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9.78 to 10.92 on an EX, and was told the only reason I didn't get O is because the store didn't get enough redcards..
Score is based on Merits.

Got an E for a $0.59 jump. Would have been better, if we weren't Red a few times in 2015-2016. Compared to last year, my personal recommendations improved, so I can't complain. There only difference was my store had a different STL and ETL team around Jan. 2015. I've been here longer then most people in the building.

My Reaction
Hearing review

Got an E; of course I've just gotten a new position and I haven't been with spot but for a few months. $0.14 merit raise!
Got an Ex. Was reviewed for performance before my promotion, but my raise percentage went off my current pay.

For those asking, I only got a merit raise. I don't think you're going to get anything else if you're already making $10+
Cashiers started getting reviews today.
As usual, I got IE. Was bumped up to $10.00 plus merit of 17 cents.

Not too bad. However, my speed score for the year was awful....but that is because our scores really suffered when we first started using the chip readers.

I find it interesting that this year Target decided that RedCards were to be a part of the whole store, in our store we didn't get enough cards so everyone got dinged and we didn't get a full store green score.
I got an IE overall because of issues with attendance that arise when your HRTM refuses to do their job (like approve people's college availability changes) and the computer basically blocks your supervisor from giving you a better score because of attendance. My supervisor said to me that I would have gotten an E or EX if she had her way, because she was aware the attendance issues weren't my fault because I did everything I was supposed to on my end. Got bumped up to $10, +17 cents in merit pay.
Your HRTM doesn't even approve those. It has to be your TL or ETL that approves them. Talk about passing the buck!
At my store, it ends up being the HRTM because the ETL-HR is busy hounding flow team about compliance and fixing the HRTM's mistakes, and my TL gets all the clearance endcaps thrown at them because nobody else cares enough to do them right aside from her. So, although it should be one of them, I've found through experience at my store that it ends up not being that way. Wouldn't pin blame on somebody unless I knew it were them, and I've seen this TM mess up my availability in the system in front of me when she thought I couldn't tell what was going on.
Your HRTM just has access to it, it doesn't mean the decision rests with her. Your TL or ETL are the ones that make the call. I'm the one that approves or declines availability requests/days off for my team, not the HR team.
*throws hands in air out of confusion* All three go 'not-me' whenever I ask about what happened, and I know my TL had to intervene on my behalf originally to get my availability change approved, so I have no clue who to believe at my store as far as that goes anymore. At least it shouldn't be a problem again until fall semester starts... then lather, rinse, repeat.
*throws hands in air out of confusion* All three go 'not-me' whenever I ask about what happened, and I know my TL had to intervene on my behalf originally to get my availability change approved, so I have no clue who to believe at my store as far as that goes anymore. At least it shouldn't be a problem again until fall semester starts... then lather, rinse, repeat.
Make it a priority to talk to your ETL/TL and ETL-HR and let them know that this is a reoccurring issue. Make it known that you want to be able to commit to your schedule but if no one is addressing your scheduling needs, then it's going to start affecting your performance because you can't come in. Maybe that should get the ball rolling.
Since January I've had my pay increased from 10.75 to 12.48, .75 for a new workcenter, .50 for a new base pay increase, and .48 for an EX review score
Since January I've had my pay increased from 10.75 to 12.48, .75 for a new workcenter, .50 for a new base pay increase, and .48 for an EX review score
Wow so you did get base increase even after making more than minimum! Thats awesome!
Well, the hrtm doesn't have the authority to approve it. Just like days off have to be approved by a TL or ETL, so do availability changes. Your hrtm may mess up an individual schedule, but that's different from having the authority to approve anything.
That depends entirely on the store and the leadership. We had an HRTM who absolutely had the authority to approve things like that because her ETL trusted her to make appropriate decisions. The first time I wanted to take a full week off, she pulled out a paper calendar to make sure there were no big events or multiple other vacations during that time, and then manually put it into myTime right in front of me when I couldn't get my login to work. She also approved an availability change to slightly more narrow hours to make it easier to fit in shifts at my second job.
Nobody (except for TLs) at my store have gotten their reviews yet, I expect we'll start getting them next week. I think I'll get an EX, an E at the least since I've had to call out a couple of times in the past few months (Snow storm + sickness). Might hurt me a bit that I'm in a new workcenter now so I'm still learning things, but I think that I've proved to be an effective employee through and through.
What exactly is a salesfloor tm's review based on? I'm keyed as a cashier but my review is being written as a salesfloor tm. I haven't completed a learning plan or anything for the floor so have no idea what I'm being "graded" on.
A few years ago I was only scheduled as a cashier (zero sales floor shifts) for over a year. They did not change my work center so my review was based entirely on my sales floor performance. My review sucked because I wasn't doing a good job on the sales floor. I even got dinged for not responding to backups. I just sat there in shock. I hated being a cashier but because I'm disturbed, I worked to be the Best Cashier Ever! I got tons of RedCards, guests loved me because I was fast and careful. I stayed busy every damn minute. I followed protocol and went up the ladder trying to get someone to understand why I was upset. Ended up in the STL's office being told it would not have mattered if my review was based on my sales floor or my cashier performance. Said it would not change a thing.
So...don't let them do that to you. You will regret it.
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