Archived Corrective action for zebra device

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I'm sure stores acted the same way when Target first introduced the Mydevice however many years ago.

That's pretty terrible, I hope that's not true. They are nicer than Mydevices but they aren't $1k nice.

Mine didn't. And a grand for a commercial device? yeah that isn't bad at all.. The extra hardware/software to make it withstand the abuse adds up quick.. Or you can have the Apple POS back they were like $3-500 a piece. And we all know how well they worked out.. 🙄

There are times you spend money - this is one of them.
So what is the deal with people getting written up for not turning in device? Is that possible? I mean where does it say something like that? A team member was asking me about that and I didn't know what they were talking about. Can I get some help please.

Are you asking for a written, official Target policy regarding Zebras and Zebra usage?

Dude, if the boss man/woman says to turn them in, then you need to turn them in. It's that simple.

I'm making equipment control my personal project for development once we get our zebras. I'll be confiscating abandoned ones and auditing the sign out sheet, hopefully it'll drive some people into paying attention.

Same. TPS is auditing Zebra sign out sheet, and when we first rolled the devices out, we were even keeping them in our booking room. Boy, am I glad they're out and in their own locked cabinet now.
We were missing one at close tonight and the LOD was very upset.

It wasn't mine!

I prefer a PDA anyway, when I can grab one.
Asants obviously but I notice ever since BTS results came out the company got hammered on the "I have the equipment to do my job" question. Our TPS is like a hawk making sure the equipment cabinet is locked and randomly auditing the sign out sheet.

We had one stolen off a caf vehicle at my old store and that tm was put on a final and rightfully so. Sign it out and don't lose it, If people can't do that im not sure they deserve to work here.
I gave low marks on the BTS for the equipment not working and not having enough. Having everyone on the sales floor during the day means even less equipment. We already have Zebras that are not functioning properly.
We got our Zebra devices today. Already had to confiscate three.. sigh
We received ours recently and didn't get extra batteries, the trigger accessory, or anything to label the myDevice with, as the packing list from the rollout guide stated we would. Did you receive all these items?
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We already have 7 that have malfunctioned. The sign-out sheet is basically used as wallpaper while folks grab a Zebra, trigger accessory and case then hide them in the ambient room, backroom, conference room and so forth so that they always have "their device" at the ready. I've even seen a few with "Joe's Zebra DO NOT TOUCH AT ALL!!" labels attached (insert various TM names). I usually cross out their name and write in "Property of Target Corporation". That means we now have very few to go around which is a total PITA. Still, I prefer the old PDA so I always happily beebop right by the folks scratching their heads and begin scanning away with a satisfied smirk.

In the rollout, for each Zebra received we also received a trigger accessory, extra battery and holster however, the multi-unit chargers do not accommodate the number of Zebras we have so they end up sitting on the shelf with a dead battery.
We received ours recently and didn't get extra batteries, the trigger accessory, or anything to labels the myDevice with, as the packing list from the rollout guide stated we would. Did you receive all these items?
Nope. We got the devices and the chargers. We used a label maker we already had requisitioned in AP to label them.
I'm making equipment control my personal project for development once we get our zebras. I'll be confiscating abandoned ones and auditing the sign out sheet, hopefully it'll drive some people into paying attention.


Just make sure you keep up with the log book. Our store is doing better now that they've assigned the task to one of our TLs. In the past they would have these "log it out/in" fits and create a whole log book and the TMs would obediently sign out/in equipment. Then came the day they used up the last page. Trying to continue to follow instructions they turned over the back and started writing on the backs of the pages but when it became clear that nobody cared they just quit writing in the log. This was a neverending cycle. When equipment would get short it'd start up again and end the same way.

When the task was assigned to this new TL she started up the same way. We got to the last page and wrote on the back. We wrote on the backs of 2 pages and on the third day the book was full of clean sheets ready to go again. She is the first one to do this job with any lasting attention and because of it the TMs have been diligently making sure they sign out all equipment and sign it back in again. Haven't had to write on the blank backs of any of the logs in quite awhile.

Basically if you want the team to care YOU have to care. I don't think anyone in our store has lost one since they've gotten here. Now we just need to get the disconnected ones connected to the wifi again.
We already have 7 that have malfunctioned. The sign-out sheet is basically used as wallpaper while folks grab a Zebra, trigger accessory and case then hide them in the ambient room, backroom, conference room and so forth so that they always have "their device" at the ready. I've even seen a few with "Joe's Zebra DO NOT TOUCH AT ALL!!" labels attached (insert various TM names). I usually cross out their name and write in "Property of Target Corporation". That means we now have very few to go around which is a total PITA. Still, I prefer the old PDA so I always happily beebop right by the folks scratching their heads and begin scanning away with a satisfied smirk.

In the rollout, for each Zebra received we also received a trigger accessory, extra battery and holster however, the multi-unit chargers do not accommodate the number of Zebras we have so they end up sitting on the shelf with a dead battery.

We use one of those shoe holders you place over a door. You have extra batteries in the chargers. Keep swapping them out.

I would be making a call to the hotline. "Hey you know we got these new zebras and management doesn't give a crap about equipment control." I find these things on shelves, in drawers anywhere but the equipment room.

With the fierceness the point was made how important these are, getting back to your STL might piss them off to actually do something.
Did anyone else not get holsters for the zebras, though? We have to either wear ours like a (ridiculous) watch, put it in a back pocket if it fits, or hide them in a vehicle if we need both hands. Holsters would be nice.

No one got holsters. You have to use the lpda ones
We got our Zebra devices today. Already had to confiscate three.. sigh

Ugh, this is not going to be fun where I'm at. I usually close and it's really, really often that I go to clock out with an armful of equipment. There was one night that there were three other my devices and a PDA left on the fitting room desk, in addition to the my device I checked out. No one of any importance has said anything so far, so no one's going to be used to keeping the things on them.
Confiscate three???


People not keeping track of them, so AP is taking them and will have a chat with the person who left it laying around.

I treat it like a like my car keys, they are never not on me. When I can't carry them in a pocket, they are locked in my locker. Never out of my control. Some people have to learn the hard way that just because something isn't physically yours doesn't mean you can treat it like shit, actually the opposite is true.
We use one of those shoe holders you place over a door. You have extra batteries in the chargers. Keep swapping them out.

I would be making a call to the hotline. "Hey you know we got these new zebras and management doesn't give a crap about equipment control." I find these things on shelves, in drawers anywhere but the equipment room.

With the fierceness the point was made how important these are, getting back to your STL might piss them off to actually do something.
I suggested the shoe holder for this purpose but they were "meh". Works for our Pull, Back Stock, Challenge, etc clips in the backroom so I figured this would be a good spot, too. They didn't seem too interested. Hotline: those calls are not taken too seriously at my store. We usually overhear something like, "Someone called the Hotline again." "Oh? What are they complaining about this time?" However, calls to the district office seem to garner results.

Point of clarification: the holsters we received were actually the same used for the IOS-based myDevices. We don't have any specific for the Zebras that will hold them with the trigger accessory attached and the lpda holsters are a bit too floppy.

I've found I prefer the lpda for backroom functions and the Zebra for anything on the floor.
We use one of those shoe holders you place over a door. You have extra batteries in the chargers. Keep swapping them out.

I would be making a call to the hotline. "Hey you know we got these new zebras and management doesn't give a crap about equipment control." I find these things on shelves, in drawers anywhere but the equipment room.

With the fierceness the point was made how important these are, getting back to your STL might piss them off to actually do something.
We have several ETL's who are always misplacing equipment. Sales floor, has anyone seen my cart with my mydevice inside.
22 Zebras in my store, 15 signed out yesterday, 11 the day before, NONE available to check out. They're not hidden, people just are not signing them out.

We have a cashier who likes to take one then whines when the LOD takes it. He's a jerk so I always LMAO.
In the past they would have these "log it out/in" fits and create a whole log book and the TMs would obediently sign out/in equipment. Then came the day they used up the last page. Trying to continue to follow instructions they turned over the back and started writing on the backs of the pages but when it became clear that nobody cared they just quit writing in the log. This was a neverending cycle. When equipment would get short it'd start up again and end the same way.
This is literally exactly how we got to the current state of equipment and key control at my store. It became clear that nobody cared about the sign out sheets, so everyone stopped signing stuff out.

We have new sheets for the Zebras, which are kept separately from the other equipment, but there's a scattered pile of old sign out sheets around them and it's clear that nobody is checking up on them.
Why sign something out if leadership doesn't bother keeping up with it? I don't mind rules, but make sure they're applied evenly and don't waste my time, otherwise I'll not do it.

I haven't signed anything out in two years.
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