Archived Curious... Has anyone ever been questioned about this site? By someone at work?

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I made the mistake of telling someone. I won't get into the details. I was told to stay off it. Seriously? You can't tell me what to do in my off hours and if you can't help me do my job like my fiends here can..... well I'm coming here.
I've never been questioned in the store, but I did get an awkward message on social media from another TM regarding my TBR activities.

Whenever anyone asks how I know about stuff beyond my training, I blame that one TL at my store who somehow knows everything (and also happens to be a TBR user).
Nobody I work with has really mentioned this site to me, and I don't talk about it. I stay off of here while I'm there and I do have friends at a store I worked at previously, so if I mention something I read here I just say that I heard it from someone at my old store. I do however, know that there is at least one person on this site that does work at my store. She just doesn't know that I know she's here. I am 100% positive it is her though.
No one has ever said anything about it to me. A really cool TL knows I have an account but doesn't use it herself. There was one day when that TL, me, and another TM were in the backroom, and we were wondering if POGS eventually dropped into CAF if they didn't get pulled. The other BR TM we were with was like hold on, and he opened this site up, and tried to find the answer. He didn't have an account either. I just kind of said that this site is really useful to find out about things going on. That was it.
People I work with have asked me how I know some things. I'm just like oh idk I read it online somewhere I guess. lol
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If anyone except one person I know read s things here *waves cause I know he's probably reading this* I've never heard of it. My stl isn't into social media, so I doubt he's ever used a forum.

I'm always saying a friend in the Midwest told me. And when they question how I know them I remind them 1. I'm not from here, 2. I don't live in a vacuum- I talk to and game on fb with people from all over. 3. Does it matter how I have contact and get info from the myDevice developers? Just be grateful...
uh what? there's a … oh wait I need to get this Flexi done then get the vendor pallet down and then make the bloody fracking bulk section look like silly friggin' picture for our bro force STL.

That'd be my response then maybe a 10 minute rant about the lack of enough fully working equipment.
Thinking about this makes me chuckle. There are more ETLs and STLs than you think. If I'm going by the stores I have been at and worked in (briefly), I would say it's safe to say 80% of the ETLs are on this site. It's so fun trying to figure out who's who, damn near impossible. Unless, you know, you shout out your store number T-XXXX
No, I know one of the TL's I worked with browses here on occasion. They might have even figured out it's me, but, there's really no way to completely prove it is.

Was talking to a friend of mine that I work with the other night while we were having drinks and he said that before he even considered applying to target he visited some website called "the break room" and read through stuff to see what it'd be like working at target lol....must've worked for him too because he got hired as a seasonal hardlines worker a year or so ago and just got promoted to ETL a few months ago:D
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