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We still haven't been given ours. Apparently our Flow TL would be writing pretty much all of flow and backrooms reviews so they have a ton to go through.
I live in an area with high cost of living, could be that's why my raise was higher.
I live in an area with a high volume of traffic could be my wage is lower even though I do more work. Wtf.
I got an EX. 4% raise from $10.50. I'm at $10.92 now. Not bad. I'm happy with that
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We have still no reviews. It's getting a bit frustrating to be honest...
GSTL is giving reviews today. It's my day off. He's closing tomorrow, I'm opening.

How could this happen to me, I've made my mistaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaakes
Well, finally got my review. It was an E, which I'm super fine with considering I'm still technically on a final after being in the hospital for like a month. The best part was I got an IE on my attitude, and when I snorted, the TL who administered my review started laughing and told me not to worry about it because the only ones in the store who think I have an attitude problem are the ETLs who expect me to do the work of 6 people all at once. *Shrug* I like my attitude just the way it is.
Luckily the GSTL who did my review is cool and all. We mostly just joined around.
Got Oustanding. Didnt get $1 base increase, I only got .35 cents base increase because i was already over base. Better than nothing.
Got Oustanding. Didnt get $1 base increase, I only got .35 cents base increase because i was already over base. Better than nothing.
Ouch. That seems pretty low for outstanding, even without the base increase. I thought an O is supposed to get at least 5%
Unless you're an ex-specialist that's capped; then the max for an O is 3%.
Still waiting on my review. Good thing I wasn't holding my breath. I work 2 more days this month - they still have time to squeeze it in. 😎
While my review was not bad, it was disappointing. It was written by someone that I don't work with. It was delivered by my new TL who told me flat out each score that she would have marked at a higher score. The comments reflected what this year's total team expectations are with no personal remarks. It was the lowest review score that I have ever received at Target after a year of the most change and flexibility. I am seeing others here get the same score with 5-6% increases. (I'm guessing these reflect the minimum wage increase, though.) My increase was a whopping 2% with an E after 2 years of O (other O scores in many of the past years as well) and never lower than EX. I have been recognized by our DTL and get great tm cards from guests. I'm having trouble seeing where I have dropped in my performance by that much....and my TL could give no explanation and said that I am the best performer on her team. Given that my hours are still being consistently cut, I guess I've been sent a message.
I got mine today. Nailed for my attitude and "slowness completing tasks due to new in role" if I'm new in role how the fuck fast should i do it? It's new to me.

Some ex, some e, some ie. E overall. .31 raise. Told her she could just not bother discussing my attitude with me. Or my speed picking up after her team and doing two person tasks alone.
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