Archived Core Roles for CTL (Consumables Team Lead)

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p-fresh & dry goods is handled by one ctl at my p-fresh store.
workbench has complete details for ctl core roles for your store. it highly suggesred to print them out. ae12 changed alot of tl roles. including closing some ulv stores by jan 2013.
In a nutshell you are responsible for vendor relations/accountability(communicating saleslplanners, calling supervisors when necessary, completing Vendor Survey weekly), food safety (completing SDA daily, checking dates, FIFOing, removing dented cans/damaged packaging), as well as all the standard TL responsibilities like setting salesplanners, maintaining brand, talent management, etc.

Is your store PFresh?
Yes. It is. My pfresh/ctl is overwhelmed. I try to help her on sp's, when i can. She has good & bad vendors. She does follow on them with bp of spot.
I was ridiculously overwhelmed the first few months of PFresh. My saving grace was chiseling my PA's into a well oiled machine to where open market can almost completely exist without me. The biggest hurdle I'm currently having is that food sales go so up and down with our guests still discovering our new open market that some vendors are having great difficulty nailing their sales trends. I feel like everytime I pass my bread aisle its either completely packed out or damn near empty.
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