
At our store, they only hire Young people. Anyone who works there that is over 30 or 35 gets nit-picked to death. It's as if they are intentionally trying to get rid of us. I believe our store is discriminating against age. They easily promote tm's to tl's who have only worked there like 2 months. But the tm's who have worked there longer are very overlooked.
Maybe that's the issue, after all the two white males most picked on are both over 35... either way, it's wrong
I'm just curious if any other older straight white males feel discriminated against at their store? I know I certainly am having just filed a charged with the EEOC against my SD. Target preaches inclusivity, and I'm just curious if Corporate is totally oblivious to the the truth or is this something that just happens at my location... constantly?
Just make sure you have documentation and witness accounts to back you up. An EEOC complaint will be very complicated to prove.

Your SD can always come back and say they just don't like your performance or your personality.
At our store, they only hire Young people. Anyone who works there that is over 30 or 35 gets nit-picked to death. It's as if they are intentionally trying to get rid of us. I believe our store is discriminating against age. They easily promote tm's to tl's who have only worked there like 2 months. But the tm's who have worked there longer are very overlooked.
Ya, seen that a lot too.
Promotions are usually a right place/right time situation - you are lucky when there is a desperate need to fill A position.
We have had greater turnover in leadership than in tm’s so my theory is:
you are MORE likely to get a promotion early on in your career with Target by being recognize/noticed by management. Once you have been there a while, management has been replaced and the new management wonders why the old management passed you over in the past so they are less likely to see you as capable and more comfortable turning to someone new.
Also, veterans are harder to mold and made to drink the cool-aid. The newbies will do anything blindly/without question and don’t compare the present to ‘the good ‘ole days’.
I believe age discrimination protection begins at 40. White males are becoming an endangered species at Target, particularly in leadership roles. It's becoming very obvious.

Wasn't it a couple of years ago they made a commitment to be a certain percentage of minorities by a certain time company wide? Well, how do you think they'll get there...
I hope this is satire
everyone just needs to RELAX. As someone stated before a lot of this is going to chalk up to intent and interpretation. Sorry but given the world climate, the rise in racism, and the history of it we need to all understand the pressure companies are going through to to remove the stigma from their image. And yes target has committed to a diverse leadership team , does this mean they are just filling a quota? NO. This just means they will hire the right candidate regardless of color and lets be realistic % wise races in the country do not match leadership at companies like Target YET but once those blinds come down we will see the numbers match up. What SWM are seeing and feeling now is a quick shift in equality, I believe a study showed that minorities will flatten out within a few decades and minority wont exist anymore. What looks like racism or sexism to you is just most likely the fact that attention is no longer focuses on the majority. Let's just all relax and respect what is going on in everyone's lives and at least all agree that it is a good thing Diversity and Inclusion is at the forefront of issues that needs and will be worked on going forward. And for those of you that cant get with the times and respect everyones equality, well time moves on without you 🙂
Anybody have a difficult time with the conflicting demands of being both color-blind and racially-aware? This might be one of the cruelest tricks on humanity. Both are demanded for good reason in the pursuit of equity and equality, but you can never do both simultaneously. It's a tough balancing act, and frankly this is the sort of catch-22 that we cause when we initially enslave, subjugate, or otherwise put down any group of people. There's no clean way out of systemic prejudice, even generations down the line.
I would think the goal is color blind. If you are not perceiving ethnic/racial differences then you cannot be biased about something you are unaware of.

That's why I don't get pushing ethnic/racial differences in the name of equality. If you are pushing the differences in someone's face, how can you expect that person will spontaneously become unaware that certain differences exist?
I would think the goal is color blind. If you are not perceiving ethnic/racial differences then you cannot be biased about something you are unaware of.

That's why I don't get pushing ethnic/racial differences in the name of equality. If you are pushing the differences in someone's face, how can you expect that person will spontaneously become unaware that certain differences exist?
Why would we want to be color blind? Each culture and ethnic background has a rich history of music, food, art, and the like.

The goal should be to say:

"This person is different than me, we should recognize and celebrate that, without treating them as anything other than a person."

People of different ethnicities, races, religions, etc, have differing needs. Here's a novel idea - ask. Talk about it.

Why is it taboo for a white person to say to a black person "Hey I really love your natural hairstyle"?

Why is it taboo to ask someone of the Hindu religion about the Bindi (mark on forehead)?

Why is it taboo to talk about things like race, religion, gender, etc?

We can discuss our differences and learn from each other without discriminating. Education is the answer to discrimination. Generational, over-arching education. We should be teaching our children that our differences are good. We all stand to learn a great deal from one another if we just listen to each other for a while. They call it tolerance. We should teach our children to be tolerant. That's a giant load of shit. They shouldn't tolerate differences. They should embrace them.
Well the 2 older women on inbound are constantly told to work faster....the rest of us just go about our business....totally not fair. They don't seem slow.
Well the 2 older women on inbound are constantly told to work faster....the rest of us just go about our business....totally not fair. They don't seem slow.
Anecdote time.

When I was a Plano TL part of my role was to run the backroom during 4th Quarter so the backroom TL could help with flow. We basically ran two Flow TLs, I managed backroom, and my POG team handled salesplanners/sale freight. I would run flow when needed but for the most part, the backroom and flow TL handled it fine. (This is relevant for later). Our ETL ran trash and took cold drinks around, helped stock heavy aisles, etc.

We had this super super old lady (like in her 80s) who only sorted repacks. She didn't work the line, she didn't really stock much freight. She came in, she broke out HBA, she broke out domestics, then she went and sorted Z-racks. But you know what, she used to stock. And she knew exactly how to sort those repacks so they could get stocked quickly.

I left that role to do remodels, but I frequented the store, since it was the staging ground for a lot of our remodel stuff (shared satellite storage). Not too long after I left, the store got a new overnight ETL who thought only sorting repacks was a waste of payroll. He said "it's age discrimination because we're treating her differently because she's older." Yeah, we were. She was old as shit and clearly not built to be slinging freight or hoofing the line, so we found something that she could do and do well. He used the discrimination line to force her to stock freight. All three team leads who worked with her raised the concern that she was an important part of the process, and it wasn't discrimination, it was playing to her strengths. The response was "You are not flow team leads, your opinion isn't valid". She retired inside of a month. And guess what, time to stock repack heavy areas suddenly went from half the goal, to double. Wonder why?

Moral of the story is just because someone is being treated differently it isn't discrimination. Accomodation moonlights as discrimination if you don't have the whole picture. It was her difference, her age and perspective, knowing what to sort where, knowing how people actually stocked, that made the entire team more efficient.

Also Steve if you're somehow on this forum - fuck you, you were the shittiest excuse for a leader I ever worked with and I hope you remember my last words to you. I wasn't there in person but I watched your walk of shame the day you got shitcanned on video, I watched you get fired, just like I said I would.
I would think the goal is color blind. If you are not perceiving ethnic/racial differences then you cannot be biased about something you are unaware of.

That's why I don't get pushing ethnic/racial differences in the name of equality. If you are pushing the differences in someone's face, how can you expect that person will spontaneously become unaware that certain differences exist?

Why would we want to be color blind? Each culture and ethnic background has a rich history of music, food, art, and the like.

The goal should be to say:

"This person is different than me, we should recognize and celebrate that, without treating them as anything other than a person."

People of different ethnicities, races, religions, etc, have differing needs. Here's a novel idea - ask. Talk about it.

Why is it taboo for a white person to say to a black person "Hey I really love your natural hairstyle"?

Why is it taboo to ask someone of the Hindu religion about the Bindi (mark on forehead)?

Why is it taboo to talk about things like race, religion, gender, etc?

We can discuss our differences and learn from each other without discriminating. Education is the answer to discrimination. Generational, over-arching education. We should be teaching our children that our differences are good. We all stand to learn a great deal from one another if we just listen to each other for a while. They call it tolerance. We should teach our children to be tolerant. That's a giant load of shit. They shouldn't tolerate differences. They should embrace them.
I think it's a balance. Differences should be acknowledged, discussed, and celebrated, but I don't think they need to be at the forefront of every interaction all day every day. I agree, it is confusing.
Our store had a dozen rainbow items that were raffled off to celebrate PRIDE day. Anyone who was interested in winning an item was welcomed to put in an entry.
A team member saw some items missing from the display and yelled:
”Which BREEDER in here stole OUR pride stuff ?”
as if only 4 people should have been entered to win the items - that wasn’t very inclusive of them.
‘Probably shocked me most because I had never heard that term before.
Our store had a dozen rainbow items that were raffled off to celebrate PRIDE day. Anyone who was interested in winning an item was welcomed to put in an entry.
A team member saw some items missing from the display and yelled:
”Which BREEDER in here stole OUR pride stuff ?”
as if only 4 people should have been entered to win the items - that wasn’t very inclusive of them.
‘Probably shocked me most because I had never heard that term before.
Last time I checked gay women are born with uteruses and gay men are allowed to hire surrogates. Doesn't that make them breeders?
Our store had a dozen rainbow items that were raffled off to celebrate PRIDE day. Anyone who was interested in winning an item was welcomed to put in an entry.
A team member saw some items missing from the display and yelled:
”Which BREEDER in here stole OUR pride stuff ?”
as if only 4 people should have been entered to win the items - that wasn’t very inclusive of them.
‘Probably shocked me most because I had never heard that term before.

Breeder has been around since forever.
It wasn't used as an insult that much except when bridal parties showed up at gay bars, got sloppy drunk, and acted like jerks.
I've been called one as a joke more than once by gay friends.

Sounds like that TM needs to be a bit less selfish.

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