Archived Do You Use Your Phone at Work?

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I carry my phone with me working in the backroom since we have a deaf person working back there as well, so I use it to communicate with him. I also use it for flex fulfillment softline items when the PDA provides a potato for an image of the item. I know several people on the early morning team use their phones to listen to music and the ETLs usually don't care as long as work is getting done.

It sounds like you are dayside backroom... Just curious, how does a deaf team member answer stock checks and things that require radio?
It sounds like you are dayside backroom... Just curious, how does a deaf team member answer stock checks and things that require radio?

I am dayside yeah. The sales floor is usually pretty good when he's back there alone. They head to the back and show him numbers or get an LOD to pull the item. He's really good with reading lips too. When there's 2 of us, obviously I take calls.
All Im now getting is pretend you are doing something work related w it

My ETL and I just showed each other pics of our dogs lol
Nope! I never carry my phone on me while on the floor. I used to, and it really was distracting and I was scared of dropping it or losing it.

In my store, it's okay to have it on you, but definitely not for personal use. For the most part people comply, except for people using the iPad charger at guest service. 🙄

*edit: worst case scenario, keep it off stage. Looks bad in front of guests. I feel weird even using MyDevices, because guests think they're my phone.
Nope! I never carry my phone on me while on the floor. I used to, and it really was distracting and I was scared of dropping it or losing it.

In my store, it's okay to have it on you, but definitely not for personal use. For the most part people comply, except for people using the iPad charger at guest service. 🙄

*edit: worst case scenario, keep it off stage. Looks bad in front of guests. I feel weird even using MyDevices, because guests think they're my phone.
Yes...I've seen multiple guests complain about TMs using their cellphone, when it was really a mydevice. It's ridiculous.
I'd talk to you about it too. First instance wouldn't be a coaching, but the next definitely would. You're on the clock, getting paid to work. It doesn't look good to guests If you walk by them, they need help, and your eyes are glued to your phone. If you need to use your phone, step off-stage for a second, shoot of a quick text, and get back to work.

I use my phone strictly to help guests.
I use my phone all the time. Looking up numbers for guests. Part numbers. All kinds of stuff. The etl's and STL are constantly on theirs. It's all work related .... right.
Yeah I actually use my phone a lot up front. I use it to find DPCIs, to tell guests about Cartwheel, and to call other stores to have them put things on hold. I actually thought to myself recently "wow I should get a stipend for this".

But as for personal phone use at the register, I think you really shouldn't. If a cashier has an issue they need to keep attending to they usually let me know, but we don't really have an issue at my store with cashiers being distracted on their phone.
Yes, although I wasn't aspose to though. Lol. I was secretive about it though.

I find it pretty hypocritical that management will get mad at you for using your phone but than you'll see them use thier phones to talk to thier boyfriend or girlfriend.

That happened one time and someone called the store manager out on it at the store meeting
Nope! I never carry my phone on me while on the floor. I used to, and it really was distracting and I was scared of dropping it or losing it.

In my store, it's okay to have it on you, but definitely not for personal use. For the most part people comply, except for people using the iPad charger at guest service. 🙄

*edit: worst case scenario, keep it off stage. Looks bad in front of guests. I feel weird even using MyDevices, because guests think they're my phone.

Just tell them that it's not your phone and the store gave it to you for work. What's the worst the customers can do? Complain?
I only use my phone to play music in the backroom and find softlines items for SPU orders (because the MyFA images suck). I don't text or any of that shit unless I'm on break or lunch.

Best part about closing is knowing that I can crank the tunes while setting the line. I'll always leave one ear-bud out in case of any backroom calls, though.
Honestly, I never kept my phone on me until I got promoted to SrTL. I keep it on me for emergencies and sometimes my ETL or STL will text me things during my shift, so it's work related.
When my phone is out in public, it means I'm using the Target app. Either I'm helping a guest or using it for a better picture for Flex Fullfillment.

Other than that, I hide somewhere in the backroom aisles.
Yes, although I wasn't aspose to though. Lol. I was secretive about it though.

I find it pretty hypocritical that management will get mad at you for using your phone but than you'll see them use thier phones to talk to thier boyfriend or girlfriend.

That happened one time and someone called the store manager out on it at the store meeting
One of the big differences is that ETLs are exempt. That said, they still shouldn't be using it on the floor and limiting it.
Idk. I know for a fact that none of my leaders would say a word to me if/ when I have my phone out on the floor. That being said I know it's because of who I am. If I have my phone out 99%+ of the time it is only for work. I'm kind of lame && really not that interested in responding to anyone that immediately. Now, because of this fact & that I've been only really seen using for work - especially when juggling guests and the store phone at the same time, no one questions me. And, if I have used it for personal use on the floor it was due to an extreme circumstance (I had a transportation issue during a shift && had to contact a family member before store close so I wasn't stranded once) - I did it in the FR & was brief as all get it out; but if someone called me on that instance I'd be pretty certain to fight them politely on it. -- But there are many other tms in my store who are the exact opposite, and we have someone leadership has recently acknowledged is being performances out over this specific issue.

I def am a little older than many of my fresh faced counterparts && my first job was very strict over phone usage - so it's never been an issue for me. I find it mind boggling that some of the girls I enjoy at work can't go even a five hour shift without constantly texting over their plans for later or what their boyfriends are doing when they aren't in their presence. If you do your work, I don't care particularly much- but I find that to be a somewhat immature trait & not good general behavior considering how inappropriate it would be at any other "real" job .... Regardless, I think it's so common place anymore, the reaction your received is a bit extreme if it truly was the first /only instance encountered & it was so brief. But, potato potatoe I suppose
I use mine for Flex sometimes when someone orders like 10 items and I don't feel like walking allllll the way up to the front of the store to scan the printer after the first item, just to come back and continue picking. I'll 'skip' through the items, take photos of the locations, and go pick everything and just scan everything up front 🙄

When I'm in the back I'll play music (used to use headphones but now I don't, so I only listen to stuff when I'm by myself)

I never used to check my phone for personal stuff, but now I do it somewhat frequently. It's amazing how much of a difference the general atmosphere/mood at work can impact your desire to follow the rules. The morale at my store totally tanked a while ago and now it's like I desperately need a few seconds of escape. Most of the time I'm unable to take my second 15 though, so I honestly don't feel bad about checking my phone. There's no way I spend a combined total of 15min checking my phone throughout my shift, so the way I figure, they're still coming out ahead.
When Target pays for my phone I will use my phone for work. It is their responsibility to provide me with the equipment to do my job. I do not use it for personal use unless I am on break. If there is a family/school/etc. emergency, they have all been given the number for the store and instructed to tell them to either page or find me. (I have a medically fragile child.) I am sure that I will be found to answer that call whether I am on walkie or not and I am also sure that I will not be called at work unless it is a true emergency. In more than 15 years there has only been one time that the caller had to call more than one time.
I pull the phone out to use the calculator a lot. One time an LOD was walking toward me and I wouldn't put my phone away. I got the loud "ahem" a couple of times before I told him what I was doing. I simply just said I suck at math lol.
I pull the phone out to use the calculator a lot. One time an LOD was walking toward me and I wouldn't put my phone away. I got the loud "ahem" a couple of times before I told him what I was doing. I simply just said I suck at math lol.
What's wrong with the mydevice calc?
I just hide behind the Pfresh tables when I'm using my phone. I've had leaders see me use my phone but they generally don't care at all as long as I'm actually getting my stuff done.
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