Archived ETL interview process

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Hey folks, long time reader, first time poster. I was wondering how long of a wait time you experienced between the stl interview, hearing back from the company and moving onto the next step and so forth. Thanks!
For stl or dtl? I have seen both interviews move very quickly.
Going from one to the next. I've been through some that can take a couple of months when all is said and done. However, for the most part it seems as though from what I've read spot seems to move right along. But mostly from stl to stl to group or whatever the next stage would be depending on the area
Heard from HR a day or two after each interview. She gave feedback and scheduled the next interview.
SO! according to feedback I received from the STL and DTL in the interview (because I asked for feedback) they both feel like I would be a great fit for the ETL position. Now I am TRYING to patiently wait for the next interview email confirmation. I havent received anything as of yet but I definitely know I am moving on. so what should I expect from the VERY LAST phone interview? because I made it to the last interview does that mean I got the position? is this interview pretty easy? how soon do I find out?
is it possible to choose where i train some of the places are pretty far and my car (until i can buy a new one) is kind of in a way crappy there are alot of choices in my "group" can i offer suggestions to them?
is it possible to choose where i train some of the places are pretty far and my car (until i can buy a new one) is kind of in a way crappy there are alot of choices in my "group" can i offer suggestions to them?

I really don't think so.
They tend to already have slots set up ahead of time.
is it possible to choose where i train some of the places are pretty far and my car (until i can buy a new one) is kind of in a way crappy there are alot of choices in my "group" can i offer suggestions to them?

Each district has a few trainers and the location is based on where they are assigned. Being in the DC/MD/VA area, we have tons of stores so there was a lot of land to cover. Since I was moving to the area before starting with Target, I just moved somewhere in the middle and hoped for the best. Turns out I trained 45 minutes away from my house and was assigned to a store 20 minutes away. Although it was only 20 minutes because of the toll road, which ended up being $200 a month in tolls that came out of my own pocket. Otherwise it would have taken an hour going a different route. But don't get too comfortable. In larger cities, sometimes moving up the ladder means switching stores 1 or 2 times before becoming a STL.
do you think it would be wise to call and check on the status of my interview?
she said they would inform me of my next interview at the end of the week.
I interviewed on Monday.
this wait game is like tearing me up lol....i emailed her and she said by the end of the week so that could be from today till friday. when i get the offer between today and friday do I do the drug test and everything or is it just paper work and them telling me they want to move forward? that isnt my official offer letter is it?
You'll get a phone call and an official offer in writing (email). Then if you accept they'll email a drug test form and direct you to the nearest drug testing lab. About a week later you'll hear back that everything is good (or bad if you smoke weed (if illegal) or do lines (a bump)). Then they'll talk about a starting date and other welcome aboard nonsense.
That makes me feel better. helps me create a little timeline....Thank you, you are always very helpful
I looked around but I couldn't remember the specific thread that discussed starting salary for Sr.TL. This is all going to depend on the district average and the volume of the store they plan on placing you in. I believe the average Sr.TL starting wage is $15-17 an hour and higher in high cost of living areas (i.e. Boston). My ETL-Replen was a Sr.TL and his pay was increased from $48K to $55K. He was with Target for 8 years and a Sr.TL for 3 years.

Some Sr.TL positions are between $2-$4 more than a regular TL. It's really hard to tell but I wouldn't do it for less than $17. But that's because COL is high here.
Ok I am in the Atlanta area. looking at the average set is at about 48K an that is still very good for me. Well I guess all the info on here about the significant difference Between ETL and Sr. Team Lead.
It seems odd that a MBA student, almost graduate, was overlooked for ETL when they hire BA in Basket weaving for ETL. There's tons of better paying jobs here for MBA grads. Mostly government jobs. If you ever get tired of retail check out You'll start at GS-9 with a MBA with no experience.
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