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Hardlines Team Trainer
Feb 27, 2018
I am currently a Hardlines team member for the sales floor at a target in Texas, about 4 months ago I decided I wanted to pursue being a STL, conveniently my Team lead went on a LOA and my ETL allowed me to inherit all of her hours till she returned. During this time i worked everyday with my other sales floor team lead and he’s one of our strongest team leads (ability and knowledge wise). I learned a ton of new things. I’m trained in pretty much every department except softlines and price change, Pretty much all the leaders see me as our strongest SF team member, they use me to cover GSA or GSTL breaks and lunches, team leads allow me to build their salesplanners, ETL’s will occasionally allow me to run recovery on a closing shift etc etc. My HR ETL is my other “learning mentor” and i’m not sure if i’m just impatient, but it seems like the expectations to develop into a team lead has become a little rediculous, Most of the time I feel like I know more and do more than 90% of our team leads and it really makes me wonder how on earth they got their position. I don’t mind the high expectations because it does force you to be a very strong team member but if that’s the case they need to re evaluate the existing team leads who frankly don’t do squat for their departments. My HR ETL and I status quite often and do mock interviews and she always tells me my answers need to be at a “higher level” and it is so frustrating because I know I have the capability to be a TL, but those awful interview questions stump me. Does anyone else feel that they have mega high expectations for team members trying to develop, yet dont hold existing team leads accountable for their lack of work or leadership? Hopefully this new wave of “modernization” starts to weed out all the bad TL’s and makes room for upcoming team members who truly have a passion for the company.
And I totally understand that but then you get to the issue of team leads not only putting in little effort work wise but also not being able to run their team effectively
That’s not an issue for you to tackle. You’re here trying to promote to a team leader and you don’t do that by making your potential peers look bad. They’ll do that on their own.
I’ve noticed that most tms wanting to promote always feel they do more than their leaders because they physically do more work. It’s not about that, it’s about training and developing the team to be self sufficient whether their team leader is there or not.
One of the qualities I've seen that helps people be very successful at Target when referring to effective Leadership and the business as a whole is the ability to work Together. Granted your potential "peers" might not do the "physical" grunt work you might be doing right now to be developed into a leader, but their priority right now is running their workcenters effectively. Not just "grunt" work. Target has always pride itself on working with people of ALL different kinds of people. Unfortunately, that includes working with people that are not very good workers. If everyone was the same, we'd be all robots. True efficiency is Balance of Leading, Balancing and Developing.
Does anyone else feel that they have mega high expectations for team members trying to develop, yet dont hold existing team leads accountable for their lack of work or leadership? Hopefully this new wave of “modernization” starts to weed out all the bad TL’s and makes room for upcoming team members who truly have a passion for the company.

I know I've bitched about this in a different thread (or two).... but, YES, there are some TLs that are lacking greatly in their Leadership skills. It's painful to watch them fumble thru their day trying to Lead when they don't have that "balance" that @Him was referring to. They just "go thru the motions" that someone else has dictated. They wait for the ETL to give them a checklist for the day/week. They wait for the LOD to tell them what needs to be addressed. If they truly, genuinely had that "balance" of Leadership and Business Ownership; they'd be communicating to the ETL/LOD what their focus and priorities are for their Team/Dept. In my store, there's probably 3 TLs that are really just TMs with a fatter paycheck. They were "yes-men" during their TM days. They managed to say "all the right things" during their interviews. And they were granted the TL title. They were great TMs, but they are weak as Leaders.

@targetworker13, keep doing what you're doing..... you are on the right track. Take your game to the next level..... your HR ETL wants your interview answers to be in TL terminology; not TM. If there's another TL that you respect..... ask for their mentorship as well.

I agree w/ the other posts....Don't worry about what other TLs are doing (or not doing)..... that's their problem. Set your standards waaaaaaay higher than theirs.
I’ve noticed that most tms wanting to promote always feel they do more than their leaders because they physically do more work. It’s not about that, it’s about training and developing the team to be self sufficient whether their team leader is there or not.

Amen to this.

Don't get me wrong there are some incompetent leaders but team leads are the backbone of any store. They have to both manage and get their hands dirty.

Hats off to you TLs who are writing your TM reviews this week, doing your salesplans and running the floor.
My HR ETL and I status quite often and do mock interviews and she always tells me my answers need to be at a “higher level” and it is so frustrating because I know I have the capability to be a TL,

If your answers aren't at a high enough scope you probably aren't speaking to how your workcenter affects the whole store.

Most stores realize you can't simply have a great TM in a TL role (Other than maybe flow TL).

Team Leads do an awful lot behind the scenes. Did you even know team leads at a lot of stores are off stage writing their tm reviews?
If your answers aren't at a high enough scope you probably aren't speaking to how your workcenter affects the whole store.

Most stores realize you can't simply have a great TM in a TL role (Other than maybe flow TL).

Team Leads do an awful lot behind the scenes. Did you even know team leads at a lot of stores are off stage writing their tm reviews?

Question for you, in my mock interviews, a question I seem to struggle with the most is “Name a time you introduced a new process to a leader, what was it, how did the leader take it and what was the result?

I struggle with this question the most and just can’t seem to come up with a “high scope” answer, any advice on an example you’d provide?
Question for you, in my mock interviews, a question I seem to struggle with the most is “Name a time you introduced a new process to a leader, what was it, how did the leader take it and what was the result?

I struggle with this question the most and just can’t seem to come up with a “high scope” answer, any advice on an example you’d provide?

Your answers need to reflect how you made in an impact on the store. I helped with my stores beauty roll out. Since not much was given on the e2e process. I set up a lot of processes. Trained my team and train my TL on the process. We started comping in beauty and our basket size went up. Those are things they want to hear. It took me several times to pass the bench but eventually with guidence with my TL I was able to get there. Even as peer leader she is still guiding me.
I think this thread has somewhat steered in the wrong direction. Don’t get me wrong, I am fully aware team leads put in tons of work, sometimes more than ETL’s I’ve worked very closely with multiple team leads the past months and I know it’s no easy task, I think in my case my point was that our store as a whole seems to have a lot of team leads with bad culture, who are stuck in their ways. My intent of this thread was not to bash team leads because they don’t do “grunt work” I know good team leads put in tons of work especially ETE TL’s.

Yeah I think my challenge for you would be to identify where you can be better rather than just point out the weaknesses in other leaders.

Sometimes a tm who thinks he knows more than his leaders comes off as a red flag.
Question for you, in my mock interviews, a question I seem to struggle with the most is “Name a time you introduced a new process to a leader, what was it, how did the leader take it and what was the result?

I struggle with this question the most and just can’t seem to come up with a “high scope” answer, any advice on an example you’d provide?

Here's where I would talk about a process you made more efficient.

"I noticed our morning unload was inefficient so I approached my team lead if I could start setting the line at night (some stores still don't do thie) after I finished pushing the autos. This helped me to be more efficient pulling and pushing the 1s and the 3s knowing I had another task to complete in addition to cardboard. Now our unload process is more effficient, saving payroll and allowing our team to get into the aisles quicker. And knowing I have an additional task gives me the motivation to fill the floor quicker by getting the autos on the floor for our guest driving sales."

Make it clear how your efforts are helping the whole store.

If you are a successful tm they will want to hear not just that you can do your job but that you are ready to take on more.

When a leader mentions they want more scope. They don't want to pass you on to a leader who says "yikes they weren't ready at all"
I am currently a Hardlines team member for the sales floor at a target in Texas, about 4 months ago I decided I wanted to pursue being a STL, conveniently my Team lead went on a LOA and my ETL allowed me to inherit all of her hours till she returned. During this time i worked everyday with my other sales floor team lead and he’s one of our strongest team leads (ability and knowledge wise). I learned a ton of new things. I’m trained in pretty much every department except softlines and price change, Pretty much all the leaders see me as our strongest SF team member, they use me to cover GSA or GSTL breaks and lunches, team leads allow me to build their salesplanners, ETL’s will occasionally allow me to run recovery on a closing shift etc etc. My HR ETL is my other “learning mentor” and i’m not sure if i’m just impatient, but it seems like the expectations to develop into a team lead has become a little rediculous, Most of the time I feel like I know more and do more than 90% of our team leads and it really makes me wonder how on earth they got their position. I don’t mind the high expectations because it does force you to be a very strong team member but if that’s the case they need to re evaluate the existing team leads who frankly don’t do squat for their departments. My HR ETL and I status quite often and do mock interviews and she always tells me my answers need to be at a “higher level” and it is so frustrating because I know I have the capability to be a TL, but those awful interview questions stump me. Does anyone else feel that they have mega high expectations for team members trying to develop, yet dont hold existing team leads accountable for their lack of work or leadership? Hopefully this new wave of “modernization” starts to weed out all the bad TL’s and makes room for upcoming team members who truly have a passion for the company.
I know how you feel bro.... I have two TLs mentoring me as well but no support from any ETLs. So now they have a new TL position open at my store and my ETL HR told me to apply for it two weeks ago. So I did that and have yet to have an interview or mock interview. ... I proved to my ETLs I was ready in 4th quarter when they made me the ESFS TL.... we went from the worst ESFS to number 1 in the group.... my ETLs even named me one of there top performers of 4th quarter ..... anyways I wouldn't give up if I were u. The fact you have an ETL helping u is good because everyone doesn't get support from them.
Because we don't have one and our team is falling apart... but i digress.
So you can do more as a TM to help your team. Take on all the responsibility..... you do that as a TL as well but with a pay raise. Since “helping” your team is your only objective, you don’t need to be a TL to accomplish that objective.
Most TM want to be TL because its the next logical step in wanting to move up , gain leadership experience, gain management experience and make more per hour. That’s clearly not the case here.
This is a TL position you are seeking right? Why are they having you jump through so many hoops?
They gave you a notebook? To write stuff down in?
Do you what they look for in a TL according to job posts? A high school diploma! If there is a TL position open, apply for it, and go hard at it! F this kissing 20 behinds!
This is a TL position you are seeking right? Why are they having you jump through so many hoops?
They gave you a notebook? To write stuff down in?
Do you what they look for in a TL according to job posts? A high school diploma! If there is a TL position open, apply for it, and go hard at it! F this kissing 20 behinds!
Some stores depend more on the ass kissing than interviews. I interview better than every other applicant but nobody wants to back me because I'm not bffs with the tl team... I've got too much work to do to hang out and schmooze daily.
You can also use examples from non-Target situations, if you have better situations. It shows that you have experience in different situations, and you should be able to tie those back to how that situation would translate to the Target environment.
You can also use examples from non-Target situations, if you have better situations. It shows that you have experience in different situations, and you should be able to tie those back to how that situation would translate to the Target environment.

That's only when you're new to Target.

For bench interviews they generally want Target examples since by that point you should have been in a store a while and they will want to know what you have taken from your development opportunities.
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Hard reality time:
Your ambition and drive is being noticed by your team clearly, but you need to ease up on the entitlement.

You have the knowledge of a leader but you’re lacking the understanding to be in that position. Simply because you’re taking TL hours and responsibility while a TL is out does not make you the lead nor deserving of that person’s position.

The good news:
Your ETLs are clearly guiding you in to a lead position but they want to see more examples of you working with the actual team and having projects, processes, and goals that you can speak to. Address areas of opportunity and work with the team to increase efficiency and all of a sudden you’ll have the answers you need to ace any interview you need.

Also don’t bad mouth the previous TL. Compliment their previous accomplishments and how you would be honored to build on them whether you liked them or not 😉
I’m a recently new in role TL and we seem to have the same back ground in regards to target. My TL went on LOA for an extended period of time and I took on all the every days tasks that he would do and it seemed as though I “was already doing the job”. When the LOA ended up turning into him eventually just leaving Target I assumed I’m a shoo-in hey I’m already doing all the work? Boy was I wrong. Luckily I interview well and have lots of leadership experience inside and out of target so I got the position but I was quick to realize exactly what was previously stated... just because you’re doing more physical work doesn’t mean you work harder than your TL. There is so much we do behind the scenes and I can’t speak for SFTL but as a GSTL it can always appear to my team/gas’s like I’m “always on the computer/off stage” because talent management and maintaining your work area takes that time that most TMs don’t see. So while you’re working your butt off pushing CAFs and zoning all of electronics, it may seem like I’m just off somewhere on the computer but I’m writing reveiws and preping next weeks work load all while trying to keep up with PDDs and CAs. There’s a lot that makes a good TL great that goes way beyond running around the floor helping guests and pushing product.
I’m a recently new in role TL and we seem to have the same back ground in regards to target. My TL went on LOA for an extended period of time and I took on all the every days tasks that he would do and it seemed as though I “was already doing the job”. When the LOA ended up turning into him eventually just leaving Target I assumed I’m a shoo-in hey I’m already doing all the work? Boy was I wrong. Luckily I interview well and have lots of leadership experience inside and out of target so I got the position but I was quick to realize exactly what was previously stated... just because you’re doing more physical work doesn’t mean you work harder than your TL. There is so much we do behind the scenes and I can’t speak for SFTL but as a GSTL it can always appear to my team/gas’s like I’m “always on the computer/off stage” because talent management and maintaining your work area takes that time that most TMs don’t see. So while you’re working your butt off pushing CAFs and zoning all of electronics, it may seem like I’m just off somewhere on the computer but I’m writing reveiws and preping next weeks work load all while trying to keep up with PDDs and CAs. There’s a lot that makes a good TL great that goes way beyond running around the floor helping guests and pushing product.
Do you have advice on what we can do aside from from PDDs and CAs in regards to talent management?
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