Archived Do you obey the Team Lift Stickers?

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Do you even lift bro?

Literally had a discussion about lifting the other day in the breakroom. The guy who brought it up is a funny guy, kind of a meathead, and about 6'4 and 240 with most of it muscle.

And he's also one of the laziest team members on the Flow team. ETL-Log can't wait until he graduates in a few months and the Log can hire an actual good worker.
The only time I don't use it is when the product is on the bottom shelf even with the flatbed. Then I just slide it from the shelf onto the flatbed and wheel it up to the front. Otherwise you bet I'm calling for help because the last thing I want is to be injured.
At one point someone put those stickers on every TV in the back that was over 32" in size. I broke the team-lift rule so many times when that happened.
If I called out for a team lift every time I was supposed to have one...
Try to stock bulk before the store opens calling for team lifts all the time yeah that's not gonna happen...It always just comes down to you just test to see how heavy the item is and make a personal judgement from there.
When I worked BR, we only did true-blue teamlifts on the really heavy stuff. Pools, hockey tables, basketball hoops. However, at the DC, teamlift doesn't really exist. Technically, yes, but no one follows or enforces it. Those big Intex pools, those gazebos, et cetera, are all moved by a single person.
If it's light enough (as in: doesn't even warrant a "team life" sticker), I will do it by myself.

Otherwise, I call for help.
Depends where the item needs to go. Somewhere up high? Yeah I'm calling for help. But even for 3-4 person lifts, if I can slide it in place without lifting it, I'll do it alone.
The only time I don't use it is when the product is on the bottom shelf even with the flatbed. Then I just slide it from the shelf onto the flatbed and wheel it up to the front. Otherwise you bet I'm calling for help because the last thing I want is to be injured.

Depends where the item needs to go. Somewhere up high? Yeah I'm calling for help. But even for 3-4 person lifts, if I can slide it in place without lifting it, I'll do it alone.
This. If I can slide it and thus not "lift" it I will. Otherwise it's a call for a team lift.
I worked bulk overnight before joining pog (still do during 4th quarter). Most of the time I was by myself. There was no "team" for lifts.

I never really lifted the items most of the time. I usually just used leverage to get it where I needed it.
I follow them, if anything to show leadership that I do. I'm less afraid of injury and more afraid of my ETL-GE rounding a corner while I'm holding a TV-Stand.
Two arms= two person team lifts??
Coincidence?? I think not lol
Most of the time when I would call for team lifts I would get some person that wouldn't know the first thing about lifting found it easier just to do them myself
While I usually don't obey team lifts, I always offer help to other team members. So I'm obeying them in some respect.
Whenever I hear someone call for a team lift more than once I'll go help unless I'm following someone.
One of my fellow TPS's pisses me of because he'll say "that's not our job, don't worry about it."
What's even worse though is when an ETL will just keep squawking into the radio "Team who's responding to that team lift."

Not AP's job to help the team? LOLOL if our cart attendants are busy pushing in a line on either side of our store and we have a carryout, AP is expected to help. Same thing if the CA is doing one carryout and a second one is needed.

Also, all AP (including ETL) in our store are the first to go out to bring a line of carts in if we're really swamped and the cart attendant isn't able to keep up (A++ super with two entrances on a sunday morning at 11am). Shit, our STL and DTL have gone out to get carts if we need the help.

Teamwork makes the dream work.
When I worked BR, we only did true-blue teamlifts on the really heavy stuff. Pools, hockey tables, basketball hoops. However, at the DC, teamlift doesn't really exist. Technically, yes, but no one follows or enforces it. Those big Intex pools, those gazebos, et cetera, are all moved by a single person.

/clamp pro
As someone who was hurt from an improper team lift, given i was the only person to do the lift that day, it sucls, and sedgwick is not worth dealing with. As well as the doctoe they send you to will not take you of work but will only be able to make restrictions. Even if you know you can do it, all it takes is one wrong move and you are out. Also you can be coached for not doing a team lift, and could be a scape goat for th firing you.
Until you try to wrestle one off the display wall...only time I've pulled a muscle at spot.

Nothing like trying to do the frelling TV wall by yourself.
Even with two people moving those 60" can be ridiculous when you have unhook them, move them up to the next level and hook them back up.
In my time with target I must have lifted over 10,000 items that say "team lift" on them by myself. Nobody has ever approached me, mentioned in passing, or glanced at me funny for doing it before. One time, a new team member asked me what that sticker meant, and I said "nothing" - longest verbal conversation I've ever had about it.
I absolutely follow team lift nearly 100% of the time. The guest's convenience isn't worth my safety. I worked for an oil company for awhile where they were absolutely nuts about occupational safety, and that culture really stuck with me.
I think moving around large boxes of wire racking is a little less harrowing than potentially causing an environmental disaster/massive explosion.
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