Archived Coupon policy change!

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This is similar to the reseller situation we had back in electronics about 5 years ago. Eventually, they will stop coming. Sure, you might get a few bad surveys at first and but it will get better. It's important that the store stays consistent with the new rule and all tm and ETLs are aware and stand by it.

Well, unfortunately until those higher up in the food chain in my store/district/group get this, it will be business as usual. Fail.
That's why I'm wondering if anyone has had a scammer throw a fit over this and call the guest line right then and there.

It sounds like from my gstl that we won't be able to enforce this because the dtl won't go for it. *sigh*
I don't know if we have had one lately, but I know we've had them call in the past and corporate just rolls over and tells GS to do whatever they want. I was waiting behind the jerk to do a legit exchange and the guy was totally scamming. He had a screen shot of something he wanted to price match that GS couldn't find ANYWHERE online that basically would've given him a brand new game for $5 or something.
I got the "OK" from our STL yesterday to start turning them away even if we only have a vague suspicion that the person is a coupon scammer. She's pretty much given free license to all Service Desk TM's and any GSA/GSTL to turn them down. Not even ten minutes after she had given me the go-ahead, I had the ultimate pleasure of being able to tell a regular coupon scammer (who does this 3-4 times a week) that I can't process his return. He of course went on a well-practiced spiel about how you can get the value back onto a gift card yadda yadda. Nope, pulled out the new policy, showed him the appropriate lines, and he stormed off. In other words, I told him to fuck off and it felt FANTASTIC. I've been asking my Service Desk TM's to let me do the honors whenever one comes around.

These people have made my life hell the entire time I've worked here and I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!
I've been informed that our district ap person wants this policy enforced. I haven't been given the go ahead yet, because our ap guy has to break the news to leadership team. But it's coming!
People are still waiting? The second this hit my email I sent it to my leadership and told them to start enforcing immediately
Yeah, our AP tried that and got shot down. So we battle on...

Amazing how stores will ignore a direction from corporate because they're afraid of how it's going to affect their survey scores or whatever. Corp should be just as adamant about enforcing this policy as they are their guest service policy. It's crazy we allow ourselves to be in fear of what scammers will potentially say about us in an online survey. We should be listening to paying guests.
And people use surveys & reviews like a club to trash a business whenever they don't get their way, however unreasonable the demand.
One site had a rant so crazy that the owner followed up with a rebuttal.
Stores should be enforcing the policy. The main problem with this is when all stores don't follow the policy and you get people that say "well this store lets me do it, so you have to also".

No. No we don't.
I found the papers explaining the new coupon policy at the register closest to self checkout one day and read through them. Later I asked the SrGSTL about the policy and she explained that it was currently in effect and that the items and coupons must match, and that if the coupon says trial sizes are excluded, we will not accept them on trial size items, even if it scans.

Today we had a guest come in and try to use coupons on trial size items, and the new GSA asked me to help her. She wanted to make sure it was alright for her to deny these coupons. I read the fine print on the coupon and our coupon policy and we denied her coupons. She got upset and ended up leaving all her items. Our newish ETL-GE walked by and the new GSA asked him about the policy. He said "If it scans we take it." This was in direct contradiction to what I've heard from a former GSTL current Starbucks TL and my SrGSTL. I mentioned the new policy to him and he smirked and repeated "If it scans we take it."

I hate getting conflicting information like this!!
No more bending over backwards for the guests. I had some guests that heard wind of the policy when we told them and they were angry blah blah blah..... I had a feeling they were going to be putting down negative marks on the surveys but eh who cares.
I found the papers explaining the new coupon policy at the register closest to self checkout one day and read through them. Later I asked the SrGSTL about the policy and she explained that it was currently in effect and that the items and coupons must match, and that if the coupon says trial sizes are excluded, we will not accept them on trial size items, even if it scans.

Today we had a guest come in and try to use coupons on trial size items, and the new GSA asked me to help her. She wanted to make sure it was alright for her to deny these coupons. I read the fine print on the coupon and our coupon policy and we denied her coupons. She got upset and ended up leaving all her items. Our newish ETL-GE walked by and the new GSA asked him about the policy. He said "If it scans we take it." This was in direct contradiction to what I've heard from a former GSTL current Starbucks TL and my SrGSTL. I mentioned the new policy to him and he smirked and repeated "If it scans we take it."

I hate getting conflicting information like this!!
There's a lot of coupons that scan that we don't take. Fake coupons scan.

Your ETL GE wouldn't last in my district.
Stores should be enforcing the policy. The main problem with this is when all stores don't follow the policy and you get people that say "well this store lets me do it, so you have to also".

No. No we don't.

I love it when they say that. I just say, "I'm sorry, they must have been missinformed, I can
I found the papers explaining the new coupon policy at the register closest to self checkout one day and read through them. Later I asked the SrGSTL about the policy and she explained that it was currently in effect and that the items and coupons must match, and that if the coupon says trial sizes are excluded, we will not accept them on trial size items, even if it scans.

Today we had a guest come in and try to use coupons on trial size items, and the new GSA asked me to help her. She wanted to make sure it was alright for her to deny these coupons. I read the fine print on the coupon and our coupon policy and we denied her coupons. She got upset and ended up leaving all her items. Our newish ETL-GE walked by and the new GSA asked him about the policy. He said "If it scans we take it." This was in direct contradiction to what I've heard from a former GSTL current Starbucks TL and my SrGSTL. I mentioned the new policy to him and he smirked and repeated "If it scans we take it."

I hate getting conflicting information like this!!

Your GSTL is a moron.
Your ETL-GE... is only worried about surveys and nothing else. If your STL supports the new coupon policy, maybe someone should put a bug in their ear about it.
Report the GSTL for not following procedure.
There should be standardized traini g about this coupon policy like there is about giving, safety, and proper food handling.
How can something that is so important be left to the discretion of people who don't bother to read the policy thoroughly and ask questions if they don't understand?

I would not listen or take direction from the smirkeR
You all can bitch and moan all you want if the ETL doesn't want to follow the new policy. But when the guest demands to speak to a manager, and you are overridden (and coached) you will be reminded very quickly that you are not in charge.
Call the hot line. If your DTL is on board with corporate's new policy, he/she will get the GE-ETL straightened out pretty quickly.
Chipping in my two cents:

Original news spread (Thanks to yours truly) before the REDwire notice hit my store.
STL Immediately put it into effect in regards to the returns of coupon based transactions.

Scammer Guest came in and tried to return a $450 HBA transaction... We denied it, she called Guest Relations. Guest relations transferred us to Corporate directly, and we were told to do the return this time.

STL is now completely on board with denying any coupon based transaction, so long as it seems as if it's "beyond the norm of personal use".

My GSTL's and myself had a little dance party in our 3239 hallway.
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