You could work at my store. For the 5 years I've been there, salesfloor only zones and reshops. All day. Morning, mid, and closing. That's it. The push is 100% up to the backroom. There's 5-7 of us throughout the day, but only 3-4 at any given time. The 3-4 of us in the back are responsible for the 15-20+ vehicles of push each day that the CAFs generate. (I'm sorry, but it never makes sense to have 3-4 people do in 3-4 hours at closing what only takes 15-20 closers a ½ hour to do in the early evening...).
This is aside from pulling and staging research, plano, PTMs, sales planners, endcaps, MIRs, EXFs, and price change.
And aside from all the backstock being generated from said plano, POGs, EXFs, reshops, and zoning. And having to SUBT-9999 it so we don't waste time repulling it 8 more times.
And aside from doing all the cardboard (plano, new endcaps, f***ing C&S, plus misc stuff).
And aside from the daily backroom quantity audit (60 locations everyday...).
And aside from the Item Merge.
This is to say nothing of doing LOCU updates on red aisles, Empty Location Reports, aisle maintenance such as fixing broken/missing shelf labels and replacing damaged wacos, pulling unproductive inventory such as discontinued items, and general backroom zoning. None of that gets done. EVER. Well, except right before a visit.
Also to say nothing of Manual CAFs, which also don't get done. Which is supposed to be our #1 priority during the day, according to the overnight ETLs.
If only we could share store numbers and you were nearby, you come here dude. Salesfloor has it made.
HOLY CRAP. Your Salesfloor has it easy as hell. My Salesfloor has to Do CAFS, do their own Cardboard, do reshop, do the zone, backup electronics, backup cashier, grab carts, answer call buttons, sometimes help with finishing ad on sunday when they come in, help with truck sometimes, and push mcclane candy
I thought this was the standard.