Archived Comp Shop workload?

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This is going to be a bad, bad week for me. Heavy on things that aren't carried. I swear that they took every single item I've never found and put it on this list.
If I end up green I'll faint. I'm thinking I'll be yellow if I'm lucky.
Here's my shop status for the week:
684 items
415 items with price
69 items not available (I use this for items I didn't shop, like toys and entertainment)
200 items not carried (items on the list that I worked and verified as not carried)
100% of shop completed (This should always be 100% by cutoff on Friday.)
~60% of shop items found with price. The yellow/green threshold is somewhere in the 57-58% range. Best practice says to strive for 65-85%

This will result in somewhere in the 87-89% green range on MyPerformance. My TL and ETL know that I am striving for an "honest" shop and I'm not faking numbers just to hit green (as I was "trained" to do).

This is giving me a little hope. Based on this I should be green. I usually am able to complete between 70-75% of the shop with price but this week I'm barely hitting 60%. 1000ish items. I hate this walmart.
>>This is going to be a bad, bad week for me. Heavy on things that aren't carried.<<

I'm having the same issue. I'm a bit nervous about using the "Not carried" option as that seems to screw me up each time I use it. Argh!
I have 800 items so I need to do about 600. Ugh!
I never use the Not Carried button. Seems to screw up the numbers for me as well.

If you're using "Not Carried", you need to keep track of your numbers if you're trying to hit metrics. Let's say you have 800 items for the week:

You need 480 found with price with 100% completion to hit minimum green metrics.
Day 1 you entered 400 entries: 180 with price and 220 not found/not carried. You're at 22.5% found with price and 50% completion. Submit your shop and go back to Walmart another day.
Day 2 you entered 300 entries: 160 with price and 140 not found/not carried. You're now at 42.5% found with price and 87.5% completion. Submit your shop and go back to Walmart.
Day 3 you have 100 entries left. You need 140 found with price to hit green. It's not going to happen.

Are you pulling your reports off the printer after submitting (and waiting up to an hour for the HOST to generate)? If not, get your numbers from your TL or the STL (they get copies of them in email)
Thanks for the tips but I've been doing comp shop for 4 years. I only enter items with a price. I do at least 75% like this. The rest I leave alone. I'm always green. I check my scores every Monday morning. It's not hard to find 75% of items with a price.
Thanks for the tips but I've been doing comp shop for 4 years. I only enter items with a price. I do at least 75% like this. The rest I leave alone. I'm always green. I check my scores every Monday morning. It's not hard to find 75% of items with a price.

You must have a full Super Wally to shop (or at least a big GM store). I have one of those tiny GM stores that they crammed fresh grocery, deli, and bakery into. It's great when there is a ton of Great Value stuff on the list because they don't have it in favor of the name brand.
Thanks for the tips but I've been doing comp shop for 4 years. I only enter items with a price. I do at least 75% like this. The rest I leave alone. I'm always green. I check my scores every Monday morning. It's not hard to find 75% of items with a price.

You must have a full Super Wally to shop (or at least a big GM store). I have one of those tiny GM stores that they crammed fresh grocery, deli, and bakery into. It's great when there is a ton of Great Value stuff on the list because they don't have it in favor of the name brand.

Yup, it's a HUGE Super Walmart.
Yup, it's a HUGE Super Walmart.

We only have 1 true WM Supercenter in our district (2 doors and everything). Funny, because the store that comps that one is our only non-PFresh store. All of the other Walmarts are GM conversions with the exception of one that was tossed into an ex-Home Depot.

Best part: I have to PASS the other store that we give our comp numbers to in order to do my shop.
JustJoe, if you can't shop at a super center Walmart then how do they expect your numbers to be green? They should adjust for those stores that don't comp at a super center.
901 next week. Also right about the time that I tell my TL and ETL that I'm not doing it anymore. I just don't care.

TL and ETL both want me in-store more so I'm available for price change (our last comp shopper was worthless). I was not scheduled for price change on days that I really needed to be there (like Monday when we salvaged One Spot and I showed up at 10AM and they were still doing it or today when I said that someone needs to keep an eye on jewelry/accessories markdowns). They took my normal days and gave the hours to someone outside the department. I had to ask to have more hours so I could prep the 7000 piece ad that nobody started. I was asked if I had asked for help earlier in the week and I said that I think I did, and I definitely mentioned that my hours are getting more and more erratic. Pretty simple, 12 hours are allotted every week for comp shop (go check best practice, it's there) and at least 2/3 of the forecasted prep hours should be given to properly prep the ad. With the 7 I have left I'll be stuck doing what I normally do (set cosmetics, PFresh, beer cooler, and all revisions that haven't been tied myself) instead of doing it the right way (locating it and filing in the boxes).

I haven't been actively searching for work since I kinda just want to stay with Spot until I finish my degree, but this is getting ridiculous.
901 next week. Also right about the time that I tell my TL and ETL that I'm not doing it anymore. I just don't care.

TL and ETL both want me in-store more so I'm available for price change (our last comp shopper was worthless). I was not scheduled for price change on days that I really needed to be there (like Monday when we salvaged One Spot and I showed up at 10AM and they were still doing it or today when I said that someone needs to keep an eye on jewelry/accessories markdowns). They took my normal days and gave the hours to someone outside the department. I had to ask to have more hours so I could prep the 7000 piece ad that nobody started. I was asked if I had asked for help earlier in the week and I said that I think I did, and I definitely mentioned that my hours are getting more and more erratic. Pretty simple, 12 hours are allotted every week for comp shop (go check best practice, it's there) and at least 2/3 of the forecasted prep hours should be given to properly prep the ad. With the 7 I have left I'll be stuck doing what I normally do (set cosmetics, PFresh, beer cooler, and all revisions that haven't been tied myself) instead of doing it the right way (locating it and filing in the boxes).

I haven't been actively searching for work since I kinda just want to stay with Spot until I finish my degree, but this is getting ridiculous.

Yeah, I think I have 910 items or so. Oye. Better get an early start in the week!
You could always let another TM do it who's always commenting "Oh, I'd love to do that!" (comp shop)
Yeahhhhh, knock yourself out. Everyone thinks it's a piece of cake. Not so.
900 and something here but I've gotten almost 300 done so far. My "off time" will be spent at WM. 🙁
This week's shop is not only very large but has some odd characteristics. The one that puzzles me the most is the very large number of items with barcodes that don't match the item. The majority are GV food items and the size and description seem okay but the barcode isn't the same as what my PDA shows. Because of that, I'm very hard pressed to get my 73% this week. Argh!
Another week heavy on not carried items, and a bumload of Nintendo DS games that haven't existed for two, three years.
I got the TV wall in addition to video games. Good times.
I skipped all of the games. Does corp NOT understand how hard it is to act all nonchalant while walking back and forth down the video game aisle while numerous electronic employees ask you if they can help you?
Screw that.
Plus I'm sure they are AP heavy in that dept due to high theft items.
I skipped all of the games. Does corp NOT understand how hard it is to act all nonchalant while walking back and forth down the video game aisle while numerous electronic employees ask you if they can help you?
Screw that.
Plus I'm sure they are AP heavy in that dept due to high theft items.

My Wally has everything in glass cases (4' XB1+XB360, 4' XB360, 4' WiiU+Wii, 4' DS/3DS, 4' PS4, 4' PS3). Guess the % of games I found?
I try to get as many games as I can but it's almost impossible. Between them being behind glass, few visible prices and bar codes, and AP wandering around, it's a nightmare. I just do the best I can.
This is going to be a bad, bad week for me. Heavy on things that aren't carried. I swear that they took every single item I've never found and put it on this list.
If I end up green I'll faint. I'm thinking I'll be yellow if I'm lucky.

So, I'm shocked. I was green that shop. I still cannot believe it.

How are things going with everyone? Comp shop is wrapping up in a few weeks. (for the most part.)
Going good. Can't believe how many TVs were on the past 2 weeks lists. Yeahhhhh, right... Like I could stand there and go model by model....
Sad that comp shop are going away for 5 wks. Not looking forward to all those cashier hours instead. 🙁
I stopped caring about comp shop a while ago. I go, I shop a bit, I submit. As long as something gets in the system they stay off my back. My TL wants me in the store more anyway since we have concerns with the other half of our pricing team (and I can pick up salesfloor or plano shifts). I've been trying to pawn the job off on someone else, but there are either no takers or the ones who are interested can't actually do it. We'll see if we can re-work it by the time it starts back up.
Going good. Can't believe how many TVs were on the past 2 weeks lists. Yeahhhhh, right... Like I could stand there and go model by model....
Sad that comp shop are going away for 5 wks. Not looking forward to all those cashier hours instead. 🙁

I helped with ad prep, electronics was all TV's.
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