I understand what you're saying. But why would a SWM get up in arms over someone else succeeding? Because that's the way it comes across, like someone else getting a promotion or a leg up is taking away from their superiority. Not even getting into things like Affirmative Action, it just plays like anyone who isn't a SWM just doesn't deserve consideration.
At the risk of fanning flames, look at January 6th, and the Proud Boys, Oathkeepers, etc. Obviously I'm not saying all white men feel that way, but what are these people so angry about? What are they lacking in their lives that it scares them SO MUCH to have a compassionate immigration policy or affordable health care or policies that protect minority classes?
Why does the straight white male need to be top dog, number one, the King, large and in charge, with everyone else dancing to their tune? Why have all of these groups - women, LGBTQ+, POC, non-Christian religions - why have we had to fight tooth and fucking nail to be free, to have rights, to get ours, over and over and over and many are still fighting to this day? WHY? Seriously straight white men, what is your damn problem?