Conspiracy Theory


Former Signing Ninja
Staff member
Jun 10, 2011
There is a interesting theory (see article below) that Walmart isn't shutting down its self checkout because of theft but because it is offering a paid membership that will allow people the same option.
Just like games locking things you used to be able to win behind a paywall.
They make the process of checking out such a grind that you will do anything to speed it up, even pay extra.
I have to say it sounds like paying extra to skip the lines at the airport too.
Don't want to stand in line to take off your shoes and be scanned?
$50 and you are on your way.
The rumor that Target is going to have a paid membership makes me wonder if one of the benefits will be self checkout.
I wouldn't be at all surprised.

It’s definitely an interesting idea. I honestly think this was just Target being a little too dumb. There were 3 different tests the last 6 months or so that were strictly to track shortage around SCO: 10 items or less, closing it down or adding an express lane. They all seemed to do pretty well but were only really tested in high shortage areas so I honestly think I’d sco thing was just Target too dumb to realize turning off SCO in an small suburban target has a lot different effect than in a high traffic city store. I’ve worked at many targets in different states and different people and no one complains more than the suburban moms. I’ve had lines 20-30 people deep in inner city stores and no one cares. You get 3-4 people in line at a suburban small town store and it’s the end of time.

Just think this is a case of ASANTs and target just made a dumb move. They have already started back tracking and telling stores if there is a line to just open SCO back up and that wait time is more important.
When a Karen has a full cart with small high dollar items she's up to something. I'd bet Karen theft is higher than people believe.
I'm a suburban mom and I work at a suburban store and completely concur with @gsa4lyfe I loathe waiting in line and most guests at my store also do not like when SCO is closed which is most of the day usually, if it opens at all.

I would gladly pay to have the convenience of checking out myself. It would give me 10 minutes of my lunch break back!
What??? Our thieves just fill up theor carts and walk out the door. They know we can't stop 'em. SCO has no involvement with this....
No involvement with this? What are you talking about? Stealing from SCO is a piece of cake, it certainly happens all the time.
What's interesting is that at Sam's Club (which is owned by Walmart), you can checkout in the app and skip the line without paying anything extra. But I guess that's a little different since you have to pay to get into Sam's Club in the first place.

I've always thought Target should have something like this. It would come in handy when I have to go on break but don't want to wait on line.
Just saw on the news last night about SCOs and how they are the #1 area for theft, and they were using a Target store security footage as an example. Many people (they're not guests when they treat the store the way they do.) will have several of the same item in the cart and only ring up 2 ... but the analyst was saying that there is way more theft than the stores are reporting to save face. And a store like Costco charges so that gives them permission to check receipts?? That is not the reason why they are able to check receipts..... they want to so they do it. If Target wants to start checking receipts, then they can... they just choose not to.
And a store like Costco charges so that gives them permission to check receipts?? That is not the reason why they are able to check receipts..... they want to so they do it. If Target wants to start checking receipts, then they can... they just choose not to.

Exactly, thank you. Folks on here clutching their pearls over the idea of being asked for a receipt are hilarious. As far as I know, and anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, there are no laws prohibiting businesses from asking customers to see their proof of purchase.

Now, if they ask only certain protected classes, that's a different story.
There is a interesting theory (see article below) that Walmart isn't shutting down its self checkout because of theft but because it is offering a paid membership that will allow people the same option.
Just like games locking things you used to be able to win behind a paywall.
They make the process of checking out such a grind that you will do anything to speed it up, even pay extra.
I have to say it sounds like paying extra to skip the lines at the airport too.
Don't want to stand in line to take off your shoes and be scanned?
$50 and you are on your way.
The rumor that Target is going to have a paid membership makes me wonder if one of the benefits will be self checkout.
I wouldn't be at all surprised.

1. I don’t think Target is trying to compete with Walmart.
2. I don’t think Target would offer a service (ex. Paying to skip / different way of checking out)
3. I think with the amount of FCs that we have and the new ones opening up (we already are doing .com orders out of every store I think Target might be after Amazon here with a Prime Delivery type service especially with Target already owning Shipt.
4. Second to that I could see them adding a different type of Target circle (premium). Maybe better deals and coupons but comes at a membership price.

P.S. my prospective maybe be different since I’m on the supply chain side of the company.
Target would steal the hours for the receipt checker for other shit like they did for the "cleaner" position. I know because I was the "cart/basket/high touch area cleaner" and they did it with me to get another cashier
Or Target can stop being an utter fuckwit and give ap their teeth back. Shortage started to get bad when ap lost a lot of the ways they could deter possible thieves and trouble makers. Now our store's ap has been turned into a glorified receipt checker.
Costco is a membership store so it's a little different.

However years ago I worked at Circuit City (like a Best Buy) and they checked receipts all the time.
Kroger in my area has implemented receipt checks, though that might be a store by store basis.
Nothing LOL about it, line of least resistance is just to show the damned receipt and move on with your day. Should one choose to fight it, so be it. I don't have the time nor the inclination anymore to do that. You could screw with them a little, I probably would have in my younger years. "Ok, you think I stole something? Go ahead and call the local police and let them sort it out, I'll wait for them." That is a waste of police asset time. If an employee grabs you all bets are off.
Suspect Karen and Ken of stealing shit at SCO or pocketing stuff? Check the receipts, fuck their sensitivities and Gucci bags and Tesla's.
The reason I am no longer allowed to work SCO. 🤣 😂 You'd think they'd be happy that I was saving them 100s and thousands of dollars. But when they're short staffed they try to get me to work it.. I tell them professionally, "Ummmm NO." I've said they'll need to pull me into the office like they did when they removed me from ever working SCO and give me the same written notice saying I CAN work SCO and remove what was placed into my file, then I will. I'm not going to work SCO and then have them say "Why is (my name here), there?" and then get fired. If I'm going to get fired it's going to be for a better reason than that like yelling at a customer to leash up their bratty kid.
I'm not a fan of showing my receipt at Walmart. Their TMs have zebras that show them what you have scanned. Target should get this for us. And WM can pause your transaction to make sure you scanned something. It happened to me. They thought I didn't scan my milk. She came over and was like "do you have 2 milks". Um no, there is only 1 gallon here. Besides, my WM has the giant bull pen. There are like 20 SCOs. It's a really nice set up if you are actually paying. Walmart and Target just need to have more cashiers available at the lanes and at SCO.

At my target, we went back to have sco open at 8 AM because we were getting too many complaints.
I'm not a fan of showing my receipt at Walmart. Their TMs have zebras that show them what you have scanned. Target should get this for us. And WM can pause your transaction to make sure you scanned something. It happened to me. They thought I didn't scan my milk. She came over and was like "do you have 2 milks". Um no, there is only 1 gallon here. Besides, my WM has the giant bull pen. There are like 20 SCOs. It's a really nice set up if you are actually paying. Walmart and Target just need to have more cashiers available at the lanes and at SCO.

At my target, we went back to have sco open at 8 AM because we were getting too many complaints.
Their TMs have zebras that show them what you have scanned.

I just saw today at a Walmart in very small town in Indiana.

Target would be too cheap to implement that.

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