Archived ETL-AP position gone?

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Jul 19, 2019
ETL-AP positions gone?
Looking at job posting and I’ve noticed that there are no longer any openings for ETL-AP nationwide.
I know there’s been chatter of the position being phased out but I’m looking for facts.
Anyone hear anything official about it? What’s going to happen to the current salaried ETL-AP?
Is there a transition plan in place.
Let’s hear the facts not the rumors or opening.
Thanks team.
ETL-AP is still fairly common with most districts having 2-3 at least. Every time an ETL leaves HQ evaluates whether there is a need to replace the ETL or go the TL route. While only higher volume stores typically have them now I know of ULV’s that have them because they are high risk. I’ve seen both a ETL be replaced with an ETL and a ETL be replaced with a TL this quarter. ETLAP are now expected to oversee there own store and potentially 1-2 TL stores around them as well.

The job app site updated with the conversion to workday so only active positions are posted. With the old site maintenance wasn’t always done which left positions open for months after they were filled.
Area13 is spot on that’s exactly what my AP director told me. I just switched back to AP from from GMTL. Happy to be back it’s been about 5 years since the last time I was in AP lots has changed.
AP focuses primarily on AP ETL AP’s the few that are left are no longer required to do LOD shifts. APTL’s in my group have APS’s which was unheard of back in the day. As I stated my AP director currently has 2 Etl AP’s that he doesn’t even know what he’s going to do with. The ones that are in my district and group are covering multiple stores even ones with APTL.
My store has ETL ap and HR and both have been replaced in the last year, so for stores that need them, they’re still around. I think they’re just being eliminated in smaller/lower risk stores.
I’m in the hiring process in a suburban market outside of a large metropolitan city so I’m just curious of the path Target is on for AP. I know when companies restructure or refocus things change. We in AP are at the top of the totem pole when it comes to changes in budget and focus.
What are some of the things an ETL-AP can do that a APTL can’t?
All of the stores in my district except the baby stores have ETLs. The new ones are promoted from with in. The only external ETL AP’s I’ve seen in the last year either use to work for target in the past and maintained connections or knew people who gave them a shoe in.
Ive been told they like to promote from within! Also been told the people they promote end up in bottom tier salaries 🙁
Target corporate already thinned out ETL-AP years ago and it’ll replace AP hourly team leaders for high risk stores. It’s cheaper to let thieves walk out of stores without pay for it.

Target isn’t the only company following that route. It’s cheaper to hire a PT greeter and have them stand at the doors than it is to go after shoplifters/boosters. My current company focuses exclusively on internals. External activity is the sole responsibility of the greeters.

They think about it this way, which is easier to save money? Cutting the $50,000 ETL-AP or attempting to stop MORE than $50,000 worth of theft? Remember the ETL-AP needs to stop more than their wage to justify their worth.

After I left Target, I heard from my old APS that Spot eliminated the ETL-AP from all stores through attrition.
So the APTL and APS can handle internals or is that passed to the APBP? I’m sure this formula works in certain markets. The market I’m involved with is just outside one of the larger cities in the US.
As far as I know, APTL can investigate internals, but another ETL AP or the APBP would have to do the interview. They may have changed that last year, but I didn't hear anything about it.
Are there any ORC investigations teams or something like the old IS team that works the field at target? I have some experience in that field as well and might be a stepping stone into a similar role?
Thanks for all the help everyone!
APTL will investigate internal theft for their stores, however as stated above, will need an ETL-AP or APBP to conduct the interview. APS does not focus on internals since they are mainly there to catch externals. That doesn't mean I have never had my APS help me with an internal, simply that it is not their core role or expected of them. We have 2 Market Investigators running out of our district. Their main role is to take booster related intel from AP and go after ORC groups with local law enforcement.
It’s crazy to me to hear of districts or groups without ETL AP’s. Of the 10 stores in my district, 9 have ETL AP’s and I’m pretty sure that the districts to the north and south of us have a whopping 4 or 5 stores total with APTLs.
This is interesting. My district is still mostly ETL-AP, the APTL's we do have report to the APBP. I have heard, from a fairly credible source, that certain "test" markets are in fact having APTL/APL report to ETL-AP's. Does anyone have any insight as to what this will translate to structure wise in a few years?
Any idea what test markets you heard of? This is very interesting. A lot of companies are making store APMs (etl AP) into a multi store role.
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