Archived ETL Placement

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Jul 13, 2015
Hi all,

I posted a couple days ago, but was directed to a thread with my answer. However, I can't seem to find an answer or similar question with this one. I am currently going through the ETL hiring process. I have only had a phone interview, but I have another call scheduled. I am a new grad (sorry, I know they have a bad rep apparently!) and my main focus is Human Resources. My internships have been in HR and that is what my intended career path is. When I applied, I thought I was just applying for the ETL-HR. But it seems as though ETLs are just placed depending on store needs.

So, my question is, IF I was to get hired, how likely is it that I would be placed as an ETL-HR? I mean I have Human Resources experience, but does that hold any weight vs. store needs?

It really depends on the district. Certain districts will place more emphasis on the fact that you have that prior HR experience and will really try to plug you into that role soon as possible. However, in most districts its likely that you'll simply be placed on the fast track into the ETL HR role, while starting out in another role. Almost all districts just place ETLs to fill an opening and then move them around a year or so later. Best advice if you land in a different role at first, is to make sure you run a green work center there. Many of ETLs want the HR role especially because it tends to result in being elevated to STL eventually, so running a green work center and having the background would put you on the right track.
I would say its a possibility, but I would not count on it. At Target, there are many paths to take and its best to go which ever one puts up the least resistance. If you want an HR job, keep looking, because even an ETL-HR is not going to be doing JUST human resources. It looks good on your resume but it is probably not like the internships you have seen.
It really all depends on the needs of the district and you. But mostly the needs of the district. And like @Rock Lobster won't be doing only HR. You'll have to be put pushing freight and redcards just like the rest of the store, but you do get to cram your HR stuff in here and there.
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