Archived Do you guys take all your 15 min breaks?

Do you take all your 15 min breaks?

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No unrealistic expectations at all and leadership would never expect someone not to take their breaks.
Say it takes 20 people 5 hours to work a truck but they skip their break. Spot thinks it took 95 hours to work the truck (20x5 - 20x0.25) when it really took 100 hours of work (since TMs skipped their 15s. So ask yourself, doesn’t that set an unrealistic expectation?

Guests are supposed to save 5%, not Spot. Take your breaks. Don’t give Spot free labor.
If you want to create a situation where it would be problematic, sure.

But relatively few people skip their breaks at my store, and hours aren't looked at quite like that. It generally takes X amount of time, give or take Y. 15 minutes here and there is within Y.

Except this is exactly how Target works. ETLs are sent an efficiency report each week with the workload and actual hours.
E 2 e ended our communal breaks. People just wander in and out of the break room whenever. Since everyone is supposed to be interested in only their own areas there's no reason to talk to anyone. Most of the long time tms are gone. Most of the noobs are nose-to-phone. Apparently this is more modern.
If I do stay past my scheduled time, then ofc it's all about take your lunch. But after lunch, I've worked into my last 15 break and no biggie. My TL usually calls us for the first break.
Hire externally? I don't know just seems like your store is run like shit. If it's so dependant on one person what happens if you call out or go on LOA?

You have every right to keep skipping your breaks but I don't imagine your store is run well if they can't even cover a gstl break.

We done that... They always quit. Without giving away too much, I can just say it's a complex store. Not that it's ran poorly. Extremely complex as every DTL told us. Normal way doesn't work here. The leaders are strong though. Every leader that transfered out got promoted in other stores.

It's one of those"if you can handle this store any other place will be easy". Except one other store in our district that everyone knows about (well they pretty much have unlimited payroll). Maybe I'll talk to you privately one day.

I'm working on getting some people to accept GSA now while we're slower than normal so they'll be more inclined to accept. Since I'm moving to a new department very soon.

With all that being said, our front end leaders often allow each other to take 15s with our 45s because of the coverage situation.
My first one yes, my second usually not there is always things to do.
It's a magical day when I get to take anything other than my legally required meal. No one at my store wants to cover GSA breaks. They practically run away from the responsibility. I'm mostly okay with it most of the time, but sometimes I just really need five minutes to chug a Coke and check Workbench.
lol at skipping breaks to get everything done.

How many of you that skipped breaks got more than a 40 cent rasie last year?

Backing on this a few of us grunts got together and did the math using our average

If you work 40 hours a week all year...and skip one 15 a day, that adds up to 65 hours a year

At the minimum 11 that's 715 bucks of free labor they gain from you

if you're a grunt like me and only got an 14 cent raise, at 40 hours a week average a year that's an extra 270 dollars...

You if you skip one break a day, you give them 715 bucks of work a year in exchange for a raise of maybe 300 bucks. In fact you'd need a raise of at least 35 cents to break even on the time you give them working though one 15.

If you skip both, that doubles. You'd need a 70 cent raise (lol) to break even.

In short don't skip your breaks. It's literally not worth it unless you're on the higher end of payroll
Nope.. they fight me on and tell me well I need you to do this and this... sighs. Or give me my lunch later so there is no point in taking a second 15
Nope.. they fight me on and tell me well I need you to do this and this... sighs. Or give me my lunch later so there is no point in taking a second 15
They can't stop you from taking your 15. Even if your mean is pushed back just take a paid 30. If you're there for 8 hours you're entitled to 2 15s
Cool. It was derping me out.

Wow, the poll says more people don't take their breaks than do?

That's fucking amazing.

That puts a big smile on corporate's face!

Since it is on Target time, I would prefer if people would take their 15 min breaks if they are entitled to one. The company pays for it. Work a 5 hour shift, get one. Work a 6.5-7 hour, get a 15 and lunch. 8+ hour shift includes another 15, but most people tend to skip it to finish their duties faster. I believe that people should take their 15 to help freshen up, or re-focus. A happy or energized person can be splendid to work alongside with. What I hate to see/hear is "15s do not start until I sit down" mentality. I have seen too many people abuse Target time to avoid work. Also, sometimes a late 15 or lunch will delay the next person from taking theirs. Just to take some kind of pride. I have a process of how I like to accomplish work, before I am hammered with multiple projects/directions.

Since it is on Target time, I would prefer if people would take their 15 min breaks if they are entitled to one. The company pays for it. Work a 5 hour shift, get one. Work a 6.5-7 hour, get a 15 and lunch. 8+ hour shift includes another 15, but most people tend to skip it to finish their duties faster. I believe that people should take their 15 to help freshen up, or re-focus. A happy or energized person can be splendid to work alongside with. What I hate to see/hear is "15s do not start until I sit down" mentality. I have seen too many people abuse Target time to avoid work. Also, sometimes a late 15 or lunch will delay the next person from taking theirs. Just to take some kind of pride. I have a process of how I like to accomplish work, before I am hammered with multiple projects/directions.
My favorite I heard recently “I was gone for 30 minutes because it took 15 minutes to get my coffee at Starbucks.” That was your break, sucks for you. Time theft
I have skipped a final 15 a couple times, not because I couldn’t take it, mainly because I took a late lunch and didn’t feel like taking it.

We have several strong cashiers that can hold down the fort while GSTL/GSA is gone if we’re flying solo. We have 2 GSTL’s and 2 full time GSA’s so there’s quite a bit of overlap, especially in the morning since myself and the other GSA are usually there early doing CO. If you’re closing then you’re probably the only one.

Saturday was incredibly busy and the other GSA scheduled with me called out, so I walkied the LOD when I had to take my lunch and asked her what she wanted me to do (I didn’t feel comfortable leaving a TM in charge. Short handed and constantly calling for guest first). She said I’ll be right there and told me to have a good lunch when she got there.

She’s one of my favorites. Sr. Team lead in back room. I watched her for a second as she was taking over for me and she got on the walkie and said she needed 2 for backup or whatever we’re supposed to say lol.

When I got back there was line into accessories for GS and I asked her if she cared to help clear the line since she’s already up here and she said you know I can barely run a register right? Lol.

Anyhow, breaks are most definitely taken at my store regardless of what actions need taken in order to get them. It does bother me when I have to get the LOD to cover me, but it’s very rare, and I’m sure they have agreed with me when I told them I can’t go to break or lunch without someone other than a cashier to cover me.
Sometimes I’ll take a late lunch and only have like an hour and a half left when I come back so I’ll take my last 15 as the last 15 minutes of my shift which I know some people don’t like but I’m not gonna skip it
I don't see why that bothers anyone. 15 minutes is 15 minutes, any way you cut it.
Pretty much

I know HLs and SF may hate it due to coverage but really that's targets fault for not overlapping enough. I never seen a lost sale due to a 15
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