at your store!!! MAJOR!

Your store is operating so far off the reservation (ie BP), that I have no idea how it has been allowed to occur... WOW!

My BRTL would literally have a mass cleansing of all your BRTM's!

The bad practices on FDC delivery/push/BS, would have me coach, CA, term'd every one of them! 😡

You need to put your STL, SrTL(s), CTL if you are lucky to have one, what ever ETL deals with consumables, and the Flow and BRTL if they are separate.... time for a sit down. There are MAJOR SYSTEMIC issues with your store... if you can't resolve it there.. I would suggest that HOTLINE be the next step and use the words FOOD POISONING! That should get things rolling!
You sir, have MAJOR PROBLEMS at your store!!! MAJOR!

Your store is operating so far off the reservation (ie BP), that I have no idea how it has been allowed to occur... WOW!

My BRTL would literally have a mass cleansing of all your BRTM's!

The bad practices on FDC delivery/push/BS, would have me coach, CA, term'd every one of them! 😡

You need to put your STL, SrTL(s), CTL if you are lucky to have one, what ever ETL deals with consumables, and the Flow and BRTL if they are separate.... time for a sit down. There are MAJOR SYSTEMIC issues with your store... if you can't resolve it there.. I would suggest that HOTLINE be the next step and use the words FOOD POISONING! That should get things rolling!
The srt flow, Ctl, stl, et log all know that this is going on....I have asked time and atime again for a few extra hours a week...nothing . I was on vacation this past year for almost two weeks....we received 5 grocery trucks while I was gone. Guess what ? When I came back from vacation the cooler and freezer was full of rolling racks and three tiers. Full of bs. No one touched any of it while I was gone. On top of that...most of the pulls were still in there as well. My etl log said well when you open the cooler and or freezer don't get too mad. We sure are glad you are back. I was then told by the Ctl well can you backstock some green racks so we can have them for the truck today. I then asked her why didn't anyone touch it while I was gone..cause clearly the green racks have been full for awhile. She just smiled and walked away. I had to spend two days ( full shifts) in there backstocking pulling out of dates etc etc. Hell, I even swept the cooler and freezer out and mopped it . When I was done not a word...So did what any smart ass would do. In the morning huddle I recognized myself !
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The srt flow, Ctl, stl, et log all know that this is going on....I have asked time and atime again for a few extra hours a week...nothing . I was on vacation this past year for almost two weeks....we received 5 grocery trucks while I was gone. Guess what ? When I came back from vacation the cooler and freezer was full of rolling racks and three tiers. Full of bs. No one touched any of it while I was gone. On top of that...most of the pulls were still in there as well. My etl log said well when you open the cooler and or freezer don't get too mad. We sure are glad you are back. I was then told by the Ctl well can you backstock some green racks so we can have them for the truck today. I then asked her why didn't anyone touch it while I was gone..cause clearly the green racks have been full for awhile. She just smiled and walked away. I had to spend two days ( full shifts) in there backstocking pulling out of dates etc etc. Hell, I even swept the cooler and freezer out and mopped it . When I was done not a word...So did what any smart ass would do. In the morning huddle I recognized myself !

Please tell me you are at the very least getting a good raise
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