Archived Does your ETL let you leave early if you have a 6.5 hour shift?

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Jan 26, 2013
One of the few things I like about our store is this. Especially if you're backroom or flow. You're really getting anymore done since you still take a 30 instead of leaving at like 5 before complience
I've known my ETLs to let some of our softlines TMs leave early if they're closing, especially if it's slow, and especially if they're trying to save payroll.
Leaving early on a 6.5 hr shift is discouraged at our store...... especially if it's a coverage issue. Even though YOU are getting the "same amount of work in"; that last 30 minutes of your shift may be critical in terms of having enough people on the sales floor until the next shift arrives. This mostly affects Guest-facing TMs; but it can impact the Backroom Team or SfS Team too.
Leaving early on a 6.5 hr shift is discouraged at our store...... especially if it's a coverage issue. Even though YOU are getting the "same amount of work in"; that last 30 minutes of your shift may be critical in terms of having enough people on the sales floor until the next shift arrives. This mostly affects Guest-facing TMs; but it can impact the Backroom Team or SfS Team too.
Our BR isn't too affected by it. Especially if you close. I like leaving at 845 instead of 930 lol
If it's a 6 which would be 5.5 with a meal, then usually it's fine but it depends on the leader. At one point they were against scheduling 6 hour 5.5s so it only happened by mistake anyway. But when the computer started doing the heavy lifting things changed. I don't mind the meal personally just because I'm stuck in the building even if I clock out early because of bus schedule
Only reason we're scheduled 6.5 (6 hour shift since you get a half) is for the extra coverage. My ETLs and LODs would probably want to strangle anyone who tried this at my store. I remember getting explained about it one time when I was brand new and asking about the break schedules and things.
Only reason we're scheduled 6.5 (6 hour shift since you get a half) is for the extra coverage. My ETLs and LODs would probably want to strangle anyone who tried this at my store. I remember getting explained about it one time when I was brand new and asking about the break schedules and things.

How much work is that employee getting done in that half hour after lunch? Not much. Coverage? Since when do we have coverage anymore?
You don’t have to take lunch at hour 6. A lot of TMs I know take breaks at hours 2 & 6, lunch at 4. If the next TM comes in at say 330, you may be leaving a gap if your 6.5 ends at 330. In most aspects it’s not a big deal but can be some days.
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