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Haven't gotten my review yet, but I checked my employee data report and it updated with my raise. 26 cents. I am now making 10.76/hr, good enough for me. I was honestly expecting like a nickle.
I got .41 last year with an EX, even with similar attitude complaints...rawr.
I got an IE and am angry beyond words. My TL looked embarrassed and truly not happy with giving me that score. She says its because the rest of the tms in our workcenter aren't doing so well and I'm "one of her strongest performers." I started with Spot in November 2014 and I got a better score last year when I wasn't even there for a year. This is seriously messed up.
I have not had my review yet but i heard all the raises are locked in. So i guess i will see it on Friday the 7th's check or the following payday of the 21st.
Okay got all Es down the board, except for two. One was an EX for completing tasks in a timely manner and another for IE for driving sales (aka red cards). I agreed with pretty much everything except my score on reliability. Got an E for that, but I have literally never called out except for once (and it was after the review was written so basically I had never called out), I have never been late. I'll show up for work 1-3 hours early, and will start early if they ask me to. I have said no to staying later once because I had plans. He realised that yeah, I should have gotten at least an EX for that and we moved on.
so no review yet .. my question :

can i go to to look at my current hourly rate, and if so how and where do i click to see that ??
Didn't get my review yet but my hourly rate info has updated on the work number to reflect a very decent raise. Our store was already above the new base and this raise is close to 7% so I'm guessing either an EX or O.
Got an E for all areas which is BS. I'm sure I'd have at least one EX somewhere. It seems like if your the hardest worker but don't quite have that leadership skill, it's an automatic E. But if you have some leadership skills but terrible work ethic, you get an EX. WTF
I got an E. I now make 10.27. I made 9.27 before. So including the base increase, exactly $1 raise.

I got Ex for seeking feedback blah and attendance (thank you based uber for being there when njtransit wasn't). IE on the one about driving sales blah blah. E for everything else.

I would've given myself more Exs than they did, and I would've given myself an E on attendance and the one about cross training. 4th year in the row they say I'm slow. I'd be faster if I didn't have to deep zone everything. I'm not good at ignoring it unless it's literally so bad that I can't finish it in time. When I come to work, I'd rather have tons of reshop with a dope zone because it's easier to put it all away.

All that said, I'm cool with the E because I thought they were gonna use my like 2 months out for being sick against me
Finally got my review today I got an EX. And got bumped up to the new minimum for my job title of PA snd then about a 40 cent raise. So I'll be making 40 cents more than someone who starts tomorrow. Wow that's what 3 years gets you
In my case, that's what 7 years gets you. EX, base bump, and 40-ish cent merit increase. If I had kept all of my merit increases, I'd be about $1.50 over deli base pay. Instead, I'm only $0.40 over deli base.
Okay, I am starting to feel like the only one who still hasn't gotten a review.
In my case, that's what 7 years gets you. EX, base bump, and 40-ish cent merit increase. If I had kept all of my merit increases, I'd be about $1.50 over deli base pay. Instead, I'm only $0.40 over deli base.
After 5yrs come July I am .31 above base pay after this years crap raise. I've lost about $2 in raises over that time. I could be making almost $13 if life were fair and Target valued long term employees.

@Kaitii I also got an E on attendance. I have only called out in weather (blizzard) or family emergency. Not late or absent otherwise. Over the entire 5yrs I've maybe called out a dozen times. I'm guessing they figure if you have called out at all this year its an easy way to ding the score to make it match the crappy score...
Finally got my review and I got an O with around a 7% raise.

Some of my coworkers were complaining about the low raise compared to last year, but they are forgetting that our store already gave us an extra raise last summer. Plus, they all make over $11/hr and that is pretty damn good for a low level retail job.
I was pleased with my review. I got pretty much the same score as last year. I was pleased with the raise as well. However, I also don't read much into the "annual review". I learned years ago that your review sometimes has less to do with your performance and more to do with ...the scores they were left with to hand out .
Finally got my review and I got an O with around a 7% raise.

Some of my coworkers were complaining about the low raise compared to last year, but they are forgetting that our store already gave us an extra raise last summer. Plus, they all make over $11/hr and that is pretty damn good for a low level retail job.
The random base pay raise had nothing to do with work ethic and the annual one is supposed to. I don't blame them, since most annual raises are less than the base pay jumps- if you even got them.
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