Archived Electronics Boat

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Sales floor TL
Jun 8, 2011
My store has the old electronics boat. Camera posts and drawers underneath etc. it is in a horrible state of disrepair. I spoke with my new STL and he informed me that we don't have the new boat just based on prototype. I want to come up with a way to argue to my DTL to appr
To approve the project to construct a new boat. I want to be able to tie the new boat into sales, service, scores and profitability. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry for the double post.. Phone decided to post before I was done.
Your SFT would be a good partner on this project as you are talking about replacing a store asset which falls under Facility Management control. We have a semi-annual job of checking over the boat and making sure everything is working properly, repairing/replacing as needed. If you could tally up the total dollar amount of all parts needed to bring your boat up to standards(posts, pucks, security cables, power cords, drawers, additional hardware) and estimate the amount of hours needed to perform all the work you may be able to make your case. Your SFT's boss(DFM) would then have to push up through the chain for a Special Project activity to be authorized. These projects are not common but I have seen them get approved when the case for them is honest and accurate.
New boat moves cameras to an aisle with the "backstock" of cameras in a see-through case. Instead of digging through drawers in the boat, you and the guest can see which cameras are instock. It looks a lot nicer, and by making the product more visible to the guest I'm sure it ties into more sales. If it's done right, it looks great.
The mule. Amazing answer. I will start that immediately. And static my store and one other store are the only stores in our district with the old style boats. The other store has the old old boat.. Glass windows etc..
At my store, glass display cases were moved & replaced by a sign full fixture. Are you a former great land? Are you scheduled for,up grade? Ask questions to your leadership now. Then go from there.
In our AE meeting our STL brought up how the company is changing its attitude for repairs. Instead of spending (for instance) $500 eight times to repair something, they'd rather we spend the $4000 up front to totally replace it. Your request goes somewhat beyond just a cookie oven or credit card terminal, but it may be the perfect time for your project to be proposed and approved!
we have an old boat. it's literally falling apart and the sft can no longer fix it. our dtl told us even if we crash it with the wave, they aren't replacing it. if you have any luck, let me know your secret!
it even got so bad, we ripped out the center island because none of the doors closed and it had a gangsta lean...
Lol that almost sounds like a dare. "You won't replace the boat? CRASH. Oh, you'd rather leave it up even though one whole side is buckled? CRASH. oh hey, we had to remove the boat all together; it was so broken. Still wont replace it?" 😉
Still won't replace it? Ok, we'll just put those cameras out here on a nice table for thieves...I mean grab at their leisure...
we have an old boat. it's literally falling apart and the sft can no longer fix it. our dtl told us even if we crash it with the wave, they aren't replacing it. if you have any luck, let me know your secret!
it even got so bad, we ripped out the center island because none of the doors closed and it had a gangsta lean...

Your DTL is a tool and is also not the one with the final say on if it gets replaced.
Nah we are a p06 store opened in 06 with Pfresh remodel completed in July of 2011. I got with my SFT and he says he will communicate with his dfm. I am meeting with my STL to discuss it an other ops around hardlines. I spoke with my ETL and we will mostl likely get the new reinvention. Whenever that will be..
If you want the new boat that is just two rectangular counters you'd have to lose an aisle of merch somewhere else to put the cameras. I'm pretty sure that's the main reason we kept our round boat during the p fresh remodel. It sucks, but I'd rather have the old boat than less aisles.

About a year or two ago I thought that target replaced all the posts in the camera boat. We worked overnight for a couple days and had a contractor come out and retrofit everything.
If you want the new boat that is just two rectangular counters you'd have to lose an aisle of merch somewhere else to put the cameras. I'm pretty sure that's the main reason we kept our round boat during the p fresh remodel. It sucks, but I'd rather have the old boat than less aisles.

About a year or two ago I thought that target replaced all the posts in the camera boat. We worked overnight for a couple days and had a contractor come out and retrofit everything.

I'd rather have the old boat back. It had much more storage and was easier to keep clean. Having the two long counters just gives people space to dump stuff that doesnt belong there.
Currently using CBAR to replace our electronics boat🙂 thanks to all who helped. AMAZING !
You have a boat with posts and not one with locked glass cases requiring a TM to open and wait with every guest who wants to look at a camera? I don't think you know what old is my friend. 🙂
Store in my district still has it so I've heard it all. That store is so old it's crazy. C volume and old colored neons.. 1 5 section valley of "temporary" coolers and freezers.. Old overhead navigations signs.. Yuck
Before we remodeled, to Pfresh we.... When I mean myself and our ETL-GE/SL at the time tried to order the new Electronics Boat on Tipp.... Yes, it's on there. Well it might not anymore. Our DTL actually came to our store with the rejection notice from corporate and then he told us we were being remodeled after scolding us for trying to order it. Was quite comical!
Before we remodeled, to Pfresh we.... When I mean myself and our ETL-GE/SL at the time tried to order the new Electronics Boat on Tipp.... Yes, it's on there. Well it might not anymore. Our DTL actually came to our store with the rejection notice from corporate and then he told us we were being remodeled after scolding us for trying to order it. Was quite comical!

That's hilarious! :rofl:
Store in my district still has it so I've heard it all. That store is so old it's crazy. C volume and old colored neons.. 1 5 section valley of "temporary" coolers and freezers.. Old overhead navigations signs.. Yuck

That sounds like my store.

Our boat now has a crack in the glass and we have a betting game going, how much time it is going to take the crack to get to the other side.
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