Archived Demoralized and Rather Degraded

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Oct 11, 2011
Never in my whole employment history have I been degraded as I was today. I have heard of TM's being talked down to by their ETL or TL, but have never been there myself, UNTIL TODAY. I was a bit early to work and still had some time before I could clock in. My ETL had come over and said "ah just the person I needed to see, let's walk and talk". I knew what he wanted to talk about, so it was no surprise when he first asked "so why are you leaving Target" and I explained to him "I am exploring new ventures" and he replied with some sympathetic words that seemed like he cared. We then got into where I would be starting my new job. I told him kind of what my new job would encompass and that it would be an office job. He stopped for a second and said "oh nah nah, I can tell you already , you will be back here working for me soon". I could not believe what I just heard. That was basically his way of saying "yeah I don't believe you can do that kind of stuff". Last time I checked, I was the person who knew what I was capable of, NOT an ETL. I just gave him this look like WTF and walked off to clock in. I definitely lost respect for him in that instant. My TL shook his head when I told him what happened, and he was actually encouraging of me finding something better, that is what I would expect from an ETL, not what I expected at all. Anyone else who can relate?
O / P --- now you just noticed this -- and before you thought anyone cared about you

I don't even know you -- And I have deeper feelings about your welfare that any ETL - you'll ever meet
Your moving on to better things do not make the mistake so many other team members have made and look back, Its not worth it.
It always hurts more when it's someone who appears to respect you as a human being.
When you find out just how little they actually think of you, it's very hard to get out from under.
Sad to say Spot does a fair job of presenting that kind of front (at least to the newbies who don't know any better) which is why so many people here are so frustrated.
Don't let it get to you, you are destined for greater things and he is stuck sucking up to Spot.
I wouldnt even have done the walk and talk thing until I was on the clock. If I'm off the clock don't talk to me anything target related, leaving or staying.
Been there.

I moved back across the country because the store near my home town was going through a total leadership change. And the new Execs said they liked everything about me from my friends at that store told them and wanted to advance me. When I got back, I was treated like dirt.
Never in my whole employment history have I been degraded as I was today. I have heard of TM's being talked down to by their ETL or TL, but have never been there myself, UNTIL TODAY. I was a bit early to work and still had some time before I could clock in. My ETL had come over and said "ah just the person I needed to see, let's walk and talk". I knew what he wanted to talk about, so it was no surprise when he first asked "so why are you leaving Target" and I explained to him "I am exploring new ventures" and he replied with some sympathetic words that seemed like he cared. We then got into where I would be starting my new job. I told him kind of what my new job would encompass and that it would be an office job. He stopped for a second and said "oh nah nah, I can tell you already , you will be back here working for me soon". I could not believe what I just heard. That was basically his way of saying "yeah I don't believe you can do that kind of stuff". Last time I checked, I was the person who knew what I was capable of, NOT an ETL. I just gave him this look like WTF and walked off to clock in. I definitely lost respect for him in that instant. My TL shook his head when I told him what happened, and he was actually encouraging of me finding something better, that is what I would expect from an ETL, not what I expected at all. Anyone else who can relate?

As someone who has left Target, I can tell you that peoples true colors all of a sudden come out once it is known you are leaving. People you have known for years suddenly change. I found that with most people, it's not a change for the good. People that used to be my friend were suddenly no longer speaking to me once they found out I was leaving. I got lots of hate from the ETLs.

Basically your ETL is jealous - he thought he would be working an office job out of college not retail. Now you - someone without a degree - has upstaged him. Also, it is a power trip. After I put in my two weeks, suddenly every ETL/SrTL in the building was trying to remind me that they had power over me with snide comments or some such BS. Basically they see their power over you slipping away and they can't stand it, because their power over a store full of teenagers is all they have in their sad lives. Also, he probably fears the day you will come in to the store and you tell him you need something and he has to comply instead of the other way around.

One thing is for sure - they don't give a damn about your career success in life. At my store they tried to talk down about my new job to make me stay. I am so glad I didn't fall for that BS. Just ignore them, smile, and remind them you are going to have a better job. If they make a smart a** comment to you, make a better one back. What are they going to do? Fire you?
Yeah, don't even think about it. You are going to make more money, have better hours, etc and this ETL will probably stay where they are wishing they could have next Saturday off.

But not all ETLs are like that. Before he left for another store, one of my seasoned ETLs and I were in the fire hall chatting and he basically told me that I'm too good for Target. I can at least be an ETL if I want to stay but he would have rather had a 9-5 and sometimes it's hard work... so if I wanted to do anything else, he understood. Even when I was in my HR's office a few weeks ago stating I had a degree, I thought he was going to be all "You can become an ETL!!!!" but he said that there are better companies out there. It surprised me...
@StateofTarget. I actually have a degree in media production, which I will be using my tech skills from that in my new job. But you are right people's true colors are starting to show (as far as management at least). My TL actually said "We can't keep you from going onto bigger and better things, but if its a chance to make more money and you enjoy it a little more, than go for it"! I pretty much think it is jealousy. Not sure why he would be jealous of a tech support job, but I guess he has his reasons lol.
@StateofTarget. I actually have a degree in media production, which I will be using my tech skills from that in my new job. But you are right people's true colors are starting to show (as far as management at least). My TL actually said "We can't keep you from going onto bigger and better things, but if its a chance to make more money and you enjoy it a little more, than go for it"! I pretty much think it is jealousy. Not sure why he would be jealous of a tech support job, but I guess he has his reasons lol.

Chances are you will move up to bigger and better things quickly.

ETLs have a glimmer of hope in their eye they may make STL one day. That's all they have to look forward to, and few of them ever achieve it.
Chances are you will move up to bigger and better things quickly.

ETLs have a glimmer of hope in their eye they may make STL one day. That's all they have to look forward to, and few of them ever achieve it.

God help us if any of my execs get put in charge of a store.
I would have told that ETL in no uncertain terms to "go **** yourself" and walk out and never came back.
Here's another way to look at the ETL's remark. Perhaps he thinks that you are so well suited to the FFF culture at Target that you'll be unhappy in the office job (you know, sitting alone in a cubicle) that you'll want to run back to Target. I wasn't there so I can't comment on his tone, but I hated office jobs. That's why I'm at Target now.
Here's another way to look at the ETL's remark. Perhaps he thinks that you are so well suited to the FFF culture at Target that you'll be unhappy in the office job (you know, sitting alone in a cubicle) that you'll want to run back to Target. I wasn't there so I can't comment on his tone, but I hated office jobs. That's why I'm at Target now.

With all due respect, I don't even know Filmer88, but just from his posts on this forum I can tell he loves what he went to school for and now is extremely happy to be getting the chance to get closer to that love.

If his ETLs - who know him in person - don't even know that about him, then, IMO, they should keep their mouth shut because they obviously know nothing about his hopes and dreams and therefore have no business trying to talk him out of it. If what you say is actually what the ETL was doing, then his arrogance is beyond reproach. If he doesn't even know what Filmer88 wants in life then he has no business trying to talk him down from it. Also, that ETL has no idea what the culture is going to be like where filmer88 is going to work. It could be more FFF than Target. Not all office jobs are the same.

If what you say is true then this ETL was basically saying "Hey - I know you went to college for the job you are leaving for, and I know the job is obviously going to pay more, have better hours, and possibly lead to serious career advancement for you.... also I don't really know anything about what you want in life.... and I know this may be your one shot in life to do what you went to school for.... and furthermore I don't know a damn thing about what working in the industry you are going to is like.... but I really think you would love the FFF culture at Target where you will get paid poverty wages, never have consistent hours, and have zero chance of career growth"

YEA.... I can see that ETL really had his best interests at heart. :huh::boredom::huh:

Filmer88, don't listen to these people or the ETLs trying to shoot you down at your store. Get the hell out and don't look back. I did, and I have no regrets. In fact, some nights I actually have a dream about target. Then I actually wake up and thank god I am not waking up to Target.
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I think those dreams (or rather nightmares) might start to creep up on me lol. So how is everything going on Playstation StateogTarget? if you don't want to post publicly you can feel free to send me a message on here. I haven't really thought about my ETL's comment at all since that instant conversation we had. I just have kind of brushed it off, just like I am now brushing off spot. After last nights workload I will be glad to have an office job.
I think those dreams (or rather nightmares) might start to creep up on me lol. So how is everything going on Playstation StateogTarget? if you don't want to post publicly you can feel free to send me a message on here. I haven't really thought about my ETL's comment at all since that instant conversation we had. I just have kind of brushed it off, just like I am now brushing off spot. After last nights workload I will be glad to have an office job.

Everything is going really well. I was actually going to go to E3 with my manager, but another rep who had previously backed out changed his mind so he went with him. Sucks, but I will probably get to go next year. But overall everything is going pretty cool. I actually just bought a new Ford focus cash. Basically I am bringing in money I never thought I would make in my life. They are very, very generous with pay raises and bonuses. None of the 20 cent raise BS I was used to - I already got a raise and it was $3/hour, and last month I made about $800 just on bonuses for keeping my metrics in the top 5% across the board. Every time I get a bonus paid to me I always think at Target I would be getting a great team card instead lol. Though I suppose they can afford to be generous considering there are only a few reps per city.
Glad things are going well but sorry you didn't get to go to E3 (we were having way too much fun with that thread).
S of T, you could be entirely correct. I was just giving another viewpoint. I certainly hope Filmer88 is happy in his new job, but burning bridges is usually not a good plan.
S of T, you could be entirely correct. I was just giving another viewpoint. I certainly hope Filmer88 is happy in his new job, but burning bridges is usually not a good plan.

OMG. Why is everyone on his ass for leaving for something better???? I think some people here will not be happy until he decides to turn down his dream job and stay at target.


He is doing everything right. It sounds like he has been a good employee, and he has put in and is fulfilling his two weeks notice. How the hell is he burning bridges? He didn't swear at everyone, throw a brick through the glass doors, and run out the door.

He did everything the right way - and if he ever needs to come back he should be easily able to since he will be marked as eligible for rehire.

It is not normal to get a bachelors degree and then keep your retail job. What he is doing is perfectly fine and logical. It is what thousands of people do every year.

Filmer88, there is nothing wrong with what you are doing. Do not let people convince you that by leaving you are burning bridges. Even if by some random chance you did burn bridges - who cares??? You will likely have a solid career going and will never in your life have to go back to target again. Don't give up your dream because some idiot ETL that couldn't make it in life is unhappy with your choices to better your life.
StateofTarget you are the voice of reason and wisdom in this thread. And to the others I am not burning any bridges, I have followed best practice, done by job the way it is detailed in my core roles, blah blah blah...and all that jazz. After having a heart to heart with one of the team leads about me leaving. He said "I know you probably just want to do all you can to just be done here, but just leave on good terms". While dancing on the registers to music playing over the PA system does sound like a great way to go out, I think I shall take the high road and just come in on my last day, do my job, have the little pizza get together with a few of my close co-workers like I originally plan than do strut of a champion out the door. That in my opinion is class! Onto one more step towards where I want to be in life!
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