Do they really believe?

there's a difference between "running the front" and answering a team member's question. "running the front" to me involves speedweaving, which you obviously can't do from self-checkout. someone was probably doing change requests that day so that person could also answer a team member's question. but the whole point is to get to a level where there AREN'T questions that the cashier can't answer.

Even the change wasn't happening. When I came in at 5, there were 5 change requests pending. I got change for 2 of them and just cancelled the others since they were on registers that we don't use a lot at night. I do agree that no one needs to "run the front" in the early morning or at night. We don't need anyone standing in the race track waiting to call for back up or a blinker. The few that feel the need to do that are really mad at this change.

Question for you SETLs, when you go on your break, or on your meal, or whatever, do you assign someone else to "be in change" or "run the front"? Do you pass of the keys to anyone?
i pass the keys off so that change can be gotten (we go through a lot of cash at my store, we may as well be a fuckin bank with the amount of cashback we give) but its made very clear that they arent in charge short of getting said change and calling for backup if no one responds to the automated calls from the assistance button

so far its working out ok. also lol at me taking "breaks"
On my breaks I usually just wait a couple of minutes until my SD starts yelling at me over the walkie to get out on the floor
I think that may be a your store issue. Who told you to do this? We have plenty of overweight and older people at my store. Really I think it is 50% older people. There are plenty of overweight among both groups and I have not seen a single person be performanced out.

I have to take this back. I learned that they tried to performance someone out recently and now they are fixin to piss off a few people. I wonder if they hope they will quit. My Target koolaid is looking kind of like it came from the sewer today.
Does leadership actually believe modernization is a good thing?

I'd say at my store, only one ETL says and thinks it is. She goes on and on about awesome it is, even when wondering through a packed and unpushed backroom.

The other etls and stl may say it is, but they don't think it is.

I know this is subjective.
We literally just made it through the hell of making up model work it took almost 8 months and I was moved three times as a team leader The real problem now is the way they make us do the one for one-man calf’s... I can honestly say as an upper leader without giving away everything it definitely works it takes time and an amazing team but it works but you have to be willing to get rid of the team members that are not willing to do their job that’s the hardest part but at the wages we offer now everyone walking in the door should be considered what a team lead was Red team leaders are now considered seniors in the way they run the team but you have to be able to buy in and make people actually do their job
Businesses are in business to make money. Most people understand that. However, what this company has done to increase their bottom lines is slimy. 2 short years ago they had a workforce that included older americans. Not so much anymore. Look around how many older team members are still around. I was TOLD to performance out older people and people who were overweight. Yes you read that right TOLD TO DO IT. I have too much integrity to carry out my slimy STLs orders so I walked out.
How many people do you have working at your stores that qualify for insurance? Hard to do that when you used to be scheduled 35 hours a week but now how many people in the stores qualify? I bet its only TLs.
How about just cutting people to 4 hours a week so they would quit, much like Milton in Office Space, it will work itself out.
There are companies that thrive with integrity. Some of them are locally owned, some are much much larger. It makes me sick when people hold up this shithole company as something so much better than Walmart. Its not, it is the same, maybe worse. How many of the team members less than TLs get any of the $$$$ Target is raking in? What they get for sweating their asses off is less and less hours and no benefits. But hey $15 is coming!
Sure $15 an hour at 20 hours a week is pretty good, but if you are realistic you know that their will be less payroll to offset that money and less hours to go around.
Spot needs to realize that you should always treat your employees how you want them to treat your customers.
I can honestly say this is bullshit yes we had to get rid of a lot of people that were doing their job but almost everyone of my store is eligible for insurance however it means they have to do more work because the hours are the hours but it prevents people from milking the clock coming in for an eight hour shift and only pushing two U-boats of freight well me as a leader sat there and had to push eight pallets to catch up for it or even worse where people weren’t cutting it they just get dumped to the front lanes which is why I guess service is so lacking at the front lanes and makes everybody else’s job so much more difficult when people are spending $50 a time with us they expect faster service and more I can honestly say I don’t have a college degree but this is the first place I’ve worked where the amount of work I put in is actually valued not some BS seniority
DBZ also said that no one was allowed to help with blinkers unless they had no guests. So if all lines had at least one person...

And there's always new folks, and there's always folks who don't see a certain scenario for 6 months after training and don't remember from 6 months ago especially when put on the spot. Should each individual person get to that point? Yes. Expecting people to already be at that point no matter how little time they've been there or how unusual a certain situation may be is crazy, but that's what DBZ described.
What they mean is if the lights going off at means we didn’t train them well enough and that team members are now empowered to make the decision instead of being micromanaged
We literally just made it through the hell of making up model work it took almost 8 months and I was moved three times as a team leader The real problem now is the way they make us do the one for one-man calf’s... I can honestly say as an upper leader without giving away everything it definitely works it takes time and an amazing team but it works but you have to be willing to get rid of the team members that are not willing to do their job that’s the hardest part but at the wages we offer now everyone walking in the door should be considered what a team lead was Red team leaders are now considered seniors in the way they run the team but you have to be able to buy in and make people actually do their job

Sorry, this is barely legible. I know I'm going to sound like a school teacher, but I can't take what you say seriously as a leader if you can't punctuate.

What's a Red team leader?
What they mean is if the lights going off at means we didn’t train them well enough and that team members are now empowered to make the decision instead of being micromanaged

Maybe at your store micromanagement isn't happening. Last week, I came in on a day I was scheduled off. At 6am, I was told to do one thing. By 2pm, I had been told by 3 different leaders to do 3 different things. Why? There was so much undone work. We are that far behind.
I can honestly say this is bullshit yes we had to get rid of a lot of people that were doing their job but almost everyone of my store is eligible for insurance however it means they have to do more work because the hours are the hours but it prevents people from milking the clock coming in for an eight hour shift and only pushing two U-boats of freight well me as a leader sat there and had to push eight pallets to catch up for it or even worse where people weren’t cutting it they just get dumped to the front lanes which is why I guess service is so lacking at the front lanes and makes everybody else’s job so much more difficult when people are spending $50 a time with us they expect faster service and more I can honestly say I don’t have a college degree but this is the first place I’ve worked where the amount of work I put in is actually valued not some BS seniority
Because it hasn't happened to you doesn't make it bullshit. It is happening and has happened all over the country. Lucky you. You have in effect insulted thousands of people who worked their collective asses off only to have their hours cut to nothing. Their insurance is gone. Their ability to get a second job just to put food on the table is gone because they can't have wide open availability to get a few hours a week. You are either so blinded by the bullshit or are in a unicorn store where this experiment is working well. These stores are few and far between. But go ahead and keep your nose in the air, keep insulting the people who are forgoing breaks and working through lunches just to get close to completing the unrealistic goals set by an overwhelmed leadership crew. You have not only drank the kool aide but also bathed in it. Hold tight to that high horse you're riding on. For people that choose to wear blinders the fall is hard, very hard.
Sorry, this is barely legible. I know I'm going to sound like a school teacher, but I can't take what you say seriously as a leader if you can't punctuate.

What's a Red team leader?
Really reg. My bad one letter of regular and on this site how do you know anybody’s a leader? If you’re that petty then it doesn’t matter what people say or use talk to text cause I’m definitely not gonna sit on my computer and reply to these super long posts just sayIng
Because it hasn't happened to you doesn't make it bullshit. It is happening and has happened all over the country. Lucky you. You have in effect insulted thousands of people who worked their collective asses off only to have their hours cut to nothing. Their insurance is gone. Their ability to get a second job just to put food on the table is gone because they can't have wide open availability to get a few hours a week. You are either so blinded by the bullshit or are in a unicorn store where this experiment is working well. These stores are few and far between. But go ahead and keep your nose in the air, keep insulting the people who are forgoing breaks and working through lunches just to get close to completing the unrealistic goals set by an overwhelmed leadership crew. You have not only drank the kool aide but also bathed in it. Hold tight to that high horse you're riding on. For people that choose to wear blinders the fall is hard, very hard.
See everything you just said is exactly the same reply I have to you because I could say that what happen in your store was a one off I’ve worked at four different target stores and helped out with several transitions there’s a one 800 number for ethical issues like this and being the person who responds to them I at least take them very seriously... there’s also the best team survey which also looks for ethical issues why would we care about people being overweight or older when all we really care about is people getting paid $13 an hour and showing up for their job and actually wanting to work I’ve ran into it 1 million times now where I’ve hired somebody they think they can just slack off and not want to do the extra work everybody keeps thinking that these pay raises mean Same work for more money that’s not how it works more money more work the model is to bring in an opportunity for stores that have held on to people that they can’t get rid of because Target’s attendance policies and ethical policies were almost impossible up until a couple months ago you could literally have 5 to 6 no call no shows and you couldn’t put somebody on a final for it... I’m very sorry you had this experience but quitting and not reporting it just makes it so your STL you’re talking about gets away with it and then instead of fixing the problem you let everybody that you could’ve help protect get completely burnt..
Maybe at your store micromanagement isn't happening. Last week, I came in on a day I was scheduled off. At 6am, I was told to do one thing. By 2pm, I had been told by 3 different leaders to do 3 different things. Why? There was so much undone work. We are that far behind.
Yeah I will agree that the model has definitely affected our store in that way where you have every ETL fighting over every team member.. and without one leader standing up and calling it a problem it’ll never get fixed the thing that we got away from was doing our weekly LOD meetings and now that we’ve gotten back to him it’s gotten way better because the dedicated business owners now on their own areas because the experience at my store was that we had GSA’s that ran everything and the team lead above them wouldn’t do anything to change the culture or would go work in a completely different department altogether that’s why I think it’s smart to Have ETL‘s dedicated just to guest experience and that way you have somebody that protects the guest advocate..
Considering I started as a security guard and busted my ass to get here amazing I just love when people like you kill the moral of and entire store you can honestly make excuses about anything... it’s 13$ an hour not slavery.. I have worked at places like Exxon that would let you go a week before making seniority and then make it so you had to train your replacement
On paper it's brilliant and makes sense. Team members on their areas and are experts. That know the product, where it is, when to replenish. It breeds accountability and pride in area. The breakdown is in management follow up and getting the right people in the right areas.

Which ain't happening in stores. Panic leadership and infighting between leadership and leadership who has never actually lead anything and a complete unwillingness to work around things that just don't work. Add to at least the problem in my area that they can't hire. People won't work for $14 an hour.
I wouldn't exactly call our store a unicorn for modernization but so far I can say that I'm glad I am in the store I am.
We still have issues and more workload than can get done well in the time allotted, and struggle to find decent workers.
But, most days I see our STL, ETLs and TLs jumping in and helping push freight, re-sets, and signing. I think our BR is a mess, but nowhere near unsafe or the posted pics I have seen. For the most part our sales are up vs. 2018 and get good guest surveys/feedback.
We have FT & PT TMs, TMs of all shapes, ages, cultures and abilities.
I don't consider myself to be a kool-aid drinker and can grumble with the best of them. No job will ever be perfect, or done exactly how I think it should be done (even though of course I think my ideas are the best ones 😉)
I guess what it really comes down to is your leadership like @copycopy and @Bosch just said. With good leadership comes good results.

**TLDR: perhaps instead of pushing tm's out the door corporate should clean house in leadership where 'modernization just isn't working'***
The front should run efficiently because all the advocates are empowered to take care of the guest. The problem is some people both new and old don’t want to take any responsibility. They want to make 13 or $15 an hour and still do the work but they did when it was nine. Some people want to do the minimum amount of work and get paid the maximum amount. We expect our team to take care of the guest especially when most of the time they call me is for a price change of $.50 or a dollar. If you don’t take responsibility then you’re not gonna have a job anymore

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