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Mine was as I thought would of gotten a O but got Ex instead gotta love metrics.

From $9.88 to 10.99

I already know what their outlook is for me with my input and in process of it already. It's gonna be a change from one set of keys switching to the next as a stepping stone among the bigger plans
I had a poor review. My weakpoint is being late to much, no CA to speak of. Of course the HR ETL just started less than 2 months ago. So she doesn't know what I did for my department, especially when we had no TL(loa) and no ETL support. There was also no coachings on hiw to improve what ever issues i had throughout the year. I was disgusted and commented accordingly. Pretty much the final naik in the coffin and i will be looking to remove myself from this joke of a store. Oh yea 21 cents woo.
I had a poor review. My weakpoint is being late to much, no CA to speak of. Of course the HR ETL just started less than 2 months ago. So she doesn't know what I did for my department, especially when we had no TL(loa) and no ETL support. There was also no coachings on hiw to improve what ever issues i had throughout the year. I was disgusted and commented accordingly. Pretty much the final naik in the coffin and i will be looking to remove myself from this joke of a store. Oh yea 21 cents woo.
Have you been late a lot?
How are some of you getting $1 or more raises with E or EX. I got an EX and am on PA pay wage and it wasnt even half that. Im guessing it includes min wage increase, positional/role increase or something? No way you guys can be making that much money to get that high a raise just by itself. EX was like 4% raise if I recall from my sheet

Same here, mine was an EX and I got 4%. But I feel the pain of others like me who got their merit raises essentially wiped away over the past two years of these raises. I'm glad that people are starting to get a decent amount per hour when they first start, but long time veterans are getting the shaft. I feel like people who made more than $10 before this happened should get a little extra on top of their merit review.
Have you been late a lot?
Well i mean maybe, but that i agreed with. I was bothered by how low they based my effort when i pucked up the slack of no TL. I won't lie my weakness is getting my ass out the door at a decent time. I work in a dysfunctional mess of a deli. That was run by the inmates for way to long. I did my best to not be part of that problem. I did my best to keep etls informed of issues, keep supplies arriving as needed, and placing food orders. Yea im frustrated, i feel that im in the right to be emotional. I hate that being 10 min late makes you look like your the worst employee ever. When you do everything else or almost everything else to be your best.

End rant. Sorry
I got my review a week ago and got an IE and 26 cent raise. It was pretty much what I expected. I make way over 10 already so diDn't get that dollar bump. Would be nice though if those of us already making 10+ got a dollar too.
So in the Deli we have 4 team members. I don't think we got a combined dollar in raises. Im ready to go flip burgers rather than put my energy into this place.
I never had intentions to stay at Target for very long, and this review/raise bs has reminded me of this. Fun time is over, it's time to work on starting my career. I know there has to be a place that will value and utilize my education, skills, and work ethic. Target is not the place for me.
E's across the board. Was told no one ever gets O's and an Ex is not possible for someone with so little time with the company. I ain't mad, bro. Raise is so sad I can't even share with you all.
One positive, working for Target has really helped my confidence and reminded me of my potential. With out that I was really down in the dumps. So I thank them for that.
Got mine last night. All E's. My TL told me that pretty much no one gets O's and EX are super rare. Raise is 30 cents but I haven't been there a year, just around 6 months. I will take it, it's an extra $30+ per month.

Wow. That's great. I've been with Target the same amount of time, got E's but only got 15 cents so kudos to you.
2 EX 1 IE and the rest are Es. I'm supposed to find my busy GSTL and ask her how I can improve my performance. Really? Aren't you supposed to help me if I'm making mistakes and need to improve my performance? Like either of us have time for that. All in all, it was what I expected. I'm not at all dissatisfied with my raise.
From what I saw TM raises take effect 4/27, no?
That sounds odd... why would it start in the middle of a workweek?

Mine starts today, Sunday - the first day of Target's week.
Review? What's that? My TL quit a few months ago and his replacement wound up on a milk carton shortly after she accepted the role.

If it's like last year I'll get a decent % raise that will be nullified by a start rate increase next year.
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