Archived Ever accidently take Target equipment home?

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Finally A Guest Again
Nov 11, 2015
I took a walkie home once by accident. I signed it off and forgot that it was still clipped on my belt. Didn't notice it until I sat in the bus and felt it press against my hip. I felt dumb.
I've taken backroom keys home before
The LOD started laughing when I called the store and told them...
I handed an electronics key to a gstl then clocked out, and he accidentally took them home. Then I got blamed for it by an ETL because it was signed out to me lol.
GSA/GSTL phone (almost), backroom keys and a number of box cutters.
At least you noticed it in the parking lot!! That's my biggest fear, or accidentally stealing something. I don't know how that could happen but I freaks me out.
I took home a my device holster one time. That was bad enough in my opinion. Haha
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Usually just walkie batteries and the walkie holster. I always try to check my pockets before I leave Target to make sure I have nothing that belongs to Target but sometimes the brain fails. I can understand walking out the store with a walkie or mydevice but not a PDA. You're gonna know you have a PDA on you when you're walking out of Target.
At least you noticed it in the parking lot!! That's my biggest fear, or accidentally stealing something. I don't know how that could happen but I freaks me out.
I took home a my device holster one time. That was bad enough in my opinion. Haha

Completely possible in softlines. I have a tendency to throw misplaced shirts over my shoulder when folding tables and have worn them for an hour or more having forgotten after seven or eight tables that I put it there. Haven't actually walked out that way yet.... but it's a running joke. 😛
Last night I walked out with my walkie and MyDevice. Thought it was awfully strange when I heard my LOD's voice in the parking lot...

That's exactly how I avoided taking a walkie home once. Totally forgot it was clipped to my back pocket and was halfway to my car when the LOD said something over the walkie and startled me. It was unfortunately after store closing so I had to ring the bell to take it back in. -_- He got a laugh out of it at least. 😛
I've taken the GSTL phone, flow keys, and several walkies home. Luckily not the GSTL keys, they'd frown on that much moreso than flow keys. Flow keys I brought back the next day, GSTL keys would have been a much bigger issue.
On my first backroom shift I walked out with the keys still on my belt loop- didn't notice it until I was turning on to my street. I had just read on these boards about people getting in major trouble for taking keys home, so I was totally panicking. To make matters worse it was a closing shift, so I had to call the store and have the LOD unlock the doors so I could give them the keys.

Since then I've left the store with the keys one other time, but thankfully I realized it while I was still in the lot, so I was able to just hop back in (doors weren't locked that time!)
Taken walkies home a couple times, never been an issue. I've taken a PDA battery home at least once. Took jewelry keys home once, they called and nicely asked if I could drop them off (it was my day off).
I think I might be the reason that we ordered new box cutters.. I have accidentally taken at least 10 of them. Once I drop them into my pocket, I don't even feel the things until I'm getting ready for bed at the end of the night.
Just a box cutter...that is currently sitting on my dresser, because I keep forgetting to give it back. The same one for like a month now
We've still got some of the old flat box cutters ones kicking around and you're free to keep them.

Our keys have alarms on them so you step out past them and they go off - as if you're stealing something with a security sticker.

Only thing I've taken (two and a half weeks in) is a pull clip I had attached to my pocket.
I was always told to keep the box cutter I was given lmao. Is that really Target equipment?
Edit: I mean the flat silver box cutter. The only ones we have
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