If Turkeys went extinct, what animal would you rather eat for Thanksgiving?

  • Peacock

  • Ostrich

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  • Capybara

  • Jackalope

  • Pikachu

  • Narwhal

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May 23, 2015
Here's a new one for you guys! I had a fellow TM I used to work with, tell me about her suspicions of fake receipts before, but I never actually encountered it myself, as far as I know. Well today, I think I finally had one.

A guest came in, about 5 minutes before closing (red flag #1), wanting to return a $100 item (red flag #2!), from a Target one city over, according to her receipt (red flag #3!). Now, I was already wary about her return because she's done a few weird things before. Nothing major from her, but her husband is another story. Her husband famously does lots of suspicious returns. So when I saw this woman walk up with her item, one that is popular amongst frauders, I knew something would be up. So I inspected the receipt very closely. Here are the tips I notice that I think confirm it's a fake receipt.

1.) THE TAX! This is the biggest give away. This specific city is right next to ours, and has the same sales tax as us. It should have 9.0% yet her receipt said 8.0%. Right away, I knew this was confirmation of a fake receipt

2.) APPROVAL CODES! I played along, and tried anyway, because I can't just accuse her of anything obviously. So I scan the receipt, and the item, and I'm prompted to type in the price of the item. This is unusual, because this isn't a same day purchase, according to the receipt. It was purchased on the 22nd. Today is the 24th. So I type in the price, hit total, and then I'm prompted for an approval code. This is another red flag, because essentially this never happens, unless the receipt numbers aren't recognizable yet. (usually something that happens on same day returns, if ever)

3.) APPEARANCE OF THE RECEIPT! This receipt appeared to be on Target receipt paper. However, the text was printed on with ink, rather than being the normal transfer paper. I could tell because rather than the numbers fading, the ink appeard to run where it was exposed to water. (like this) Our receipts aren't printed with ink. ALSO, there were inconsistencies with the fonts. The time and date specifically looked unusual, and more typical of your average computer font. It was a Serif font that didn't match the rest of the receipt.​

Needless to say, I ended up NOT doing her return. I told her that our computer didn't even recognize it as a valid receipt, which is basically true. I suggested taking it back to the original store, because it's unusual that the Tax is incorrect. You know, sort of letting her know, I know the receipt in wrong, but still giving her the benefit of the doubt. I then offered to use her ID, but that it would go on a gift card. To which she claimed, she didn't have on her. Amazing how many people go out without identification.

Anyway, has anyone encountered stuff like this? If not, it's something worth keeping an eye on, especially with the Holidays coming up. I'm really curious to know what exactly they're doing that's somehow generating profit for them. Pretty weird stuff.
Stolen merchandise returned with a fake receipt for cash back?

Yep. The receipt says it was paid for in cash. I wonder since the transfer paper DOES fade...if they're taking old receipts, fading the text on certain parts, and then retyping in certain information, and then stealing the matching merchandise. Though I'm still confused about how the register knows the receipt is bogus by asking for Approval codes. Unless they're recycling numbers too somehow.

I should also mention, even when an approval code is typed in, when selecting the return method for the money, only half the options display. Like it tries to force it onto a gift card, unless you type in an Approval Code AGAIN.
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I can't say I've run into this before... But I've heard reports and seen video of people running out the door, with rolls of our receipt paper, and the actual receipt printers.
I can't say I've run into this before... But I've heard reports and seen video of people running out the door, with rolls of our receipt paper, and the actual receipt printers.

LOL what the fuck? That's absurd. They might as well just steal merch. How do they think stealing receipt paper and printers as being "smarter?" It's funny you mention that though, because we got some new printers about maybe 10 months ago if not a year, and it's been within that amount of time that I even heard of fake receipts being a thing. So I just picture in my head, someone buying our old printers at the GoodWill store. I'm sure that's not what happens to our machines, but I can't figure out how people pull off their scams.
Thing is.. I always assumed, that maybe they we're trying to print fake receipts.. so if they we're stopped at the doors, AP would be confused (wouldn't work).

This is very interesting. It wouldn't surprise me at all, if they made a fake barcode (for a receipt number) and POS sorta detects it, because it doesn't exist in the database yet. Just like a real receipt would act, from a same day purchase at another store.
LOL what the fuck? That's absurd. They might as well just steal merch. How do they think stealing receipt paper and printers as being "smarter?" It's funny you mention that though, because we got some new printers about maybe 10 months ago if not a year, and it's been within that amount of time that I even heard of fake receipts being a thing.
There was a store... not far from us. Not a Super... but a Greatland with a ton of checkstands.

Anyway... there was a unused checklane in the middle, which they used to stash lane supplies. One day... someone pretty determined, walked in and and actually went through the trouble of ducking behind the counter with a hand basket, and filled it up with receipt paper. I'm guessing they had been to the store before.. and noticed the location of the paper.

But... someone actually took the time, to come in, and steal receipt paper. And then sprint out the door. Honestly... I just kept wondering, what the hell was their strategy/end plan? Why did they want our paper so badly?

Like I said.. I always thought maybe they want to print fake receipts in hopes of fooling AP, if they get stopped leaving with stolen merchandise. I could never imagine fake receipts and a return.
Doesn't surprise me. Also, there was a Redwire about a fake "50% off storewide purchase" coupon that had no exclusions at all. It would scan as an expired coupon, but some stores were apparently stupid enough to accept it.
A guest comes in looking to do an exchange with no receipt, you suspect them of taking the merch from the floor. They say they don't have an I.d. and send for someone waiting outside to use theirs. Meanwhile ap can't look up footage that far back to confirm in the 5 min they're up there. What can leadership do in these sketchy situations
A guest comes in looking to do an exchange with no receipt, you suspect them of taking the merch from the floor. They say they don't have an I.d. and send for someone waiting outside to use theirs. Meanwhile ap can't look up footage that far back to confirm in the 5 min they're up there. What can leadership do in these sketchy situations
Refuse it outright due to amount.
Okay they remove one of two articles or they then take the merch out the store instead. Damn I really wanna stop these scumbags
AP doesn't have to view video that far back, they just have to follow them back from guest services to see if they brought it in with them or went receipt shopping. All you have to do is stall them with register issues.
I had one man trying to "return" a very expense electric toothbrush... He didn't have a receipt and so like I usually do I always open to box to make sure everything is inside and he accused me of not trusting him so I offered to have him speak with my GSA/GSTL and he left without his item and so when I was speaking with the GSA about what happened I opened the box and it had a bag of sand (I assume he was trying to match the weight). Sheesh these thieves....
Here's a new one for you guys! I had a fellow TM I used to work with, tell me about her suspicions of fake receipts before, but I never actually encountered it myself, as far as I know. Well today, I think I finally had one.

A guest came in, about 5 minutes before closing (red flag #1), wanting to return a $100 item (red flag #2!), from a Target one city over, according to her receipt (red flag #3!). Now, I was already wary about her return because she's done a few weird things before. Nothing major from her, but her husband is another story. Her husband famously does lots of suspicious returns. So when I saw this woman walk up with her item, one that is popular amongst frauders, I knew something would be up. So I inspected the receipt very closely. Here are the tips I notice that I think confirm it's a fake receipt.

1.) THE TAX! This is the biggest give away. This specific city is right next to ours, and has the same sales tax as us. It should have 9.0% yet her receipt said 8.0%. Right away, I knew this was confirmation of a fake receipt

2.) APPROVAL CODES! I played along, and tried anyway, because I can't just accuse her of anything obviously. So I scan the receipt, and the item, and I'm prompted to type in the price of the item. This is unusual, because this isn't a same day purchase, according to the receipt. It was purchased on the 22nd. Today is the 24th. So I type in the price, hit total, and then I'm prompted for an approval code. This is another red flag, because essentially this never happens, unless the receipt numbers aren't recognizable yet. (usually something that happens on same day returns, if ever)

3.) APPEARANCE OF THE RECEIPT! This receipt appeared to be on Target receipt paper. However, the text was printed on with ink, rather than being the normal transfer paper. I could tell because rather than the numbers fading, the ink appeard to run where it was exposed to water. (like this) Our receipts aren't printed with ink. ALSO, there were inconsistencies with the fonts. The time and date specifically looked unusual, and more typical of your average computer font. It was a Serif font that didn't match the rest of the receipt.​

Needless to say, I ended up NOT doing her return. I told her that our computer didn't even recognize it as a valid receipt, which is basically true. I suggested taking it back to the original store, because it's unusual that the Tax is incorrect. You know, sort of letting her know, I know the receipt in wrong, but still giving her the benefit of the doubt. I then offered to use her ID, but that it would go on a gift card. To which she claimed, she didn't have on her. Amazing how many people go out without identification.

Anyway, has anyone encountered stuff like this? If not, it's something worth keeping an eye on, especially with the Holidays coming up. I'm really curious to know what exactly they're doing that's somehow generating profit for them. Pretty weird stuff.
that lady and her husband belong in jail! they are thieves... plan and simple... Target is better off with them not coming back. so what Item was she trying to "return"?
I had one man trying to "return" a very expense electric toothbrush... He didn't have a receipt and so like I usually do I always open to box to make sure everything is inside and he accused me of not trusting him so I offered to have him speak with my GSA/GSTL and he left without his item and so when I was speaking with the GSA about what happened I opened the box and it had a bag of sand (I assume he was trying to match the weight). Sheesh these thieves....
Where I work now, if someone says that I don't trust them. I say. No, loss prevention doesn't trust me and watches what I do on the camera. If they see I am not opening up items I am taking back, then I get written up. So basically I am just saving my job sir.
It shuts them right up. It also makes the crooked ones a little nervous. Sometimes I will add in that one time I opened up sealed box and there were used items inside.

We also keep register tape locked up in a cage. No stock piling in drawers.
Had a guest who used to come in with a bag on her arm, go to women's apparel & snag a blouse or 2.
She'd swing by the service desk & attempt to 'return' her items using look-up. Of course they weren't on there so she'd say 'Oh, well...I'll come back with my receipt.' & walk out with the merch.
Eventually, AP caught her on video & picked her up outside.
AP doesn't have to view video that far back, they just have to follow them back from guest services to see if they brought it in with them or went receipt shopping. All you have to do is stall them with register issues.
This. Even... before we had digital video, it only took a few seconds to rewind (VCR) and see what they walked up to Guest Service with. If they came up from the floor, it was obvious return fraud. If they came through the doors... it was probably, a legit return, or stolen from another store.

Will admit though, with the newer digital video.. it's sometimes buggy at the wrong moments. But, most of the time it's obvious. They walked in with nothing, and in the middle of the sales floor... out came a bag, and to GS they went.

"Hardlines Four Please, Hardlines Four. I've got a return for your department at Guest Service". Codeword for... I think this person just stole it from the floor, see if you can nab them 😉

They weren't always right. Sometimes it was a legit return, where someone had just walked in from the other side of the store. Others... obvious theft.
Doesn't surprise me. Also, there was a Redwire about a fake "50% off storewide purchase" coupon that had no exclusions at all. It would scan as an expired coupon, but some stores were apparently stupid enough to accept it.
I saw that coupon on facebook today. I warned my *friends* that it was fraudulent but I don't think they cared. They were pretty sure there were gonna get their 50% off TV!
I wouldn't offer a no receipt return for a gift card if someone tried to pull that on me.

If the AP is doing their job right then showing a receipt for merch at the door won't mean anything, Like others have said, we can review video, see you come in with nothing, then go to the service desk for the return. Pretty much half of my apprehensions involve people doing return fraud.

Another store in my district took a couple of those 50% off coupons. We got the heads up and put a end to it.
Okay. But it takes a while to see them come in especially when covering hours back and multiple entrances. Better I guess if you review the locations the items would be snagged from but I'm trying to see what method is best for someone not seasoned on cameras
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