I finally got my review. I can't say that I was particularly surprised based on what I've heard from here and other tms at my store -- but none the less, wasn't thrilled. I was given an E. My review was mostly positive, kind of bland. I was told that I had many O's and Ex's - but that since I joined just in Q4/seasonally that I couldn't "justifiably" be given an EX overall. The only area's I was asked to "work on" - were area's that my store//tl, literally, haven't found time to train me on. I didn't bother reading my individual scores since it clearly didn't play in to my overall rating that much.I'd rather just hear that I can't be given the raise I "earned" because my dept has at least two tms who have been there longer (which, ok I get - I'm all for tenured tms making more. I am.) -- but they were both nearly put on finals in the start of the year for excessive attendance issues (call offs, tardiness, leaving early from shifts, etc - the whole gamut) as well as a few in store performance issues, mostly guest related. (I.e. -- Just the other day one of these tms told me they don't know how to print 3x5 labels .... This tm has been with Spot longer than the amount of time I spent in college..... )
-- I will say I'm glad to hear at least one tms in my dept got a raise to where they are making more money at target again vs the second job they took this year - so maybe now they can stop blowing off their target shifts.
All in all, I guess I'm doing what I can & if I'm here this time next year I can in theory be given the rating I deserve.