Archived ETL Practice interviews

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Apr 11, 2013
Hi everyone!!

I was approached by my STL, after he had his district meeting with the DTL and district STLs. He spoke to me about how he wanted to partner with me on our closing nights and go over Store reports to get me ready to be sent out to do practice ETL interviews in the district. I do not have a degree but I am working on it. Has anybody been through practice interviews? Do they usually do practice interviews? I'm not sure how to take this? Grain of salt?
Go for it. Take any advice/help that your STL is offering. They may be trying to build a "bench" in your District. I've known some people who have been sent out for mock interviews and have also known people who had their mock interviews in the store. Good luck with it.
Hi everyone!!

I was approached by my STL, after he had his district meeting with the DTL and district STLs. He spoke to me about how he wanted to partner with me on our closing nights and go over Store reports to get me ready to be sent out to do practice ETL interviews in the district. I do not have a degree but I am working on it. Has anybody been through practice interviews? Do they usually do practice interviews? I'm not sure how to take this? Grain of salt?

It is a good thing! Your STL just wants to have you prepared so when you do graduate you can coast through 🙂
Thank you Guys!! I know that My previous STL and current, HR and my ETL are trying work on pushing me through with out the degree. Also did you guys see the new portion for you talent profile 2nd quarter performance review?
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