I've been doing backroom operations for over a year and I'm learning to do stuff with the flow team. At my store, AUTOFILLS "drop" in the system for the backroom team members to pull in the morning. These autofills are the stuff that has been bought the night before after the hourly CAFS are done dropping for the backroom day team members (typically anything bought after 5 PM until closing). Usually, the autofill batches are distributed among 4 or 5 backroom tm's, which take each person about an hour to pull. Starting at 11 a.m. the hourly CAFS drop on the hour for the backroom day tm's to pull within the hour to uphold a performance score. At my store, the backroom day tm's also push the CAF batches.
From my understanding, the flow team unloads the truck, separates pushes and backstock, and the pushes get pushed out to the floor via flatbeds, pallets, and unused tubs in the morning (no pallets cannot be on the sales floor when the store opens). The flow team brings back the backstock for the backroom team to handle. Both the backroom tm's and flow tm's replenish the sales floor.