Archived Executive Internship

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Salesfloor TL
Jun 4, 2016
Hello all, I am new here but I've been working at Target for 2 years now. I am a senior in college and had been looking at the executive internship. I applied through eHR, and the recruiter was waiting for my information to come through. It went through but I never heard from him. I talked to me ETL and STL and they tried contacting him with numerous emails and he finally responded had said being an employee I can't do the internship. I also went to my schools job fair a few weeks later and they said the same thing that being a team member I can't do the internship and they would rather me move up the conventional way. If we as team members can't do it, then why is it offered in the first place to us? I want to know has anyone done it all as being an employee, or told they weren't allowed to do it?
That's what I thought it was sounding like to me. Why allow me to apply as an employee and have the recruiter want to contact me KNOWING I'm an employee, just to say I can't do it because I am an employee? It doesn't make sense.
That's what I thought it was sounding like to me. Why allow me to apply as an employee and have the recruiter want to contact me KNOWING I'm an employee, just to say I can't do it because I am an employee? It doesn't make sense.
Show proof of app to your dtl & ask for help. It could be positions are filled already.
Yeah I'm going to do that. Thanks for the reply.
Honestly, I think you'd probably be better off moving up the chain. You get more experience. Also, I know that you're not allowed to do an internship with the store you're currently employed at. If you got it, you'd be moved to a different location to start it.
I work overnight flow (11pm store), and I've learned all areas of the store as well as backroom and how to run the floor. My ETL and STL have supported me in trying to move up through the chain. They did tell me I would have to go to another store which is not a problem, but I'm just annoyed about how I'm told I can't do it yet I was told to apply knowing I am an employee. I'm going to talk to me ETL tonight about it more and what I can do, as well as trying to get in contact with our DTL.
Well, corporate is always up to something. Always trying to test audacity. Maybe they're just wanting you to be persistent and/or observe your attitude after the inquiry. It is target after all. 😕 good luck, none the less.
Yeah that is true and it is Target after all lol
This isn't the first time this has happened. Maybe you should just apply as an external candidate after graduation?
I'd rather not speak from personal experience because I went about it in a completely unconventional way. 🙂

But you're going to be eligible for ETL after you graduate, so, maybe they'll set you up for interviews when that happens. Is there a recruiter in your area?
Honestly, I think you'd probably be better off moving up the chain. You get more experience. Also, I know that you're not allowed to do an internship with the store you're currently employed at. If you got it, you'd be moved to a different location to start it.
That's not true...
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