Archived Do Autofill/CAF timers continue to run when exited out of batch?

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999 during CAF doesn't show up on the baffle report.
I usually toggle between STO and pull.
Pull quanity 999.
Yes I pulled it all.
STO back the correct quanity.

BTW the accumulator can be negative. I see it all the time. Don't know the cause as it usually happens in toys.

Or at least quantity can be negative. Don't really know what that means. However this can be fixed by research and zeroing quantity.

Your correct that if your pulling the caf and then switching to subt then subt9999 the product back in then no it will not show up on your errors. Which by the way your really should not be doing that. Doing what your doing putting more of a qty then there is in there on purpose is an error. The system takes into account the errors that are miscounts. It doesn't apply it to anyone because it doesn't know who to put in on but it is an overall error for the backroom. It should fall under baffle errors because your keying there is more then there is.
Side note:

SUBT is coming off RF apps soon. My store is supposed to be starting a pilot for a few things and SUBT will be on the myhome menu, along with the return scan for entertainment, Flexible fullfillment changes and a few changes to Defectives.
SUBT is coming off RF apps soon.

I hope we don't have to deal with SUBT out of RF apps for a while as I haven't heard anything in our store. And the CAF timer has to be one of the most broken tools that is used like it works fine. Why they don't take a look at these things is beyond me.
It's been pretty clear for a while that all rf apps are being switched over to web apps. Everything is going there sooner or later. I don't have a problem with this if we can get all of out equipment switched to 9090s. Those guns run the web apps so much better.
Even the 9090s are too slow to productively run high scan applications like PUSH, PULL, and STO. The 9200s are pretty decent but still not quite the speed needed to match what PDTs could do with RF Apps 10 years ago. They should look into optimizing Web Apps performance on current equipment before migrating. Using anything on web apps on a 9060 reminds me of the speed of an LRT.

This begs the question, is migrating RF Apps stuff really a necessity right now? Web Apps is too slow on >50% of the stores' equipment that fully upgrading to 9200s would be a necessity unless you REALLY want to annihilate the logistics process. A 9200 has a list price of ~$2500 ( but we can assume Target would probably get those at about half of that for buying in bulk quantities. Assuming each store would only need to acquire 10 to replace the last of the 9060 and 9090s (I'm sure some would need many more than that), that's over $21M in equipment alone. Then add on the payroll costs of developing and implementing the individual applications, sending the patches to the stores, dealing the inevitable crashes/bugs, etc, etc. When the company has made some gambles that have cost the company dearly (PFresh, Canada launch, data theft), you would think that migrating functioning systems to another platform could wait.

On top of this, the interface isn't very friendly. Instead of being able to just type in the name of the program you want to use, you have to scroll through pages and pages of apps that are completely useless to your role. If I'm logged in as Fulfillment TM, why should I have to scroll past things like "Sort Stuff" to eventually get to MyFA which is at the frigging bottom of the list?
Damn. I meant switch the rest if our 9090s to 9200s. The 9090s can't run the web apps fast enough. The 9200s can handle the web apps much better, but there's all the dang double clicking and touch screen calibration seems to get awful for no reason. Like you'll recalibrate the touch screen and then ten minutes later it doesn't work again.
This is just out of curiosity, but how do you tell the difference between a 9090 and a 9200? My store had the PDAs with only the horizontal scanners when I started about 1.5 years ago. This past summer we started to get the newer models that do a "+" shaped scan that can read a barcode at any angle, otherwise I haven't noticed a lot of difference between the two models to tell them apart. The touchscreens in ours have always been pretty bad, newer model or older.

Also, closer to the intentions of this original post: I recently was told by my ETL that SUBT-999 doesn't attach a name to the detail report, so another reason people in my store have been using it. For example: A big empty spot in bulk chemical, but nothing in furniture? They'll just SUBT-999 some furniture into the chemical steel and call it a day, knowing they can't get busted by the detail report and they probably won't have to pull it later.
I only use STO and SUBT999 during the hours of 11am to 5pm because of the hourly CAF pulls. After 5pm, I only use STO. I don't want to backstock a full tub of chemicals or flat full of paper towels and then have to pull that crap the next hour simply because I didn't use SUBT999. I personally hate the new PDAs. The laser and touch sensitive are way too sensitive and I can't use the ESC button to toggle in RF apps. The PDAs at my store are a joke. Half of them are either the new ones or the ones that you can't press the ESC button to toggle in RF apps. I have basically memorized the numbers of the PDAs that I prefer to use. When I start my shift, I always test my PDA to make sure that trigger and the yellow center button work before I go to the backroom. I also have to test the holsters I use too. I have to make sure I have a holster that will not come loose from the weight of the PDA. I've had arguments with ETLs over equipment in the past and how expensive it is to get the PDAs and walkies fixed/replaced. That is not my problem. Stop being cheap and step up and get some equipment that works. I don't care about the cost or if it's a difficult process for you to fill out some paper work over equipment. I actually had a boss ask me one time if I'd rather have a PDA that was 70 percent functional or have no PDA.
If I remember correctly you can hit the button with the small green circle in it. That should toggle over between functions in RF apps. I do not like the newer pdas as well. The laser is too bright and I don't know if it's only me but it hurts to look at it when scanning the location or item since it's so bright.
I miss the days when we first got the 9000s and were still running rf apps. You could shoot locations and product on the top of the steel and backstock multiple items with their counts really quick. Sure if you shot enough you had to wait for it to catch up, but that is better than now when I have to wait 30s to a minute while it figures out what it is doing.
If I remember correctly you can hit the button with the small green circle in it. That should toggle over between functions in RF apps. I do not like the newer pdas as well. The laser is too bright and I don't know if it's only me but it hurts to look at it when scanning the location or item since it's so bright.

Yeah, I think the green "send" key is the one that toggles. On LPDAs, though, you have to use the left gray key because the green key is "Continue".

The newer PDAs are bright because they use LED imaging instead of a traditional laser. Don't ever look directly at the LED when scanning - your eyes will hurt a lot.
They coach you on the window times?? Thought you just had to have them done within the hour...

If that's the case that can suck, because some of the pulls at my store are in multiple stockrooms (we have 3 areas), so I usually exit a batch then come back to it... :/
I always thought the timer started once you scan the first location. There have been times where I've opened batches in the smaller stock rooms, only to find that the only location is in bulk. And when I go back to check the time lines, I almost never go over.
I believe you are right SoulSurvivor. One can open and apply the locations to all the batches but once the first location is scanned the timer starts running even after you get out of it.
That's why if I have another TM in bulk, I let them know that said batch has locations in bulk and make that a priority to pull
The 5pm CAF pulls aka the last CAF pulls of the day can't roll over right? That means that since they are the last, there isn't really a timer on them. I ask this because I failed to complete them probably 2 or 3 times during the Christmas holiday and I was still able to work on them after 6pm. I had one instance where I started on the 5pm CAF pulls at 5pm and didn't have them out of the PDA until about 620pm. I looked at the report and it didn't show that I had missed any.
That is a good question. Hypothetically speaking, should the 5pm CAFs don't get pulled they probably will rollover the next day when the 11am CAFs drop (should that happen something is gravely wrong). I don't think they will roll into the autofills since autofill is option 1 and CAFs is option 2. In terms of it being timed I'm sure it will up show up in a report saying that the 5pm CAFs were not finished within the hour. Even though you weren't able to finish during the hour during Christmas there is plenty of time to get them pulled even if it's already six.

I hope I made some sense.

That is still a good question.
They are still supposed to be pulled within an hour. I believe that score shows up on myperformance.

The 5pm caf should roll into the auto fills whenever they drop. I'm basing this on the fact that manual cafs will roll into scheduled cafs if they are not pulled before the next cafs drop, and autofills will roll into scheduled cafs if they are not pulled before the next cafs drop. It consolidates caf batches when new ones drop whether they be autofills, scheduled cafs, or manual cafs.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, I will not take responsibility for that. Honestly, why should it be my fault when I have to pull 30 plus CAF batches and it takes me 30 minutes just to pull the crap in meat, dairy, and the freezer? I have been told to wait until around the 30 minute and ask the LOD if one of them can help or a team member can help me. Sometimes, there is bad communication and I don't get help. Sometimes, the store is too busy where the sole ETL/LOD can leave the salesfloor and come to the backroom to help me. If they want the CAF batches/pulls to be completed within the 60 minute barrier, Target needs to release its death like grip on their own greed and have more people in the backroom in the afternoon and evening hours. If not, then all I can is that I'm going to do my best and try to get them done within the 60 minute barrier but I will not guarantee 100 percent that they will get done because I cannot predict how busy the store will be.
For a brief time we were teased with the idea of "dual closers" but naturally that never happened because they can't hire anyone worth a damn and now we don't have a single "dedicated closer." Weekends are the only days we would really need help with the 5PM CAFs. It would just be nice so we could actually have one person backstock while the other sets the truck and spends half the night moving vehicles around and cleaning up the mess left eveywhere (that's how I always feel).
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