Archived ETL-GE what do they do?

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May 7, 2013
Greetings all!

Almost done with training and I still can't answer the question "What will I be DOING?" I feel like just GE is not enough to occupy a full work week. My trainer is GE/Sales floor and she (or any of the ETLs) can't provide me with a clear answer. I'm afraid I'll be stuck at the front lanes dealing with guest complaints, obsessing over red card sales pitches and playing store cheerleader all day everyday. Can someone please provide a more complete vision of my future? Will it ever get interesting?

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playing store cheerleader all day everyday

Ding ding ding! GE stands for Guest Experience. You'll be making a great guest experience by forcing cashiers to hound guests over the redcard.

You (OP) must be going to a pretty high volume store. My old store (B vol super target) doesn't have an ETL-GE (hasn't for years). My current store (c volume p-fresh) has an ETL-GE/SF/P-fresh (hard lines and soft lines).
Greetings all!

Almost done with training and I still can't answer the question "What will I be DOING?" I feel like just GE is not enough to occupy a full work week. My trainer is GE/Sales floor and she (or any of the ETLs) can't provide me with a clear answer. I'm afraid I'll be stuck at the front lanes dealing with guest complaints, obsessing over red card sales pitches and playing store cheerleader all day everyday. Can someone please provide a more complete vision of my future? Will it ever get interesting?


I think you are underestimating your workload... It is pretty easy to be training at another store and think the role is easy, but once you are on your own the entire thing comes down to you getting it done! The first few months in role the STL will probably even go easy on you, but the biggest thing Target does NOT do a good job of doing is being realistic of the workload and job expectations with new hires!

You will probably work a minimum of 50 hours a week, 5 shifts a week... 2-3 of these shifts will be LOD in which you will not be able to invest much time into your area and you will be running the store as a whole! That only leaves a few shifts a week to invest into your own workcenters... Depending on how good your GSTLs are you may have to write the schedule, help with TM followup (one of the largest teams in the store means that this can be difficult especially if the team isn't performing), ETL meetings, TL statusing and walk the vibes, completing interviews, completing goal plans and meeting with the STL, taking on captainships within the store and district (this is where you will start the get overwhelmed for the most part), and owning the entire GE metric (this means Redcards, cashier speed, salesfloor speeds, and survey scores!)

And the REDcard obsessions is not about being a "cheerleader" because that will not get your results to where you want! It is about performance management and following HR guidelines to get the poor convertors to either get better or leave...
You're most likely going to be barking at your gstls and gsas to get more Redcards. There you go, Ge explained.
In our store the ETL GE was also responsible for softlines.
Judging from my exposure, go to channel 6 talk about chipotle and give platitudes to casheirs about red cards
I thought only AP used channel 6.

At my store our ETL-GE is also ETL-SL. I guess what you will be doing is, like everyone else has mentioned, pushing your team to get redcards and surveys.
I'm sure you will have other things to fill up your week. You also have to do LOD shifts.
At my store, the ETL-GE seems to do four things.

1) Yell at the GSTLs/GSAs instead of trying to be constructive in figuring out why conversion is red... again
2) Spend their time coloring game boards and other stuff to try and provide incentives for the cashiers
3) Spending our Starbucks recognition funds on giving cashiers (and their friends, if they bring a friend in to get a RedCard) free Starbucks
4) Messing with everyone's schedule and scheduling everyone in the store who has less than 40 hours for an 8 hour closing cashier shift
Yeah.. Your not gonna be able to access CH 5 & 6 without a AP Walkie. Normal TM's aren't supposed to access that channel.
The ETL-GE in my store is as mentioned, responsible for Guest Experience scores, this includes the entire front end's scores, as well as those reported under the front end (Cafe, Starbucks, Guest Service Desk), as well as 'TMs are available' on the survey. One of the GSTLs was driving fast response to call buttons and the operator lead a "60-second challenge" at the top of the hour where everyone in the store asked CIHYFS in their respective departments they were in for a minute. Oh yes, conversion is your main priority, but survey scores are pretty important too and going beyond that 70% "Amazed". My particular store struggles, and as our Regional VP explained in their latest visit, even if we received 76% Amazed, that's still 24% not Amazed... translating for us to about 2500+ per day that believed we are not meeting expectations. So you know, driving the VIBE is also a part of your job, and having your GSTLs translate this to the cashiers in their short interactions as the guests leave the store.

My ETL-GE is also responsible for equipment control and store supplies ordering (cleaning and supplies for restroom checks, plastic bags, whatever the store needs). Equipment control is inventorying the equipment in the store, though this is passed off to a GSA, but sends out broken equipment and tracks that the PDAs in store are actually in store, not accidentally left inside the cardboard compactor. Ordering is currently done by another GSTL, but it is a GE responsibility.

To be honest, you'll probably always be a cheerleader. Conversion and surveys are your responsibility, and you increase these through basically cheerleading. But you'll have plenty of other things to do between other tasks and LOD shifts, but when the store suffers in any scores and your STL comes to ask about it, you'll be the one to call.
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