Archived End to end dead?

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Truly fortunate Spot has programs in place for such tm's actually AT the point of poverty level. I'm one of the fortunate ones to have a family that helps me out when I'm in a bind. But for those who are either alone or just don't have anyone to turn to, Spot offers assistance. A coworker I used to work with used theirservice before and seemed truly grateful. Hopefully if anyone is struggling, they won't be too proud to reach out for help.
Discontinued... sounds about right!
So my store no longer does anything end to end. We started end to end in February. Pushed the thought of end to end very hard until back to school season in July. Once it ended in late August. Our store is back to the old old process of fast unloads and waving through freight. Our DTL even said we're going back to the old way because of corporate changes.

We fast unload a trailer, wave through freight and back stock. We don't scan, still have a POG team, and still have 1 signing team member. The only thing from the new end to end that's actually stayed is our soft lines process. We have a flow team member breakout the soft lines, then 5 AA team members come in at 12 to push freight then at 4pm they zone and scan.

Anyone in any store that have slowly reverted to the old method??

P.S we are having to build back a BR team again. We are having to pull 5 people from flow to be back room trained and only do backroom duties. And no it's not for SFS or Flexible holiday needs. It's because we have to correct our BRLA and Logistic metrics.
Hmmm. I am curious. As far as I understand (and overhead) E2e is far from dead. If your DTL authorized it he/she thinks that allowing your store to revert makes him/her look better. It won't last.

Once GVP and above realize what has happened you will be forced back. AS much as the rest of us want this to die, it won't. Spot from our illustrious CEO through our cheifs on down believe that 'this burning pile of money that the joker is grinning at' works. They wont abandon it.

You DTL will get rotated out, or whatever and everything will revert back. The whole purpose of the new f***ing raises are to support the concept of e2e and the specialization.
Before E2E Market it was a cycle of Good times, (Hours, and what Corporate decided was important at the time). And bad times (When no one could care less, this was always went along with a string of good Steritech visits, leadership would care less, and less..) It would rinse, and repeat... Here I could see it spiraling into a system that needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.
and sadly we are trying to do this while its coming down. Dumpster fire in the truest form.
Apparently it's "working" in all the stores in my area (according to our STL). My store still isn't converted except for softlines, cosmetics and one grocery aisle. We are supposed to start two more grocery aisles in E2E in the next few weeks. Their excuse is "sales are up" in softlines and it will work everywhere. LOL
Sales are up because they have people dedicated to it and its fourth quarter (also business people believe in Trump because well he isn't a politician. Honor amongst thieves)
As for end to end I think it's another short term cost cutting fix to put a bandaid on a corporation hemorrhaging money. Hope I'm wrong. Wrong as hell.
Sadly you are. Being in a large metro means seeing things moving faster and hearing people talk. They believe in this. Its not going away.
Yep cause no one cares like you do and you will spend all your time fixing the fuck ups of others why most of our cosmetics peeps have quit in short order. They have no control of the BS and mess they walk into after a day off. Cause while people are scheduled as Cosmetics they work other places so no one is there so the theft is out of control and it looks like ass..
So you end up either with no one who gives a damn or a young woman who prides herself on the place, dont mind cleaning and is happy she gets to wear makeup and showcase everything. Also she gets to chat constantly about the cosmetics while putting it out. Also gets to make decisions on the stuff too.

Ours works in the areas it works because we have enough people who want to work and get autonomy and can actually do the job. They understand retail and how f***ed it is. But those people are rare. We can't seem to keep someone in Housewares.
Ultimately Spot exploits whoever needs a check. Other retailers do as well. What is wanted is that comfortable store experience for the lowest pay. We all have to reckon this up. What the employee does for what compensation and how efficiently the store runs. My first manager had a rule: Take care of the people who take care of you. And teach.
We ditched end to end for beauty. The directive is that beauty and should be selling rather than pulling or backstocking. We have a sampling table that our mid runs which has been a success.

I don't know how you can be full e2e (essentials included) have so many different people in the backroom and it not be a mess lol.
You can't. Ours used to be clean all the time. Now, its a constand storm of paper, freight and vehicles everywhere.

My backstock location is by the bailer. I got into a discussion with an etl over why it takes to long to backstock and I had to show that everyone keeps using that area to store tubs.
when my store (low volume) let us know about e2e i was so excited i couldnt wait to finally have an area to myself to take care of and make it my own, but its been months and i still dont know how to set a pog, i haven't done truck at all, did price change only a couple of times.. im still just a closing zoner or fitting room like nothing has changed at all for softlines 🙁
but soon you will be making much more than those who know.
I wonder how many Targets are in Manhattan?
Thanks. The batteries in my google machine are dead and I can't find the damn AC cord anywhere!

I bet those are some ship-shape stores!
You can't. Ours used to be clean all the time. Now, its a constand storm of paper, freight and vehicles everywhere.

My backstock location is by the bailer. I got into a discussion with an etl over why it takes to long to backstock and I had to show that everyone keeps using that area to store tubs.
In my store, with u-boats parked permanently behind the line, all our tums and 3-tiers have to be in light-duty. So, getting a tub or 3-tier down the main aisle of light-duty is an inefficient dance of moving a tub or 3-tier (of backstock or empty) down a light-duty aisle, moving your vehicle 3 feet forward, then rinsing and repeating until you get to where you need to be. Then pulling out and finding a place for all of the vehicles in the aisle you need to pull from.

Frustrating as hell.
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