That’s kinda the point of the update. When a bunch of different TM’s are all helping to prep one order, that makes it much more likely that something gets missed. How are those TM’s held accountable when something goes wrong? With how it is now, you can keep track of who prepped and who delivered, so when something goes wrong you can narrow it down rather than having to ask around the whole team and get the “pass the blame down the alley” game.
I think what is the biggest struggle for drive up teams is that they get so obsessive about every order neeeding to be under 2 minutes that they forget it’s an average. Some orders will take more than 2, some will take much less. Focus on getting those small easy orders out quickest so your score isn’t bogged down when you get a 56 item no warning drive up.
For stores with their coolers on the opposite side of the building, you’re not going to make it under 2 minutes no matter how hard you try. Again, it’s an average. You cannot teleport across the store and back outside. Stop burning yourselves out and getting upset that you can’t do the impossible on those orders. The drive up process is a breeze when everyone is able to keep calm and focus on accuracy. That is the number one priority. Guests do not care about our times or whether they get their order in 2 minutes. They care if they have to come back again to get items they didn’t get, or to bring back someone else’s order. You can have an average time under 40 seconds, but if your NPS is full of guests angry about their order being messed up there is no reason to celebrate that time.
Also, if there’s only 2 people scheduled for the desk and drive up combined, that 2 minutes isn’t happening until your store gets its shit together and allocates payroll properly. Taking shortcuts and using tricks to manipulate the numbers will only make your job more difficult in the long run as they realize they can get away with siphoning drive up hours into other departments. If you can’t do it you can’t do it. Just try your best and let your leaders explain why they aren’t properly supporting the largest sales growth method in the company.