Archived Entertainment Team Member?

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I've worked for Target approximately 9 or so years. I've been in Electronics the whole time. I became the Entertainment Specialist after a year, which eventually transitioned into Entertainment Team Member. I do all the revisions, sales planners, and street dates for the area. When I have extra time I will even do some of the POGs, but usually the planogram team will take care of those.

My question is for stores without a dedicated team member for this area, because it seems to be quite a few, who does the revisions and street dates and what does that area in general look like? I'm pretty sure if I wasn't over there, it would never get zoned and make way less money than it does now.
The same thing happened to me back in 2010 (Entertainment Specialist -> Team Member). In 2012, there was an opening on the Presentation team so I switched. I did the revisions over there for a month until everybody on the Presentation team started rotating. An electronics team member was assigned to push the new releases on Tuesday. All team members who are trained in Electronics are also trained in Entertainment (CD browser maintenance, sign and label maintenance, zone, street dates, etc). The Instocks team does the research and outs. This way everyone is held accountable. So it can work, the Electronics team just has to realize that their purview isn't just electronics.

I can't say I agree with it as this process they planned hasn't always worked. With hours being very slim in recent years, my former department has seen better days.
Our planogram team barely gets their work done, I'd imagine they would wait until the last minute to do Entertainment revisions if they had to do them.

I was just intrigued how many stores have gotten rid of this position though it still exists. Even people at my store didn't believe me that my check and job title says "Entertainment Team Member".
We not long have that position. Our pog team does the street dates/.revisons etc
Plano does all the pogs and revisions now due to them axing almost everything in the E&E department. At this point on Mondays and Tuesdays it just Target Mobile in electronics with someone on plano doing the pogs.
I'm entertainment. However I also do the electronics revisions, and most of the pogs as well (unless it's a total reset.) It takes a chunk of the workload off the pog team and I double as boat coverage. Seems to work pretty well here... but pog taking that over seems to be how most stores are doing it now.
@Hardlinesmaster yeah at my store they often mess up doing the entertainment transition ie. setting stuff in the wrong spot, usually taking down my salesplanners or best sellers section and zeroing out items without checking second and third locations. They would definitely have a field day doing the regular weekly revisions, especially the browser.
@Hardlinesmaster yeah at my store they often mess up doing the entertainment transition ie. setting stuff in the wrong spot, usually taking down my salesplanners or best sellers section and zeroing out items without checking second and third locations. They would definitely have a field day doing the regular weekly revisions, especially the browser.
I have 2 tm's who really care about mmb. That's when I knew I found the right folks to do the new releases.
So we had our scan back last Thursday. Scanned through the browser and then afterwards, re-alphabetized the whole thing (no label strips except for the new & up and coming artists section) . I come in today and someone had printed labels, FOR EVERYTHING! I was so close to flipping my lid. Now it's no longer a "browser". And looks like shit. Whatever, I'll let who's ever stupid idea it was run its course until our next reset.
I am the team member over mmb in my store. It's ultra low volume. I set the new release, pogs, and revsions as well as stock the freight that comes in off the truck while I cover electronics. They wanted me to take over it because the pog team was screwing it up. They would put in the strips and tie it but not zone it or stock so it messed up the MIR's as well.
Made me a new account, first post, woo!

I was hired in as Entertainment Brand years ago. Still under that title. I work in a Super Target. On a typical week, my workload is about 20-24 revisions/salesplanners/etc (street dates and all included). This week I heard muttering about leads tossing all of gaming at me as well (about 15-18 additional. I'll have to see where that leads and how that affects my hours available to do it all). Hell, I was even doing MIR's for over a year. The MIR's stopped when I became very vocal about having 16 hours (not counting breaks I don't have time for and lunches I rush to have) to do 20-30+ hours of POG Tie/Set on top of the MIR's very random workload. The rest of my week is spent on other tasks.

I'm not a dedicated member for E&E, though. I work Electronics and I have about two days to complete the entire process before I start having people breathing down my neck. We have two team members (one being myself) in my store that are very caring about E&E. It's an uphill struggle for sure. If I had to label how our area looked, i'd say "Accurate". We care very much about organization, proper stocking, security, etc. We sometimes even have to quarrel with ETL's on brand and proper procedures when they decide to stash instead of stock. It's sort of ridiculous around my store.

So we had our scan back last Thursday. Scanned through the browser and then afterwards, re-alphabetized the whole thing (no label strips except for the new & up and coming artists section) . I come in today and someone had printed labels, FOR EVERYTHING! I was so close to flipping my lid. Now it's no longer a "browser". And looks like shit. Whatever, I'll let who's ever stupid idea it was run its course until our next reset.

I've seen the browser handled differently in so many stores. Label Strips. General Chaos. Full 3x5 White for everything, including d-code flex. Hell, we've done all 3 at our store (Chaos wasn't our choice - we have had a long string of flow that just toss them out by stack wherever there's less than overstock). Currently, we're trying the label process. When it's kept up with (and to planogram, that's important!), it looks very organized. My only issue is that I don't really like the idea of horizontal alphabetical alignment. A-C is 28 feet long, it just seems like a silly way to do it.
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Made me a new account, first post, woo!

I was hired in as Entertainment Brand years ago. Still under that title. I work in a Super Target. On a typical week, my workload is about 20-24 revisions/salesplanners/etc (street dates and all included). This week I heard muttering about leads tossing all of gaming at me as well (about 15-18 additional. I'll have to see where that leads and how that affects my hours available to do it all). Hell, I was even doing MIR's for over a year. The MIR's stopped when I became very vocal about having 16 hours (not counting breaks I don't have time for and lunches I rush to have) to do 20-30+ hours of POG Tie/Set on top of the MIR's very random workload. The rest of my week is spent on other tasks.

I'm not a dedicated member for E&E, though. I work Electronics and I have about two days to complete the entire process before I start having people breathing down my neck. We have two team members (one being myself) in my store that are very caring about E&E. It's an uphill struggle for sure. If I had to label how our area looked, i'd say "Accurate". We care very much about organization, proper stocking, security, etc. We sometimes even have to quarrel with ETL's on brand and proper procedures when they decide to stash instead of stock. It's sort of ridiculous around my store.

I've seen the browser handled differently in so many stores. Label Strips. General Chaos. Full 3x5 White for everything, including d-code flex. Hell, we've done all 3 at our store (Chaos wasn't our choice - we have had a long string of flow that just toss them out by stack wherever there's less than overstock). Currently, we're trying the label process. When it's kept up with (and to planogram, that's important!), it looks very organized. My only issue is that I don't really like the idea of horizontal alphabetical alignment. A-C is 28 feet long, it just seems like a silly way to do it.
We did the label thing for a few years, well maintained with weekly revisions. But with one item having so many locations and not enough of that one product, we had holes. We did the whole thing alphabetical with the last reset and it was full, alphabetical and then someone has the "bright" idea of printing labels for whatever CD is there, rendering the whole thing just... crappy looking. I hate it but whatever.
Made me a new account, first post, woo!

I was hired in as Entertainment Brand years ago. Still under that title. I work in a Super Target. On a typical week, my workload is about 20-24 revisions/salesplanners/etc (street dates and all included).

Only 20 - 24 in a super? I'm in a ULV and they usually hover around 30. 2 weeks out there are 50+

I do all of gaming now too, as well as MIRs. But I am lucky in the sense that I usually average about 30 hours of day side electronics time and then I close one night a week.

A lot of pressure was taken off of me in the fall when we got a new DTL and he told me ok his first visit that he's not at all concerned about the browser space and whether it's zoned or maintained.

My PTL and I have a mutual understanding that I'll pretty much handle everything on my own as much as I can, but if I'm totally in the weeds he may have to slide someone over for a few hours. Our mmb department is one of the few the district that still runs a comp, and 2 of my execs were former entertainment specialists, so they pretty much leave me alone.
Only 20 - 24 in a super? I'm in a ULV and they usually hover around 30. 2 weeks out there are 50+

I do all of gaming now too, as well as MIRs. But I am lucky in the sense that I usually average about 30 hours of day side electronics time and then I close one night a week.

A lot of pressure was taken off of me in the fall when we got a new DTL and he told me ok his first visit that he's not at all concerned about the browser space and whether it's zoned or maintained.

My PTL and I have a mutual understanding that I'll pretty much handle everything on my own as much as I can, but if I'm totally in the weeds he may have to slide someone over for a few hours. Our mmb department is one of the few the district that still runs a comp, and 2 of my execs were former entertainment specialists, so they pretty much leave me alone.

Very interesting! Are you strictly POG or are you also running Electronics during that time? Your own pulls and backstock? Just curious how things are in other stores.

Yeah, 20-24 in a Super, those are only a portion of all of our MMB sections. They'd have to take me out of Electronics if they wanted me to actually complete all of MMB/Gaming. It would be a full week of work for me. Right now I Set/Tie/Batch/OccasionallyPull 20-24 (Highest i've done was about 38) and I try to do that on Monday. On Tuesday I finish anything leftover from Monday, push, and sign. If I have time on my Tuesdays I usually resort to label maintenance, fixing displays, etc. When MIRs were mine, i'd do them after push and signs.
I don't do my own pulls or backstock anymore. My hours are all electronics. I used to be scheduled pog on Mondays and then I would do my own pulls, bit now I'm electronics on Monday too.
Made me a new account, first post, woo!

I was hired in as Entertainment Brand years ago. Still under that title. I work in a Super Target. On a typical week, my workload is about 20-24 revisions/salesplanners/etc (street dates and all included). This week I heard muttering about leads tossing all of gaming at me as well (about 15-18 additional. I'll have to see where that leads and how that affects my hours available to do it all). Hell, I was even doing MIR's for over a year. The MIR's stopped when I became very vocal about having 16 hours (not counting breaks I don't have time for and lunches I rush to have) to do 20-30+ hours of POG Tie/Set on top of the MIR's very random workload. The rest of my week is spent on other tasks.

I'm not a dedicated member for E&E, though. I work Electronics and I have about two days to complete the entire process before I start having people breathing down my neck. We have two team members (one being myself) in my store that are very caring about E&E. It's an uphill struggle for sure. If I had to label how our area looked, i'd say "Accurate". We care very much about organization, proper stocking, security, etc. We sometimes even have to quarrel with ETL's on brand and proper procedures when they decide to stash instead of stock. It's sort of ridiculous around my store.

I've seen the browser handled differently in so many stores. Label Strips. General Chaos. Full 3x5 White for everything, including d-code flex. Hell, we've done all 3 at our store (Chaos wasn't our choice - we have had a long string of flow that just toss them out by stack wherever there's less than overstock). Currently, we're trying the label process. When it's kept up with (and to planogram, that's important!), it looks very organized. My only issue is that I don't really like the idea of horizontal alphabetical alignment. A-C is 28 feet long, it just seems like a silly way to do it.

You sound a lot like me. I work Monday and Tuesday exclusively in Entertainment, but they have cut my shifts from 8 hour shifts to about 7 hours and I do more work than I use to do. I am scheduled 14 hours to do all the Entertainment POGs/Revisions/Salesplanners, pulls, push, and set anything Entertainment related on the checklanes. If I do exceed my time, nobody says anything about it. I didn't have to do my own pulls until recently, but it's easy for the most part because my Flow Team Member who does the backstock for E&E sets all the streetdated books to the side sitll in their boxes, and backstocks all the movies and CDs in a certain area so it's easy for me to LOCU them when I need them.

Over the past couple of years they have tried to throw video games on me, but when I told them they would have to give me more time they decided against it. I'm not a super human!

Oh yeah, the rest of the week I work in Electronics.
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I've been MMB for 5 years at my store.

I got to many other stores in my area, and other areas, and my browser is, by FAR, the best I've seen.

Yeah, I'm super cocky about it. What if it?

I set all Best Seller/NR revisions in entertainment(usually over 20) The only thing I'm not responsible for is the check lanes. I do all my own pulls, case all the blu ray's myself, work all the freight from the truck, covering electronics myself for 75% of my shifts...oh, and do all this in the 11 hours I'm scheduled Monday and Tuesday.

Have a new team lead that really doesn't know anything about electronics, except that it's a lot of work and that I am VERY good at it. He usually leaves me alone.

New ETL, straight off of Sorority Row, and is pretty much clueless to, just about everything, especially making schedules and not even trying to grasp what I do in MMB.

I'm am to damn good at my job, and too fuckin good for this place.
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