Archived Does the name Cephas sound familiar?

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So this is the guy that thinks all targets can run their unload the same despite volume? Lmao.
I can’t speak for him specifically. I know someone said he wrote the new best practice, and I’m sure he had a hand in it...but it’s the brain child of another group director and ops director. Both of whom, in my limited experience with them, could give healthy criticism and encourage you to think about the business differently but could not translate that into guidance or actual advice. But I left before the one size fits all (three size fits all?) new best practice rolled out.
I am sure he is a nice guy and concerned about implentation as an OPS guy but the problem lies in the fact that there a lot of people between him and his idea now. A lot of people who never picked up a zebra or a pda are the ones throwing this down stores throats', with a side of "expert training" for all that only adds to the chaos. Take into consideration the paranoia the ETL, STLs and DTL are now going through, making sure they are not caught not doing the new normal, my god! I would gladly have an ops guy come in and correct what is wrong rather than have it covered up as usual by superiors.
I see what you’re saying, but that’s not really a criticism of him as much as it is of the poor job that Target has done investing to make sure the team understands the new strategy and providing the training, guidance, and resources to ensure stores are successful implementing the changes. Instead of supporting leaders and teams through these changes the idea seems to be if you don’t immediately get with the program (even if you’re trying and want to succeed but just need more concrete direction) then we’ll just replace you with someone who has no knowledge of where target has been, who doesn’t appreciate the challenges inherent in this paradigm shift, and who has worked for another retailer. Which is so much of the reason why I left.
He was a great DTL, had no issues with him. He’s approachable and friendly. If there is any leadership problems in a store he will hold them accountable and eventually performance them out. He got rid of three STL’s and several ETL’s when he was here
This was always my experience with him as my group ops.
Supposedly he will spend an entire day at one store talking to everyone and inspecting everything.

That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Out GVP pops in for an hour and criticizes first impression bs and leaves with the empty threat of showing up again in a week (but never does). When the DTL or above want to stay for an extended amount of time probing, learning, and helping it’s actually pretty beneficial to the store. Plus extended visits like that typically root out awful storeside leadership.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Out GVP pops in for an hour and criticizes first impression bs and leaves with the empty threat of showing up again in a week (but never does). When the DTL or above want to stay for an extended amount of time probing, learning, and helping it’s actually pretty beneficial to the store. Plus extended visits like that typically root out awful storeside leadership.

The thing with Cephas is he knows exactly what a brand process is, so when he calls you out on something, even if it seems nitpicky, it burns because you know he's right each time.

If he's visiting your store I would suggest your electronics person brush up on their connected home products, that was one of his favorite spots to inspect or ask questions about.
The thing with Cephas is he knows exactly what a brand process is, so when he calls you out on something, even if it seems nitpicky, it burns because you know he's right each time.

If he's visiting your store I would suggest your electronics person brush up on their connected home products, that was one of his favorite spots to inspect or ask questions about.
Why can't I get higher tl interested in smart tech? I can sell the pants off anyone in that alone compared to my electronics tm. And then I can put my ring in the fixture room when I'm not there.... maybe?
The thing with Cephas is he knows exactly what a brand process is, so when he calls you out on something, even if it seems nitpicky, it burns because you know he's right each time.

If he's visiting your store I would suggest your electronics person brush up on their connected home products, that was one of his favorite spots to inspect or ask questions about.
I love the connected living section. I once and it came to a shock for me but asked one simple question to a guest that was interested in a product and boom make a $370 sale. Yes I was happy about the sale but still shocked that a small simple question made the sale because they are not always that simple
I don’t like this system still, but my store came clean 2 days in a row. It’s still bullshit and inefficient but I guess “it’s possible” is actually marginally true.
I've never seen leaders so freaked out. They are so scared of this guy. Every day we get visit notes from stores he's been to. There is so much fear. The expectations are ridiculous and at the same time, they are cutting hours.
New Target don’t play. You don’t treat guest or other TMs or leaders with disrespect. I’ve fired a TM on their first day for being a complete asshole. Granted I did give him a chance to change his attitude, but that didn’t work so I fired him right then and there. We all have bad days, but why should anyone think that they could smart off to a freaking group director and still keep their job?

My old district was told that probably half the leadership wouldn’t make it through the year and probably about the same for TMs. Target is stepping up their game and if you don’t wanna be a part of sales and service and guest above task, then you are happy to find employment elsewhere.
I've never seen leaders so freaked out. They are so scared of this guy. Every day we get visit notes from stores he's been to. There is so much fear. The expectations are ridiculous and at the same time, they are cutting hours.

Modernization on inconsistent payroll is working against itself. If stores got consistent payroll week to week (not accounting for added trucks and extra stuff that pops up) then I have a gut feeling that the majority of stores would have an easier time figuring things out. It’s when your payroll fluctuates by 500 or 1000 or more hours week to week and month to month that it gets tough to really develop strong routines. Most stores are just reactive no matter how proactive they try to be.
He did not come up with anything. He rode the coat tails of others’ ideas, then became the enforcer. Rolls out theories before vetted for sake of speed versus strategy. Get onboard, or else. No such thing as second chances.

Sad to go from a culture of development and communication, to compliance and dictatorship.
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