Archived Comp Shop workload?

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Last week's shop was worse than the week before. For the life of me, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Completing with a price 87% of the items got a score of less than 78%. What the cat hair should I do now? This week I'm aiming for 89% but I just don't think that's going to accomplish a lot.
I always complete the shop, but I aim to get as close to 70% completed with price as possible. 30% is, for me, a huge fraction not to enter prices for so I'm very liberal with the other options. If I don't see something right away, it's "item not carried". If the Walmart associates are in the way pushing or resetting an aisle, it's "price not available". Once I hit that magic 70%, I finish the aisle I'm in and the rest of the list is "item not carried". I've been doing it this way for years and am consistently solid green. As far as I can tell, they haven't changed the metric at all unless it is to ding you harder for not completing the shop maybe?
Slaphappy, I ONLY enter prices and ONLY do 75% of the shop. I can't explain how it's all computed but I'm always green. I don't enter any Price Not Available or Item Not Carried. I just leave them alone.
I do believe doing 75% or higher will make you yellow or red.
Randomness, in all the time I've done CS I haven't completed it once and stayed green. 73% has been my goal for ages and it's consistently worked.

Awbuckit, that's how I did it for years and was consistently green (except for during the double list time recently) then suddenly that didn't work. The goal (according to the report) went up but doing more items with price hasn't made things better. I haven't used "item not carried" or "price not available" in ages so that can't be causing the problem.

I'll upload this week's and see how it is. I have the feeling it will be bad but I'm not sure what to do at this point. This is getting ridiculous but fortunately the powers that be aren't riding my arse about it.
Slaphappy, the GOAL percentage is different from your final SCORE percentage. From the research and digging myself and my TL have done, we know that actually obtaining prices for between 65%-80% of your items will net you a total comp shop score of Green. (Putting you with the desired minimum score of 87% total score to be green.) It sounds like someone is conveying the percentages to you incorrectly.

Do too little of the shop, you'll be yellow or red.
Do too much of the shop, you'll be yellow or red.

There was confusion back in the day when we first started comp shopping. The guy before me misheard the TL. He attempted to complete 88% of the items with price. RED. So, I can confirm that too many items will affect your score.
I'm almost always green. I obtain prices for between 70-75% of the items on my list, and mark the rest of the items as "not carried" since that is what best practice tells you to do. (Check it out on workbench.) That was my list is 100% "complete" meaning each item is reported as a price, not carried, and occasionally not available.

I would aim for 70% with price, try doing the other 30% without price, for 100% completion and see what happens. If you have 88% with price, you're most likely going to see a red or yellow score for the week. 🙁

If something still seems off I'd have your TL start a mysupport ticket.

I hope you get things figured out!
So, you're not supposed to do too much of the shop- is that because the shop has items in it that are known to be un-findable?
I've had issues with this as well.. One week I did like all but 80-90 items and got green (just barely green).. The following week I completely cleared the list and dropped down a lot to blood red.... So I'm assuming you're not supposed to complete the list bc the next week I left ~200 and got yellow... so I'd say leave about 100 items (if your lists are generally 675-750 area)
>>Do too little of the shop, you'll be yellow or red.
Do too much of the shop, you'll be yellow or red.<<

Imared, I understand that. The problem is that the percentage I've done for ages now (and that has always kept me green) apparently is no longer adequate. I tried doing less and was red. I tried doing more and was red. Each attempt I've been in the 65%-80% range but I'm still red. I've never completed the shop (I don't have the time for that and getting more hours for CS is almost impossible at my store) but will try your suggestion next week and see if that helps. HOW I'll complete it without more time to do so I don't know but I'll try. 🙂
By the way, I was told by TMs at my store and on several phone calls to never, ever complete the shop. LOL
>>Do too little of the shop, you'll be yellow or red.
Do too much of the shop, you'll be yellow or red.<<

Imared, I understand that. The problem is that the percentage I've done for ages now (and that has always kept me green) apparently is no longer adequate. I tried doing less and was red. I tried doing more and was red. Each attempt I've been in the 65%-80% range but I'm still red. I've never completed the shop (I don't have the time for that and getting more hours for CS is almost impossible at my store) but will try your suggestion next week and see if that helps. HOW I'll complete it without more time to do so I don't know but I'll try. 🙂

Honestly, if I don't find an item I back out of it. I can't keep track of how many items I have prices for as opposed to items not found. Once I'm done with all my "found" items, I go back in, and mark each leftover item as "item not found." It usually takes me 10 minutes for every 100 items left. So, it shouldn't add too much to your time.

Try it once. It seems like your scores are all over the place and something is wonky. I know there is a metric for percentage of the shop completed. I'm always at 100% for that metric or darn close. Sometimes I hit something in error and the item seems to *poof*. That seems to make my score take a hit.
So, you're not supposed to do too much of the shop- is that because the shop has items in it that are known to be un-findable?

That is the conventional wisdom. There are "fake" items inserted into the shop. A price for those can affect your score too. 😉
By the way, I was told by TMs at my store and on several phone calls to never, ever complete the shop. LOL
Amazing how different we are all told. When I started this, I was told, first rule of comp shop is to complete the comp shop. lol
So, you're not supposed to do too much of the shop- is that because the shop has items in it that are known to be un-findable?

That is the conventional wisdom. There are "fake" items inserted into the shop. A price for those can affect your score too. 😉

Fake? Like what? I'm curious...

"Fake" as in the item doesn't really exist, or it does but the size listed is different. To keep us from just randomly entering prices for items as opposed to actually looking for and finding them.
Here's my shop status for the week:
684 items
415 items with price
69 items not available (I use this for items I didn't shop, like toys and entertainment)
200 items not carried (items on the list that I worked and verified as not carried)
100% of shop completed (This should always be 100% by cutoff on Friday.)
~60% of shop items found with price. The yellow/green threshold is somewhere in the 57-58% range. Best practice says to strive for 65-85%

This will result in somewhere in the 87-89% green range on MyPerformance. My TL and ETL know that I am striving for an "honest" shop and I'm not faking numbers just to hit green (as I was "trained" to do).
Honestly, I don't think my store even cares about comp shop or checks the score for it. A few weeks ago a lady from another store was supposed to do our store. I checked the score and it was 14%. No one ever said a word to me.
In passing, the TL over pricing will ask me "How's shopping going?" I always answer Fine.
I have never, ever done 100% of the shop. I always do 75% with price items.
Hey, are we getting the new iPods for comp shop too? That would be soooooo nice.

Also, for those of you who shop at places where the store is okay with you being there- do you bother taking a shopping cart along with you?
I always get a cart. Easier for my to manage everything (purse, phone, my glasses, pda).
Haven't heard a word about new equipment.
Also, for those of you who shop at places where the store is okay with you being there- do you bother taking a shopping cart along with you?

I don't use a cart anymore unless I'm actually shopping for other stuff. They know why I'm there and I just stay out of their way. Last time I had a cart a customer took it from me when I left it at the end of the aisle while I used a price scanner in the middle of an aisle.
Guess how many hours I got to complete the comp shop next week. Just guess. Then cut that in half.
Did anyone see that comp shop scores were on myNews for July 27? It's on the newest one under Sales Floor. All about how to ensure green, what percent should have a price, etc. they're always watching us lol.
I'm gonna have to check that out... Especially since I'm getting the bare minimum to hit green AND that bare minimum is about all I can find.
I'll have to check that out, too. I've been waiting for some kind of something to come across. I have the feeling that I'll be red for last week and I am not at all happy about all this.
I get 12 hrs, standard. Sometimes I use less, like 11. Sometimes I use more but I can let them know when I see how many items I have to do. I usually load new shop on Monday.
I did another store's. They gave me 6 hrs. Guess what? They ain't gonna be green.
You just have to let them know that you can't physically get a green score with how many hours you're given unless they want fake prices put in.
Anyone who thinks they can do it, I challenge them to try. They think you can just walk around Walmart in the order of the shop items without bumping into other customers, waaaaiiiiting for them to move out of the way, looking, looking, looking for an item that was just there the other week, looking for other items that got moved to another aisle. It's not as simple as they think.
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