Archived ETL-APs, how do you dress?

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Feb 8, 2014
Hey guys,

So I'm fairly new to Target and I was recently placed as an ETL-AP. I've been dressing like a manager since I got here since I've been in stores that get lots of attention from group, I'm talking I see either my group VP or APML at least every other week. I also see my DTL and APBP pretty damn often as a result, and my STL is constantly on me about being ready to shake hands and kiss babies.

However, I don't like to avoid apprehensions. I'm in a high risk store with a pretty small team, and I feel odd trying to get them to support me when I can't do something simple like run out on an apprehension with them, especially considering I'm a fairly big guy and my APS is small enough to get tossed around pretty bad if things get hairy. I've ripped three long sleeve shirts, two pairs of khakis, and given myself shin splints for days from sprinting in dress shoes. I tried sticking the in-soles from my running shoes in but I still can't get much speed going, not to mention I've cracked my head open on an EAS alarm because I've got no traction.

So what do you guys recommend? Sorry, again I know this is kind of silly, but it's been bugging me since I started with Target and none of my peers go out on apprehensions so when I asked them they just kind of looked at me wide-eyed and told me there's no reason to be out there in the first place.

I'm a TPS and My ETL-AP wears khaki's and then just whatever color polo he wants and some nice brown leather shoes, not really "dress shoes" but they look good in case of visits. If he is LOD he will wear a red polo, otherwise he just keeps a red shirt or 2 in the office for visits just in case.

My ETL-AP will run from meetings or visits or whatever, even if we don't need him, if a app is going down. Not to long ago we had a jet visit and my ETL-AP had to walk out of it because something was going on, we ended up with a 7 or 800 dollar stop, they all got it, never held it against him, one of the big wigs can't remember the title, emailed him the next day asking if we got him and emailed back good job when we told him how much.

About the running and falling, I'm not sure why you are running in the first place, you should be in a better position so you don't have to run, most you should have to do is jog the last few feet to close the gap that you were following them by, Any more then that, your doing something wrong or your in the wrong spot.
My STL has "formal" change of attire in his office. Comes in handy for things like unexpected visits, spilled coffee, etc. My ETL-AP will usually wear a red polo shirt (one from the Bullseye shop) and brown/tan lace up shoes... can't even call them sneakers because they look too nice. I actually asked her where she got them because she said they're super comfortable {read: easy to run for apps} but look more formal than a sneaker.

... While there is an element to your job to look presentable- you ultimately have to be able to do your job... and if that means you can't wear a button down red shirt, white tie and slip on loafers- so be it. At the end of the day, I'd be pissed if my review said, "Looks Good, Can't preform duties."
I personally would not recommend assisting heavily in apprehensions. There are so many liability issues that could arise, the risks are usually not worth the benefit for an ETL-AP.

Think of it this way:
An ETL-AP who presents themself as a manager and empowers their team to drive for results while focusing on their own core roles is more likely to be considered for upward movement. If you spend too much time helping your team with apprehensions they could turn it around as a time management issue, seeing as your team is supposed to own external results (while you focus on internal).

But assisting with apprehensions could be seen as a plus. Yes the "team" is supposed to drive these results, but you are part of that team. I don't see how this could be a time management issue, what if they're the only apprehension certified person in the store? An ETL-AP is to focus on all areas, including externals.

And there's not much to liability as long as you follow directives. Don't get scared into not making stops.
My ETL-AP helps out with a lot of apprehensions. He usually wears khakis, a red polo, and brown loafers.
He keeps a set of normal clothing in his office, when his TPS alerts him of a possible apprehension he will change into his normal clothes.
We didn't have an ETL-AP but our APL would usually wear khaki's or dress pants and a semi-classy black shirt. She'd keep something red in her office that she could wear over her other shirt if she needed it.
I think ballet shoes/slippers should be banned mainly because of safety issues especially for ETLs. I mean, if you are wearing ballet shoes and are operating one of the crown machines and run that over your foot, your foot will probably be torn in two. If you have sneakers or work boots on, your chances of damage are highly reduced. The same could be said for salesfloor team members. You are going to be pushing flats and tubs and also going to be picking up and putting down heavy merchandise. Do you really want to lose half of your foot? I can understand cashiers being lazy about their shoes since they are basically locked into their cash register. And let's not forget that ballet shoes don't have that much tracking or gripping on the soles too.
A good option to look at is some law enforcement duty shirts. My ETL-AP loves his Blackhawk polo shirts. You can also get a nice 5.11 Tactical button down shirt if you look for it. It's hard to find these in a good Target red color but if you look online enough you can surely find something. They'll have the professional look that you want but the flexibility you need. Same thing goes for shoes. Look at some Bates oxfords or something similar (but not the TPS super gloss corframs with your red and khaki). Also I don't know what some of these people are talking about but if there is an apprehension in the store the ETL-AP better be involved. If my APBP found out that my ETL let an apprehension happen without him being involved, he'd probably put him on a final.

(Also I want to know what store allows an ETL-AP to wear whatever color shirt he wants, they're supposed to be red and khaki all the time!)
Your role at Target as an ETL-AP is to reduce shortage. Focusing on apprehensions would be similar to an ETL-HL spending their time just zoning. It is very low scope. You need to be influencing other leaders in the store to focus on executing important processes such as instocks, CRCs, unidentified sales, and so on. Dress like an executive.
(Also I want to know what store allows an ETL-AP to wear whatever color shirt he wants, they're supposed to be red and khaki all the time!)

Our old APL, who I mentioned usually wore black shirts, was a very successful Sr.APS for many years before becoming an APL. I think somebody also told me she held another plain-clothed investigations-type position (not sure though ? i don't know too much about AP) prior to being an APL. She had a TON of successful apps considering she was the only AP in the building and reduced all of our shortages tremendously, so I guess she convinced her BFF/the STL that she could be more effective incognito. If she was going out on the floor for anything other than a possible app, though, she would throw on a red jacket or sweater or something.
(Also I want to know what store allows an ETL-AP to wear whatever color shirt he wants, they're supposed to be red and khaki all the time!)

Our old APL, who I mentioned usually wore black shirts, was a very successful Sr.APS for many years before becoming an APL. I think somebody also told me she held another plain-clothed investigations-type position (not sure though ? i don't know too much about AP) prior to being an APL. She had a TON of successful apps considering she was the only AP in the building and reduced all of our shortages tremendously, so I guess she convinced her BFF/the STL that she could be more effective incognito. If she was going out on the floor for anything other than a possible app, though, she would throw on a red jacket or sweater or something.

I believe it for an APL, but I could never see the higher-ups allowing an ETL to work out of red and khaki on a regular basis.

Your role at Target as an ETL-AP is to reduce shortage. Focusing on apprehensions would be similar to an ETL-HL spending their time just zoning. It is very low scope. You need to be influencing other leaders in the store to focus on executing important processes such as instocks, CRCs, unidentified sales, and so on. Dress like an executive.

Equating apprehensions to zoning is just asinine. Yes your job is to reduce shortage and fix processes, but the way it is all calculated is with results. Quantitative results come from internal and external apprehensions, recoveries, and the yearly inventory shortage. Now should an ETL-AP spend their time spinning cameras and looking for apps? Absolutely not. But they should definitely be ready to take the opportunity to conduct an apprehension when the need arises. If you have a team to delegate all that to, great. But the majority of stores don't have an APS and a lot don't have SrTPS either, so in many cases the ETL is the only one on the team who can even make apprehensions.
(Also I want to know what store allows an ETL-AP to wear whatever color shirt he wants, they're supposed to be red and khaki all the time!)

Our old APL, who I mentioned usually wore black shirts, was a very successful Sr.APS for many years before becoming an APL. I think somebody also told me she held another plain-clothed investigations-type position (not sure though ? i don't know too much about AP) prior to being an APL. She had a TON of successful apps considering she was the only AP in the building and reduced all of our shortages tremendously, so I guess she convinced her BFF/the STL that she could be more effective incognito. If she was going out on the floor for anything other than a possible app, though, she would throw on a red jacket or sweater or something.

I believe it for an APL, but I could never see the higher-ups allowing an ETL to work out of red and khaki on a regular basis.

Your role at Target as an ETL-AP is to reduce shortage. Focusing on apprehensions would be similar to an ETL-HL spending their time just zoning. It is very low scope. You need to be influencing other leaders in the store to focus on executing important processes such as instocks, CRCs, unidentified sales, and so on. Dress like an executive.

Equating apprehensions to zoning is just asinine. Yes your job is to reduce shortage and fix processes, but the way it is all calculated is with results. Quantitative results come from internal and external apprehensions, recoveries, and the yearly inventory shortage. Now should an ETL-AP spend their time spinning cameras and looking for apps? Absolutely not. But they should definitely be ready to take the opportunity to conduct an apprehension when the need arises. If you have a team to delegate all that to, great. But the majority of stores don't have an APS and a lot don't have SrTPS either, so in many cases the ETL is the only one on the team who can even make apprehensions.

An ETL is supposed to work 50 hours a week. His question was whether he should adjust his dress to make more apprehensions. Did I say not to make apprehensions? No. He was asking whether he should dress differently at work to make apprehensions. If he spends a 10 hour shift trying to make an apprehension then he has wasted his time and his position as a leader in the building.
Bullet proof vest then ontop of that a vest that has several pockets for a variety of blades (throwing stars, throwing knives, buck knife, etc.), a weapon belt which you can have various non-lethal weapons (mace,police stick, tazer, stun gun,etc) ,cuffs regular and fuzzy(kinda embarrasing to be arrested in a pair of those for criminal), a leg holster on each leg with a gun in each, riot sheild (with a big target logo on front of course), a sling over your back with a machette, army helmet (target colors),camo pants and army boots (target colors).. the size of your team won't matter then 😉

(This was for entertainment reason only this post is not to be taken seriously and this poster doesn't encourages this outfit to be actually worn or bought)
But the majority of stores don't have an APS and a lot don't have SrTPS either, so in many cases the ETL is the only one on the team who can even make apprehensions.

So........we recently lost our APS and the position is being replaced with a TPS. As far as I know, neither of our current TPS TMs is a SrTPS yet, and our ETL-AP will be going on LOA at some point. Who makes apprehensions in that situation?
But the majority of stores don't have an APS and a lot don't have SrTPS either, so in many cases the ETL is the only one on the team who can even make apprehensions.

So........we recently lost our APS and the position is being replaced with a TPS. As far as I know, neither of our current TPS TMs is a SrTPS yet, and our ETL-AP will be going on LOA at some point. Who makes apprehensions in that situation?

Simply put nobody. PMR the shit out of everyone. If there becomes a problem subject expect to see support from a Sr. APS, Market Investigator, or another store's AP store leader. Hell even the APBP could get in on the action but I doubt that would happen haha
When I was in AP I had an ETL-AP as a complete ass. One day we had an IC share point subject in the store and at the same time we had a DTL visit. My ETL-AP left the store and left me by myself to get a stat. She didn't "feel good to see the DTL' so she left. I got the stat but knowing that my ETL-AP left me tells me that she's doesn't care. I believe it was my 2nd stat and I was a Sr. TPS.

One of the reasons I left AP was that my ETL-AP was young just recently hired from college and was afraid to get dirty. I've seen small women ETL's performing some NVI's on some big guys so no excuses.

Recognition to AP team members getting those stats and impacting the shortage culture!
When I first started at my store all we had was an AP TL, with no team.
He was aggressive and worked hard.
We were a suburban store but changing demographics and being on a major artery lead to some loses.
He made major efforts to stop them but it was decided to bring in an ETL AP and give him a uniform TM.
They wouldn't give the job to our AP TL, he had alienated too many of the ETLS by demanding that they follow best practices.
So they made him him PTL, which he was totally unsuited for.
Anyway, as to clothing ...
TL wore the same thing as the rest of us flunkies unless he was tracking someone.
ETL goes a step up, nice slacks, red dress shirt or button up polo.
I’ve only seen him in civilian clothes when he was off the job or coming in for a special project.
Sketchers does make lots of sneakers that look more like dress shoes, my husband has a bunch of them. No one would bat an eye at them.. If they do see my next comment.

Dress shoes are stupid for what you do. Safety is first and you can't be safe if you can't get traction.

Polo shirts - they are your friend..

I have one ETL that wears nothing but light duty hiking boots - another option.. - Again safety..
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