Archived "Did you pull all from this location?"

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Jul 16, 2012
1) In some cases it says to pull 4, so I input 4 and it asks "Did you pull all from this location? Y/N" What do I do?

I assumed it meant if there's any of the same item left in the WACO, press N. If there's no more of the same item in the WACO, press Y.

2) Also, is there a way to check how many hours you've clocked in somewhere? I'm kinda paranoid that the digital time sheet device may screw me over.
On 1. That's correct.
On 2. You can use ehr or the time clock to check hours. On ehr, to max , view schedule. On time clock, hit tm services, hit 2., show hurs so far.
Great! Thanks a lot - this forum has been really helpful, being a new team member.
I worked for 5 hrs today and after I clocked out, I used the Team Member Services button to confirm the hours I worked. It said 0.0 hrs - does it only register the hours the next day?
I worked for 5 hrs today and after I clocked out, I used the Team Member Services button to confirm the hours I worked. It said 0.0 hrs - does it only register the hours the next day?

Yea, Spot doesn't work in real time.
I worked for 5 hrs today and after I clocked out, I used the Team Member Services button to confirm the hours I worked. It said 0.0 hrs - does it only register the hours the next day?

If I remember correctly, the system won't update it until the next day. If you go on eHR to view your punches for today, they will be shown as "Unauthorized" for the same reason - it hasn't been updated yet.
Going back to number 1, I understand why this happens with non-count items, but why does it sometimes happen with count items? Did the accumulator amount just happen to match up with the baffled amount?
On #1. If there is 4 eaches at that location & says to pull 4 eaches. Pull it! That means it was sto correctly by your fellow tm. If not sto correctly, then you say no, if you saw more than 4 eaches.
Going back to number 1, I understand why this happens with non-count items, but why does it sometimes happen with count items? Did the accumulator amount just happen to match up with the baffled amount?

Yes, somewhere along the line, the system lost track of the quantity of that item in the waco, so when it goes to pull and asks for 4 and you type 4 (or any number greater), it will ask if you pulled all. If you say no, then it knows there's still more of that item there. I think it will also add it to an Audit batch for the next day, so the quantity gets updated.
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