Archived Curious about GSA schedules?

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Well, from a cashier's perspective there isn't a lot of difference.

I always explain it as supervising the lanes is a GSA's responsibility. Doing that plus coaching, planning and all the behind-the-scenes stuff is what makes a GSTL different.

I still get called "GSTL Jill" by pretty much everyone, though.
Same thing when I was in the lanes.
When others moved up, my cashiers would ask what the diff was & I'd tell them.
They'd get mad & ask why I didn't get it & I'd tell them that I didn't want it.
In a way, it was true.
Half our cashiers can't even tell the difference between cashiers and GSA/GSTL's let alone between GSA's and GSTL's.

Many of our new cashiers give me weird looks and ask why I'm on a lane whenever they see me on one. I really don't think they even realize my job title is exactly the same as theirs because I am usually at the service desk, or doing other random stuff like collecting reshop/hangars, zoning the lanes, responding to blinkers, or covering the GSA/GSTL breaks or food ave's breaks.
I love to blow my cashier's minds and tell them I'm only making 50 cents an hour more than they are. It has been the easiest and best way to get them on my side when they see see all the crap I put up with for so little.
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