Archived Department that needs improvement most!

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Was talking to our DTL about mini/seasonal during the off seasons, basically they want to make some stores and early set. Screw having sporting goods on opposite sides of the store along with not really bulk paper. Just set patio early and get on with it.
It doesn't matter how "pretty" they make things IF they won't spend the money on staffing the store properly!

Customers want to see a neat & presentable store & they want to see an employee around when they need help.

The updated areas will look like a sloppy mess within a month & customers will still be wasting their time waiting for someone to get an employee over to help them.
On the quick links side there is a pilot link that brings you to a page of things your store is piloting. There are I think 4 cycles of remodels. They are excels. I tried looking through them all and searching for my store but I pulled nothing up. I guess a little ole southern store like mine will get ignored with remodels... 🙁
You guys already mentioned Furniture and Electronics, which are my top two.

For Softlines we need to get new fixtures for the Basics areas. At the moment we use regular peg hooks for our basics, problem is they break so darn easily.
We need an alternative, unless my store has been using the wrong fixture the whole time.
We recently upgraded our deodorant aisles. It was a welcome improvement.

Next area of focus should be the water bottle aisle. That turns into a disaster. I'm talking about this aisle:

We recently upgraded our deodorant aisles. It was a welcome improvement.

Next area of focus should be the water bottle aisle. That turns into a disaster. I'm talking about this aisle:

I have no idea what could be done to that aisle to make it any better.
The margins in softness is HUGE. A pair of Merona jeans makes more profit than a TV. We need to act like. Have that area staffed correctly, give us the damn payroll. We have some really nice clothes that you can't get anywhere else. Displays and presentation sells softness and we suck at both. Electronics does need to be upgraded but honestly the amount of $ that department brings in is dismal.Electronics isn't store specific the consumer will go to whoever has the best price. Whoever has the best deal on the latest video game, TV or IPOD (with gift card of course!) gets the sale. Seasonal is a big fat flipping waste of payroll unless its a major set. Setting an entire area for 3 weeks is asinine. Why not give it to the vendors for the 3 weeks between Christmas and Lawn and Garden set? I think our previous all mighty leader cut us off at the knees. We were always the leader in retail and right now every Walmart I have been in blows us away with not only brand presentation but service as well. Wouldn't it be great if we offered a really great wage (think Costco), offer full time set schedules, and then hold that team accountable. Our turnover is horrendous. If you don't take care of your team they will walk, and they have been.This is retail, they will go to the highest bidder unless they are happy. Who wants to go to work for 4 freaking hours? Feeding your team for 2 weeks before the Best Team Survey is lame. The team knows exactly whats going on and this year I think the results are going to speak loud and clear.
Is it wrong to say HR? Target is taking the humanity out of its business. More and more, they hire an ETL-HR who focuses more on tasks than morale. Happy employees beget happy guests. Positivity is infectious.

Sorry, I don't believe this company is becoming more fun. I still know a lot of people, working at a broad range of stores. All are so miserable. They hang on for dear life, while looking for other employment opportunities.
I agree. IMO, the etl/hr position should be eliminated ( at least in lower volume stores)....they should bring back the hr/team lead position and let that absorb the hr /etltasks etc. I know that in my store the HR tm does all the work already . When I went on loa for surgery....other than to tell the etl/hr...hey I am having surgery...etc...I dealt with the HR tm. She ( hr tm) handled all my paperwork told me what I needed to do etc. If I had any questions during my loa, I would call and talk to her never to the etl/hr. Why? Because , he was clueless.

Now. on the other hand I don't think that Spot is too far gone to make a turn around ...I think its going to take someone who is willing to LISTEN and get his/her hands dirty....get in the trenches with their team and see what its like . You cant do all that from a corner office at HQ.
I wish corporate could read this thread. trends I've noticed are -what do I do/I can't fix w existing protocol or they didn't give me an accurate job description. Much of this is management. Why so much confusion from folks who time cashiers and others, obsess over accuracy percentages? Train. Support. Please.
Seasonal is a big fat flipping waste of payroll unless its a major set. Setting an entire area for 3 weeks is asinine. Why not give it to the vendors for the 3 weeks between Christmas and Lawn and Garden set?
This!!! Except do it between all major holidays. Nabisco and FritoLay will be fighting all year long to pay Target for the premium space.

Take the money from that and the payroll saved from vendors keeping seasonal stocked, and spend it on payroll across the store.
The granola bar aisle. At my store it looks like a bomb hit it at night. There has to be a better way to handle all those boxes.

Sticky dividers? At least the boxes would stay in the correct locations.

We recently upgraded our deodorant aisles. It was a welcome improvement.

Next area of focus should be the water bottle aisle. That turns into a disaster. I'm talking about this aisle:


Bite the bullet and superzone them. If they actually get zoned on a regular basis, they stay in good shape.

I'd rather just invest in pay roll. Every team is always running on a skeleton crew.

This x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Oh, I've done that multiple times. And it's a pain in the ass. It usually ends with me bringing a full flat of reshop to the backroom.

I forgot to mention that ours rarely get researched, so they don't get replenished often, leaving very little product on the shelf. It sounds like your flow team is overpushing and/or mis-pushing.
In my store, a great deal of it has to do with payroll and hours. Our Softlines team usually has a handful of people at any point during the day but guest surveys are usually hovering somewhere between 0-30%. It has gotten to the point where our STL has asked all team members to take time to go out of their way on the way to breaks, lunches, backroom, whatever is within that half of the store and just do a quick walk and ask how everyone is doing. Aside from that, I can only speak for E&E in our store with confidence.

Personally, our store isn't doing E&E Innovation but I am excited to see what it will be like afterward. I'm actually curious as to how some of the other stores are handling their Electronics team that are also going through E&E Innovation.

I've always found a few parts of the store to be lacking. We have soundbars but no live displays. We have dummy units for some other displays as well but the fact that they are displays only and not demo units isn't as clear as i'd like it to be.

We have a Samsung central display center to showcase their soundstand and their displays but the actual soundstand doesn't output any audio at all unless a guest presses the Soundstand On button for it to play the demo reel (yay for digital optical cables, ours play Channel Red so people can actually hear it - we sold out months ago and never received more).

Vendor interaction is also horrible. Bose told me it would be months before they could get anyone to our store for a repair. Our Beats display has been broken for months. Our vendor for this actually cares but they were getting zero cooperation from their superiors, eventually ending in "It's too problematic to solve so it's going to have to remain as a non-functioning display". Yay for further reduced survey scores for something we can't solve. The vendor pressured them into finding a solution but they haven't been back for about a month. Our Video Game Learning Center is still showing game trailers for games released last year. The GoPro vendor has absolutely no clue how the displays work. Our Xbox Vendor doesn't know how to access the actual unit, usually resorting to a reschedule until one of the more knowledgeable electronics team members are there to do all the work for them (We actually installed the unit ourselves after the company continued to give us the runaround, vendor finally arrived a few months later).

The TL;DR of that last one is.... Most of our vendors are utterly useless and the Video Game Learning Center videos are ancient. So ancient that even our bosses don't know who to contact to see if there's some sort of snag in the updates.

And the damned printer ink aisle... The place looks like the Hulk just finished battling in it. The current holders at our store aren't worth a flip as they just disconnect the moment a guest is a bit too rough with them. Too rough because they won't even slide easily. So now we have over a dozen spring loaded feeders that are completely unhinged, a number more that are just plain busted up, and a few front bars that are disconnected and pure trash. By and far, I hate that aisle the most and no one seems to be able to do anything about it at our store.
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In my store, a great deal of it has to do with payroll and hours. Our Softlines team usually has a handful of people at any point during the day but guest surveys are usually hovering somewhere between 0-30%. It has gotten to the point where our STL has asked all team members to take time to go out of their way on the way to breaks, lunches, backroom, whatever is within that half of the store and just do a quick walk and ask how everyone is doing. Aside from that, I can only speak for E&E in our store with confidence.

At my store, my break officially begins the second I step away from my register. There is no way I am going to deliberately interact with guests and possibly get involved in helping them find something or comparing products. I get 15 minutes to get to the break room, wash my hands, eat and then get my red & khaki clad bottom back to the register. It's the only break I get in a 5.75 hour shift. I have to inhale my food because the break is so dang short. So no, not going out of my way to be Target's ambassador!
And the damned printer ink aisle... The place looks like the Hulk just finished battling in it. The current holders at our store aren't worth a flip as they just disconnect the moment a guest is a bit too rough with them. Too rough because they won't even slide easily. So now we have over a dozen spring loaded feeders that are completely unhinged, a number more that are just plain busted up, and a few front bars that are disconnected and pure trash. By and far, I hate that aisle the most and no one seems to be able to do anything about it at our store.

Those pushers are horrible. In the pharmacy and personal care resets, they were replaced with the newer black pushers. I hope they put those in the ink aisle.
Mini Seasonal/Seasonal could be rethought. During periods of no obvious ideas (Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter) I get tired of seeing second location stuff. Putting more of the same products on the shelf isn't helpful. They should come up with a better marketing scheme than bulk paper towels, second location cereal and hand soap. Bring in some name brands people want to buy, don't create a mini backroom on the sales floor until a holiday comes around.
This + 10000.

All I see is backstock and future clearance when mini and Seasonal are set with dual location products. Go straight into Valentine's Day after Christmas. Maybe do 1 aisle of storage totes, but not all of miniseasonal. After Easter, go straight into Summer Products.
Lawn and Garden (specifically the patio furniture), as the signing this year is very laking. The is no ISM signing for any of sets of furniture. Also I found it hard to locate product in the backroom, as nothing had a bar-code or DPCI on it.

Also I find the wallets very hard to zone in accessories, now that we put no labels up. The VA really does not help most team members either.
This + 10000.

All I see is backstock and future clearance when mini and Seasonal are set with dual location products. Go straight into Valentine's Day after Christmas. Maybe do 1 aisle of storage totes, but not all of miniseasonal. After Easter, go straight into Summer Products.
Agreed, as at our store we get tons of items that many bigger Targets carry all the time, but we do not and they really don't sell too well, thus meaning they just go clearance.
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