Archived Do You Use Your Phone at Work?

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I'll use my phone on the sales floor as a work tool, but I'll rarely use it for anything else. I'll occasionally send a text if it's slow, and maybe a Snapchat if I see a good opportunity. Other than that, it stays in my pocket, the bathroom, or the breakroom. My store doesn't really care though, provided that it's not anything excessive (i.e. anything that gets significantly in the way of your work).

I do have an Apple watch though, and I will check my messages on there throughout the day, and send the periodic response... I guess that counts. :p
Meanwhile, my TL takes selfies in front of TMs before asking us why we aren't working harder. :rolleyes:

I use mine more than I should, but all my TLs have the "key jingle of authority" going on, so you can hear them coming from a mile away.

LOL! this makes me laugh, because my keys are so loud. (A Jewelry Vendor never showed up for our A&A Remodel, so all the fixtures came to me, and I pretty much had to do their job, BUT it came with a Handy Dandy Multitool that can attach to a key chain (Has a flashlight and everything). Mostly I keep the Jingle, because if I don't hear it I KNOW I left them in the Baler/Wave.

Plus the tool has legit everything, even pliers. and my PMT turned the knife into a Flathead Screwdriver for me, as I knew it would cause trouble.

Also I get the deer in the headlights look from TMs. "Oh it's just you, I thought it was <Insert Name>. ;)
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I leave mine in my locker. I will not use it as a work tool since I am the one paying for it. It's amazing how many ETL's use their phones while at work.
Sometimes it's just easier

Instead of being a tryhard about using "my phone for work" it's just easier to take out your phone and fix the issue. You're connected to the stores wifi anyways and they probably don't complain about you mooching off that
I do but I am not an etl favorite so i only do it in the back or doing fr checks. One of the favorites makes calls on the floor on the clock and no one bats an eye. Another literally texts while the TL is giving her tasks. Again our store is a joke. If you arent in favor its an instant write up especially if you are already on their need to get rid of list.
In front of guests because I’m a f’ing rebel!!!

Also the the Target app is so much better than the PDA when looking for a product
Only for work things or not at all, unless I'm on my break. I keep it on my person, but never use it unless it's for Cartwheel/Work/Guest Assistance. If I have to use it I generally let my TL know or ask if I can make a quick call or shoot a quick text if it's important enough.
In our store they're as much a part of our equipment as our My device and walkie IF we want them to be. You certainly don't have to use them but many of us have each other's cell numbers and shoot each other texts when there's a walkie shortage. Also when you see one of our TMs on the phone no one bats an eye because about 98% of the time it's for helping a guest or trying to find something for SFS or Flex or even doing Reshop. There was a time when our guests used to get a wee bit irate thinking "lazy SOB on the phone when they should be working" but by this point so many of them have been helped through our phones and taught about the APP that nowadays no one thinks about it anymore. I mean today we had a lady in the store from Europe with a thick accent who brought me a pair of pants and asked me what was the American size for a European size 40. If I didn't have my phone on me and use it to look up a comparison chart on the internet I would not have been able to answer her.
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